How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 67: Partner

Chapter 67: Partner

[Tempest Wolf]

One of the most powerful monsters in the game, an A-rank boss, and the very monster that brought me closer to death's door way before Liyana could.

A creature born out of the raging tempest of storms, the very monster that somehow brought an end to the final boss of Act 1, General Auvin.

And right now, it was also my very own familiar.

[Note: Familiar slots available 1/3]

[Slot 1: Tempest Wolf]

[Slot 2: ....]

[Slot 3: ....]

[Contracted Familiar]

[Name: ...?]

[Rank: A]

[Species: Tempest Wolf]

[Type: Wind, Lightning]

[Category: Disaster Class]

[Note: When contracting with familiars, it is best advised to avoid a full contract to avoid any mana breakdown once the contract breaks!]

To think this wolf would become my first ever contracted familiar... I can't say I'm not too happy about this, but it's a bummer that now I'll only be able to contract with tempest-class spirits in the future.

Fortunately, the blood wyrm was also in that category.

Based on my jumbled memories, I was the one who basically did the contract out of emergency. So, there wasn't much to complain about.

I honestly wanted a more mystical familiar as my first, something of Cheshire's nature but finding a mystical familiar was as close to impossible, so I'll just have to settle for something that will help synergize with my current build and my battles in the future... and the tempest wolf was one such creature.

"This way, please."

Nodding at the guide's instructions, I followed him along a pretty large passage that resembled a cave system with white floors and intricate magical devices placed within.

If I were to compare it to something, it felt like entering one of those secret bases in sci-fi movies combined with a magical interlay in the design.

It felt both futuristic yet fantastical at the same time.

Right now, I was inside the academy's very own monster containment facility, [Luminous Hall], a building where a bunch of captured or restrained monsters were being held.

Although storing monsters was technically illegal, this containment facility was an exception as all the monsters here were dubbed as 'Educational' and were to be served as opponents for students to take down during upcoming practical tests and exams.

This place was also the breeding ground for the very monsters that lay around the academy's great forest.

As we continued through the passage, I couldn't help but marvel at the complexity and ingenuity of the facility.

The walls were lined with runes and glyphs, glowing softly and giving off a protective aura.

These were not just any containment cells; they were designed to hold creatures of immense power and ferocity.

Each cell was uniquely tailored to the needs and weaknesses of the monster inside, ensuring maximum security and minimal risk of escape.

The guide led me to a viewing platform overlooking one of the larger containment areas. "This is where we keep some of the more dangerous specimens," he explained.

Below, I could see a variety of creatures, from massive, scaled beasts to ethereal, ghost-like entities. Each one was restrained by a combination of magical barriers and physical restraints, ensuring they remained under control.

"Impressive, isn't it?" the guide said, noticing my awe. "The Luminous Hall is one of the most advanced facilities of its kind. It's not just about containment; it's about understanding and studying these creatures to improve our defenses and knowledge."

I nodded, still taking in the sight. "How do you manage to keep them all under control?"

"Each creature here is monitored constantly by a team of experts," the guide explained. "We use a combination of spells, potions, and enchanted artifacts to maintain control. It's a delicate balance, but one we've mastered over the years."

"I see..." Although I was a bit skeptical about the implications of their work and the purpose of this facility, I understood they were doing it for the benefit of humanity.

Even though he wasn't directly telling me, I knew just how dark this facility could be when it came to dealing with monsters.

This very lab-like containment facility was where abnormal monsters like the Bandit Tortoise or the Poison Viper were born.

"Let's move on, shall we?" he suggested, thoroughly guiding me to a more contained place below the underground level of this facility.

"According to the reports, it seems you are contracted with the Tempest Wolf, correct?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

The very reason I was even visiting this facility in the first place was because my familiar was being temporarily contained here.

"Hmm. Though I don't know how your bond formed or how much control you have over your contract, I would still advise you to please be careful." He then adjusted his glasses before having a tired expression. "Actually, during this past week, ever since that wolf was locked up in here, it's been rather unstable, attempting to escape more than 20 times now."

"I'll keep that in mind" I nodded, absorbing the information. The Tempest Wolf's restlessness made sense.

As a creature born of storms and chaos, confinement was probably driving it mad. I needed to establish a stronger connection with it to ensure its cooperation and stability.

As we descended deeper into the facility, the atmosphere grew colder and more foreboding.

The walls were lined with even more intricate runes and glyphs, their glow intensifying the further we went.

Finally, we arrived at a heavily fortified door guarded by two stern-looking mages.

"This is where your familiar is being held," the guide said, nodding to the guards.

They performed a series of gestures, and the door slowly opened with a heavy groan, revealing a dark chamber filled with swirling tempest energy.

Inside, the Tempest Wolf stood, its eyes glowing with fierce intensity.

It was a majestic and terrifying sight, its fur crackling with electricity and its presence

exuding raw power.

The room was filled with the sound of howling wind and distant thunder, a testament to the

beast's elemental nature.

Slowly, the Tempest Wolf rose, its fierce eyes locking onto mine.

Recognition sparked within them, and the connection between us became illuminated, like a

warm, fuzzy feeling enveloping my body.

As I felt its power, I knew it also sensed mine.

Before I knew it, my body moved instinctively, and I walked closer to it.

"It's been a long time..." I murmured, standing directly in front of the magnificent beast.

The wolf made a curious sound, tilting its head left and right as if scanning me, assessing the changes since our last encounter.

The Tempest Wolf's eyes, usually filled with the wild rage of a storm, now held a spark of curiosity and recognition. It was a surreal moment.

The same creature that had once driven me to the brink of death now stood before me, tethered by a bond that was both powerful and mysterious.

"Ah, that's right, I almost forgot, now that we've entered into a contract, I need to give you a name, right?" I said thoughtfully.

The Tempest Wolf looked suddenly excited, wagging its tail with enthusiasm. I couldn't help

but smile a little.

Although the guide had warned me that the wolf had been exceptionally dangerous lately, to

me, it seemed nothing more than a gigantic, excited dog.

Was this newfound calm due to our contract, or the temporary bond we had just formed? I wasn't sure, but I felt strangely warm and at peace in its presence.

'Is this a feeling we both share, perhaps?' I wondered, holding my chin and closing my eyes to ponder what to name this majestic creature.

Honestly, I was quite bad at naming things, so I wasn't confident I could come up with a good

name, let alone one it would like.

Let's see... it's a white-maned wolf with crackling golden electricity surrounding it from time

to time. It has red eyes that imply it's a full-on albino.

A good name would probably be...

"Whitey, right?"


The moment I said those words, the entire room seemed to freeze.

The Tempest Wolf stopped wagging its tail and stared at me as if I had lost my mind.

The mages in the back, my guide, and even the Tempest Wolf all looked at me with

expressions of shock and disbelief.


The wolf snarled at me aggressively, finding the name "Whitey" ridiculous. Golden sparks of electricity intensified around its body as it threatened to end me.

"Okay, okay, maybe not Whitey," I said quickly, trying to recover from my blunder. "How

about something that reflects your power and majesty?"

"Hmm... Stormfang?" The wolf's ears perked up slightly at the suggestion. "Or


The Tempest Wolf seemed to consider these names, but there was still a hint of dissatisfaction in its eyes.

I needed something that truly encapsulated its essence.

"How about Raijin?" I suggested, recalling the name of the Japanese god of thunder and


The wolf's eyes lit up, and it let out an approving growl. It seemed pleased with the name.

'Does it even understand its meaning?' I wondered. 'Well, if he likes it, then it is what it is.' "Raijin it is, then," I said with a smile.

The wolf's tail started wagging again, and I felt a renewed sense of connection between us.

"Welcome to the team, Raijin."

As I touched its head, the soft fur buzzed with electrifying energy.

I knew our contract was now truly established.

[Contracted Familiar]

[Name: Raijin]

[Rank: A] [Species: Tempest Wolf]

[Type: Wind, Lightning]

[Category: Disaster Class]

[Congratulations, you have named your first familiar!]

[New skills have been added to skill slot!]

[Skill: Tempest Wolf Summon]

[Effects: Summons a majestic wolf enveloped in a tempest of wind and lightning. The

Tempest Wolf fights alongside the summoner, using its lightning-infused attacks to deal significant damage to enemies.] [Skill: Raging storms]

[Effects: Unleashes a chaotic storm over a targeted area, causing devastating damage to all

enemies caught within.]

[Note: Area of Effect: 10-meter radius]

[Skill: Golden lightning]

[Effects: Calls down a powerful bolt of golden lightning from the sky, targeting a single

enemy or a small area, dealing immense damage and causing secondary effects based on the

brilliance of the lightning.]

[Note: Disaster category skills can only be used once a day, and might harm the user, caution is advised!] The notifications popped up in front of me, confirming the bond between us.

I felt a surge of power flow through me, a testament to the strength of our connection. Raijin looked at me with eyes full of intelligence and understanding, and I knew this was the

beginning of a powerful partnership.

Slowly, the restraints and magical chains placed on my partner let go, clattering to the ground

as the powerful sealing magic dissipated.

Raijin stretched his limbs, a low growl rumbling from his throat, as if savoring the newfound


The golden sparks of electricity danced around his form, more subdued now, but still a clear testament to his immense power.

"Well then, let's go, shall we?" I said, turning to leave the containment facility. Raijin's red eyes met mine, and with a flick of his tail, he padded silently beside me.

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