How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 211: A New Semester A New Evaluation 2

Chapter 211: A New Semester A New Evaluation 2


The ship's horn blared loudly, signaling the arrival of a massive magic ship.

Its engine roared with the hum of crystalline magic stones, pulsating behind it like a series of soft, flowing fireworks.

The sound reverberated through the air, filling the surroundings with a sense of anticipation.

As the ship came to a halt, four grand staircases shot down from each side of the vessel with precise, mechanical movements.

Moments later, a soft green light illuminated the sides of the ship, indicating permission for boarding.

"We're finally inside!" Enna squealed, her excitement bubbling over as she took in her new surroundings.

Her eyes darted around, trying to absorb everything at once-the grand counter near the deck, the spacious seating areas with plush, well-cushioned chairs designed for maximum comfort, and, most notably, the personal guards scattered strategically throughout the ship. The guards, clad in reinforced armor adorned with enchanted insignias, stood with unwavering composure, maintaining their posts like immovable sentinels.

A few of them patrolled the walkways, while others assisted passengers or inspected the ship's structural integrity, ensuring everything was in order.

"I've heard they increased the ship's security this year," Anna remarked, her voice calm but observant as she surveyed the guards, noting their subtle but formidable presence.

"It seems the rumors were true. They even made the ship bigger and more fortified."

Anna's trained eyes quickly assessed the guards' capabilities, and although they appeared calm and professional, she couldn't help but silently compare them to herself.

'Just slightly weaker than me in terms of battle prowess' she mused inwardly.

Despite this, their collective strength and sheer numbers were more than enough to fend off any potential threats.

"Well, if they weren't going to put at least this much effort after the sudden terrorist attack last year, they'd never be able to save face," Amon remarked, his voice carrying a weight of experience as his eyes casually scanned the guards around them.

Each one of them stood tall, equipped with the standard-issue armor that glowed faintly with magic-infused runes.

But Amon wasn't just noting their appearance he was gauging their strength, assessing their battle readiness.

As an Aura Knight, Amon could easily sense the energy radiating from others.

It was a skill honed through years of training, and one he shared with his sister, Anna.

Both of them could, with a single glance, determine the strength of those around them, reading the subtle shifts in aura that most people couldn't even detect.

Their shared ability to use divinity gave them a heightened sense of awareness, and it only took a few moments for the two to exchange satisfied looks.

"These guards... they'll do," Anna said, her voice calm and confident.

The tension in her posture had visibly eased as she walked right behind Enna.

The soft smile on her lips was barely noticeable, but it spoke volumes.

She was reassured by the fact that, in the event of an unforeseen situation, they wouldn't be fighting alone.

Amon gave a nod, sharing her sentiment.

As the ship had just come from the bustling city of Hamel, it was already packed with students.

Every seat seemed to be occupied, the deck teeming with life as young mages and knights, scholars, and adventurers all prepared for their journey to the academy.

Some were chatting excitedly, while others were lost in their own thoughts, staring out of the large windows at the horizon.

"Hehe, A-11~ A-11~" Enna hummed cheerfully, her voice soft but filled with excitement as she moved through the ship, scanning the seat numbers displayed on the holographic screens above.

To her relief, finding her section wasn't nearly as hard as she had feared-it was located toward the front of the ship.

She still had plenty of time before takeoff, so she slowed her pace, using the opportunity to take in the various students around her.

Her gaze drifted over the passengers, many of whom were chatting excitedly or quietly settling into their seats.

She couldn't help but marvel at the diversity.

Students of all races, with varying appearances, backgrounds, and magical abilities, were gathered together in this space.

Enna's eyes gleamed faintly as she instinctively assessed each and every one of them.

She wasn't just admiring their uniqueness-she was searching for something much deeper.

The light within them.

As the current Saintess for the Church of Light, Emilia had been gifted with a rare ability to see the spiritual light-or darkness-inside individuals.

It was her sacred duty to purify those tainted by darkness, either through healing or, in extreme cases, through more... permanent means.

Her heart fluttered as she focused on the glowing auras of the students around her.

The more she looked, the more relieved she became.

Each person she observed shimmered with innocence, their light untouched by corruption or malice. Enna let out a small, contented sigh.

'Looks like I won't need to purify anyone~'

While her responsibilities as Saintess were sacred, the thought of having to confront any darkened soul among her fellow students was unsettling.

She had no desire to kill anyone, least of all those who, like her, had come to the academy to

learn and grow.

"I wonder if Miss Vanessa has already found her seat?" Enna mused aloud, a slight pout

forming on her lips.

It was a shame they hadn't been assigned to the same group or section.

She had hoped to sit with Vanessa, the mysterious yet kind fellow student who had saved her

from embarrassment earlier.

Enna's heart fluttered at the idea of deepening their newfound friendship over the course of

the journey.

But fate, it seemed, had different plans.

'Oh, dear goddess you're quite cruel sometimes~'

Even though Vanessa was also a student at the academy, the chances of running into her again

felt slim.

The academy was colossal, practically a city in itself, and the sheer number of students only compounded that feeling.

The ship was already crowded, filled with students from all years-freshmen like herself as

well as upperclassmen returning for another semester.

And if the academy was this massive, how could she possibly find Vanessa again?

Enna's shoulders slumped a bit, but only for a moment. She quickly pushed the thought aside,

refusing to let disappointment linger.

She was naturally optimistic, after all.

'As long as we're both students, I'm sure we'll meet again eventually~'

"Ah, A-11! Found it," Enna sang to herself, her eyes lighting up as she spotted her seat in the


Brimming with excitement, she skipped her way toward the front, her heart racing with


As she drew closer, her excitement only grew when she noticed there were already people

seated beside her.

Who will I get to sit next to? she wondered, bubbling with curiosity.

Behind her, Anna and Amon, her personal guards, had stopped at the edge of the entryway between the sections.

"We'll take our leave here, Lady Enna," Anna called softly, her eyes filled with a protective


"Just make sure not to bother your fellow students," Amon added with his usual calm, yet commanding tone.

Enna nodded vigorously and waved them off with a cheerful smile.

She knew the rules-personal guards were only allowed to stand by the section's edge unless they had proper permission to follow her to her seat.

And even if they could, having them hover near her while she tried to make new friends would

be awkward.

She didn't mind a bit of independence-after all, this was her chance to experience student

life to the fullest!

Taking steady yet eager steps, Enna's heart danced with anticipation.

A wide, brimming smile stretched across her face, only to falter into pure shock as she finally

saw the people seated next to her.

'They're... too beautiful.'

On her left, sitting by the window, was a young woman with cascading golden blonde hair, so luminous it seemed to shimmer under the ship's soft lighting.

Her piercing blue eyes were framed by long lashes, and her features were nothing short of


The elegance with which she held herself, the calm, noble grace in her posture—it was clear

to Enna that this woman wasn't just any student.

She had the refined presence of a high-ranking noble, radiating an aura of authority and


But if the girl on the left was striking, the one on Enna's right was equally captivating, albeit

in a more mysterious way.

Dressed in baggy clothing and a robe that concealed most of her figure, the young woman's

face was the main highlight, and what a face it was.

Soft grey hair framed her delicate features, and her eyes-oh, her eyes!

They were a stormy shade of grey that flickered to a vibrant silver, depending on the angle of

the light. Even though she wore such loose attire, her quiet beauty was undeniable.

Enna gulped. Her heart pounded faster, but now it was from nervousness.

'How did I end up sitting with such gorgeous people?!'

She felt a pang of self-consciousness wash over her, wondering how she, someone so

ordinary in comparison, could ever fit in with these two radiant figures.

'Their lights are brighter than most.... Especially the gray-haired lady...'

The two young ladies exchanged curious glances as Enna stood frozen in place, unsure of how

to proceed. "H-hello..." Enna's voice broke the tension before she even realized she had spoken.

The grey-haired woman, who had been watching Enna with a slight frown, clicked her tongue

in irritation.

"Tsk- so it really was somebody else," she muttered under her breath, leaning back slightly

to allow Enna space to take her seat.

Her tone carried a hint of disappointment, though Enna couldn't quite understand what she

meant by it.

Hurriedly, she squeezed past the grey-haired woman and took her seat in the middle, between these two unfamiliar yet striking figures.

The excitement she had felt moments ago was quickly replaced by a growing sense of

awkwardness.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Sandwiched between two such peculiar and enigmatic individuals, she couldn't help but feel a

little out of place.

She didn't notice it immediately, but there was a subtle tension between the two women, a kind of unspoken aggression that hung in the air like a fine mist.

The atmosphere was thick with it, making Enna feel even more out of sorts.

Maybe they know each other, she speculated, glancing from one to the other. Despite their differences in appearance and demeanor, it seemed they shared some sort of

history, though Enna couldn't begin to guess what that might be.

'Or maybe not?'

The grey-haired woman, still seemingly displeased, let out a small huff and crossed her arms,

her eyes momentarily flicking toward Enna before returning to a distant stare. Meanwhile, the blonde-haired woman, who had been gazing out the window with an air of

calm indifference, appeared completely uninterested in Enna's presence.

She had acknowledged her with a single glance before turning her attention back to the view outside, as if Enna were nothing more than a passing shadow.

Feeling the tension and awkwardness swell, Enna decided to try and break the ice.

'I can't just sit here in silence the whole trip'

"H-hi, my name's Enna! Nice to meet you," she said, trying to inject some enthusiasm into

her voice.

Her smile was wide and hopeful, despite the nerves that fluttered in her chest.

To her surprise, the blonde-haired woman turned away from the window and regarded her

with a gentle, almost regal smile.

The cold indifference she had displayed moments ago seemed to melt away, revealing a softer


She extended her hand toward Enna in a polite gesture.

"Reina Hell. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Enna,"

Enna blinked, momentarily caught off guard by Reina's sudden shift in demeanor.

She had expected a colder response, but Reina's warm smile and graceful introduction made her feel a bit more at ease.

Quickly, she tried to reach out to shake Reina's hand, grateful for the positive reception. Just as she thought the tension might be easing, Enna noticed movement from the other side.

She turned her head to see the grey-haired woman, who had previously seemed distant and uninterested, now extending her hand as well.

"Flamme," she said simply, her voice low and cool. "Nice to meet you as well, Enna."

Enna's eyes darted between the two women, her heart skipping a beat in confusion. With both Reina and Flamme holding out their hands, she suddenly found herself in an awkward predicament.

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