How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 53: Prey

Chapter 53: Prey

As the day went on, afternoon finally came, and Snow and I set up a small camp near one of the gigantic trees around us.

We decided to relax first and then continue with our monster hunt throughout the afternoon.

After taking charge and placing the protection stones around our camp, I began to prepare our lunch. Snow sat near a large root that jutted out from the ground, watching me meticulously handle all the tasks.

Although she wanted to help with some of the chores, I gently denied her offers.

As a princess, her knowledge about general survival tasks was a bit lacking, so I always intentionally brought her to the sidelines.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Snow asked, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and curiosity.

"I'm sure, Your Highness," I replied with a smile. "Just relax and enjoy the break. I'll take care of everything."

Snow sighed and leaned back against the root, her eyes following my every move.

Despite her initial annoyance, I could see her slowly relaxing, her shoulders losing some of their tension.

I gathered some dry wood and started a small fire, placing a pot over the flames to boil some water. As the fire crackled and the water began to simmer, I pulled out a few ingredients from my pouch.

With deft hands, I chopped vegetables and prepared a simple stew. The aroma of the cooking food soon filled the air, making my own stomach growl in anticipation.

Although we both had enough strength to keep going and hunt the other bosses, I didn't want to risk it by rushing out there on an empty stomach.

Going into a fight without proper preparation could prove fatal.

There was still another day tomorrow, and it's not like we were going to run out of monsters to hunt just because we took a small break.

While we couldn't see our score, I was pretty confident we ranked at least in the top five. We had cleared a lot of hordes and dungeons since the start of the exams, and Snow alone had singlehandedly wiped out most of the D-C rank monsters in the easier areas.

If we took into account the bosses we killed as well as all the monsters we've eliminated by now, it would be safe to assume we had around 10,000 points or more.

We couldn't rush the other bosses we were about to face. Unlike the Bandit Tortoise we defeated earlier, the Tempest Wolf and the Acid Viper were bosses we had to face without taking advantage of their

Honestly, what we did just then was due to the extensive preparations I made and sheer luck, as well as our team's efficiency, particularly with Snow.

There were numerous factors to consider, like what if we had been ambushed by the Bandit Tortoise first? What if it had noticed us before we launched our attack? What if the poison suddenly didn't work?

That's why we needed to be extra careful when facing the other bosses. Although I knew most of the weaknesses of the other two bosses, the Tempest Wolf and the Acid Viper, I doubted it would make much of a difference with our current lineup.

Their primary weaknesses were effectively countered by the other heroines themselves, not just brute force.

Overall, in order to succeed in these hunts, you had to be strong enough to face the bosses head-on.

That's why leveling up was crucial in the early stages of the game by taking care of the instant dungeons that popped up randomly within the academy grounds.

For a week, I did nothing but grind through these dungeons. Yet, despite my efforts, I still doubted I could take on a fully powered and prepared boss on my own.

This uncertainty was why I valued Snow's presence so much. Her raw power and versatile magic were crucial assets in our fights.

The synergy between us was something I hadn't anticipated but was grateful for. Our success wasn't just about individual strength; it was about how well we worked together.

Snow alone could probably handle the bosses due to her special abilities and innate magical prowess.

However, it would still be risky, as both the Tempest Wolf and the Acid Viper were known for their incredible speed.

The Acid Viper, in particular, was the most annoying boss to face out of the original five due to its toxic attacks and elusive nature.

"Where are we going next, Riley?" she asked, her voice steady but with a hint of curiosity.

I glanced at her, appreciating the determination in her eyes. "We're heading towards the northern edge of the forest," I replied. "That's where the Tempest Wolf is known to roam. We'll deal with it first before we tackle the Acid Viper. The wolf is fast and relies heavily on wind-based attacks, but if we can disrupt its speed, we'll have the upper hand."

Snow nodded and proceeded to take her rest for the time being as she waited for me to finish cooking....

[Tempest Wolf]

Recalling that boss's patterns I knew the battle was about to get really rough now.


Academy's Great Forest, North Western Edge: Biome of Storms

The moment we arrived at the northwestern edge of the Academy's Great Forest, we felt a distinct change in the atmosphere.

The air was thick with energy, a tingling sensation that danced across our skin like a gentle yet rough touch of electricity.

Every breath seemed to crackle, and the wind howled around us, carrying with it the promise of imminent danger.

In the game, Janica always complained about how windy this place was, often remarking on the inconvenience it caused.

Lucas, our dear protagonist, had to keep his eyes closed to avoid the embarrassment of seeing

her skirt lift in the gusts, inadvertently revealing her pristine panties.

The memory brought a slight smirk to my face, but I quickly pushed it aside.

This wasn't the time for such distractions.

Because now I clearly understood Lucas's situation.

"D-Don't you dare open those eyes!" Snow commanded, her voice a mix of embarrassment

and sternness.

"Yes..." I replied, feeling a bit sheepish. Not that I could open my eyes even if I wanted to.

Walking along the path, hand in hand, the constant gusts of wind continued to buffet us. Snow had blindfolded me and made me promise to keep my eyes shut after what had just happened. It wasn't long before this when we had just arrived in the stormy biome, a particularly strong gust of wind had blown past us, lifting the long hems of Snow's pristine white dress.

As I was walking behind her, I had an unintentional but clear view of everything: the overly seductive underwear, the intricate details of her garter belt, and the shapely assets she kept hidden beneath her dress.

The sight had only lasted a second or two, but it was long enough for me to imprint it into my


I had thought such incidents were just game gimmicks, but to experience it in reality... 'haha, maybe my luck stat is returning?' I softly chuckled to myself.

"You.... you just smiled, didn't you?" Snow's accusation sliced through the air.

"I don't think so, Your Highness," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "Liar! I saw it, your lips clearly twitched, you clearly just laughed. I knew it! You said you

didn't see it earlier, but I know you were just lying!" Her grip tightened on my hand, and a

surge of pain shot through me.

"O-ow!" I winced as the intense cold sensation spread through my hand, followed by a

searing heat. Had she frozen my hand?

"Shut up! You bastard, you liar! you meanie! y-you idiot!" Snow's voice cracked with anger

as she hurled profanities at me.

My arm felt like it was encased in ice now.

It was my fault for lying in the first place, but what could I do in that situation?

She was clearly embarrassed, and I just wanted to get it over with.

But I guess that was a mistake.

As a princess, she must feel extra ashamed right now.

There was an old rule that only lovers or future betrothed had the right to see each other's

most sensitive parts, a rule Snow, being the highly indoctrinated princess she was, always


And here I had unintentionally violated that rule, causing her immense embarrassment and


"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Snow's voice dripped with anger; each word laced with accusation, I know I was the one who suggested coming here but what that was clearly an



I sighed inwardly.

At this rate, I would die before the boss even had a chance to confront me, all because of some

stupid panty accident.


Eventually, we reached a more sheltered area, and Snow stopped walking. "Okay, you can

open your eyes now," she said reluctantly, removing the blindfold.

I blinked a few times, adjusting to the light. Snow stood in front of me, her cheeks still flushed

with embarrassment.

"Y-you really didn't see anything, right?" she asked in watery glittering eyes, her voice wavering with embarrassment.

But beneath her embarrassment, I could sense the seriousness in her tone.

Despite me saying it to her, too many times now I guess she still needed another verbal


"Yes, Your Highness..." I replied calmly, trying to hide my nervousness.

She squinted at me, her cheeks still puffed and red, before finally nodding and letting it go.

Relief flooded through me as I realized she believed me.

Anyway, with that out of the way, I looked at my surroundings in surprise.

As I had instructed her when she blindfolded me, she really did guide me through a massive

pointed rock.

There was an open plain of grassland behind us, with tall rock shapes all around.

I smiled as I confirmed the place.

'Now then, let's go find that wolf, shall we'

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