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7 months ago
Vampire Eugene — a sacrificial lamb slaughtered after half a year of running to fulfil the desires... Read more Vampire Eugene — a sacrificial lamb slaughtered after half a year of running to fulfil the desires of a templar for fame.He was given a second chance at life after concluding his life with regrets.“I will never again die the same way. If I really did return to the past, no matter what it takes… I will never regret again.” Collapse Ability Steal, Accelerated Growth, Antihero Protagonist, Aristocracy, Calm Protagonist, Character Growth, Charismatic Protagonist, Charming Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Cunning Protagonist, Death, Depictions of Cruelty, Dragons, Dungeons, European Ambience, Famous Protagonist, Gods, Gore, Handsome Male Lead, Hidden Abilities, Hiding True Identity, Humanoid Protagonist, Knights, Lucky Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Mercenaries, Merchants, Misunderstandings, Mysterious Family Background, Mysterious Past, Nobles, Overpowered Protagonist, Religions, Ruthless Protagonist, Schemes And Conspiracies, Second Chance, S*aves, Spirit Users, Spirits, Stoic Characters, Strong to Stronger, Sword And Magic, Sword Wielder, Transplanted Memories, Ugly to Beautiful, Underestimated Protagonist, Vampires I would rate this novel a 3.6 out of 5. This is a somewhat competent novel, though perhaps a better title for this novel would be "How to live as the vampire Mercenary". In my opinion, the vampire bit of the novel is just thrown in for some flavoring simply because it was cool. Most of the novel is spent conquering territories the mc will not care to own or keep, earning riches the mc will never care to spend, killing monsters and braving boring dungeons that don't matter. The fights are uninspired, and mostly stomp fests, since the mc is just too powerful compared to anyone else. The reason why i claim the vampire bit of the title is thrown in for flavoring, is because the mc seldom ever uses his vampiric powers aside from his "fear", saving them only for select few fights, and only briefly. Most of the time, the mc fights like a normal human, swinging his sword around and fighting on horseback...except he has super strength so he just steamrolls everything making most of the fights quite brief. The only time he ever struggled was at the beginning of the novel, and that was probably the most interesting section of the entire book: the mc discovering his vampire powers and learning how to fight was far more gripping than whatever came afterwards, so if you find the beginning of the novel to be quite good, it will quickly enter the realm of average. There's a lot of face-slapping and some of the side-characters are a bit funny and somewhat interesting, so if you're looking for a short novel to burn some time, consider reading it. The following section contains spoilers and my burning hatred for the author: SpoilerThat ending was complete and utter horseshit, throughout the novel, i thought our mc was wronged and had his memory erased by evildoers, only for the ending to reveal that...the reason the mc lost his memories was because he sealed them himself so he could experience what it's like to be a mortal....SERIOUSLY I GET NO CATHARSIS FROM THIS, i just read the tale of some bored demigod who thought it would be hilarious to erase his own memory to "have fun". Fu#k you, seriously, give me back my feelings, give me back the time i spent wondering about who betrayed him, i hope you step on a lego you damn author. Also, those side-chapters are f#cking cursed, don't read them, pretend they don't exist. Obrigado mano ia ler mas seu comentário salvo meu tempo True...that reasonSpoilerhe was cursed made me soooo thought it was his family like parents and siblings who want seale his power then throw him away because it can endanger his life blah blah blah something...but just for a shitty reason...i mean...i rather like to read if he already know who he is from the start and try to learn the mortal ways...he dont even try to put the power of vamp origin into work at all...just in some events you can count with ur fingers, the only thing he often use is the fear... side chapters were shitty..but the novel is brilliant. I love the characters. Last 50 chapter and final bad. 6/10 #panic# can you add the other chapters? The translation is finished. Thank you. Прочитал до конца, все 345 глав и как я понял это конец. Очень странный и стрёмный конец. Вы можете не согласится с моим мнением, но мне кажется автор просто слил финал истории. Самый конец истории, он просто уничтожил. Осталось ощущение, что в самом конце главного героя поимели во все щели и переиграли во всех вещах, что нам были рассказаны. SpoilerОсобенно это касается романтической линии мимо, которой я не могу пройти, потому что только прочитал главу. Юджин и принцесса не сошлись, на это было мало надежды, это понятно, но автор просто берёт и говорит, что у принцессы есть предназчение родить ребёнка не от главного героя и что принцесса не может отправиться вслед за главным героем, ведь ей нужно исполнить долг принцессы из-за чего она начинает рыдать. И на этом все главы закончились. Это полное дерьмо. Концовка просто была слита, самым для меня ужаснейшим способом. Как я понял автор оставил открытую концовку на случай если захочет продолжить это произведение, но после такого желания читать если, что-то и появится нет. Я глубоко опечален тем как всё закончилось, жаль, ведь начиналось всё красиво 😞 Mtl link pls I love the idea of this Novel but it's really boring me. I've been slogging through chapter after chapter waiting for something interesting or exciting.... it's a damn shame What kind of vampire has 200 years of lifespan Maybe they on free trial Savage 🔥🔥 How to Live As the Vampire Lord. Overall great story would recommend , however if you are going into the novel hoping for it focus on the aspects of a vampire then you might be disappointed, it focuses more on the Lord aspects and being a knight and kingdom/Army building. Question mc hide his strengh or hes recognized at his true strengh ? As the story progresses we learn about MCs past and MC is strong from the beginning of the novel. Isso é bom?