Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 75 Preparations


Dorian fell to the ground in one swoop, as the pain he had been holding back now corroded his body mercilessly.

Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain.

Dorian's entire face turned red and began trembling as if he was about to have a seizure.

The entire scene was jaw-dropping, to say the least.

And If those on the other side of the wall saw Dorian now, they would no doubt be shocked and panicked as well.

What the hell was going on here?


Dorian sprayed a mouthful of blood while curling up like a ball on the floor.

"Master... Master, let me help you up," Pandrol, the guardian man-lion, said with worry in his tone.

Without wasting down, he placed his master's arm over his shoulder and supported his master up.

Dorian's breathing grew boarded, with every breath sounding heavier than the last.


Pandrol's face grew pale when he saw his master's condition hastened his movements.

With Dorian's arms over his shoulder, he hastened his pace, taking Dorian to one of the rooms.

And as they left, the blood on the floor quickly vanished, as if it were never there in the first place.

Dorian's eyes spun in different directions, with countless beads of sweat now forming on his face.

Earlier, he had used his internal energy to control and stabilize his injuries.

The others didn't know it, but he had been in unbearable discomfort ever since the battle ended.

This was the real reason why he came back.

There was no way he could help or rescue anyone in his condition.

He took deep breaths while looking at the half-lion Guardian beside him: "Pandrol... Bloodmoon demon."


As if hit by current, Pandrol's body grew stiff: "Master, say no more. I know what to do."


With that, Dorian was placed in a curved Stone tub, and Pandrol began filling it with water, as well as some herbs.

In terms of knowledge, Pandrol only knew what Dorian wanted it to understand.

To put it simply, thanks to the system, Dorian had implanted all knowledge on Lower/Lesser Underworld beings into Pandrol's memory.

Dorian couldn't very well be the one writing the books for each Demon type, class and yada-yada-yada.

So Pandrol had already taken over and was trying to write out everything and place it in the empty library bookshelves too.

That said, the moment Dorian mentioned the name, Bloodmoon demon, Pandrol knew how his master had gotten so badly injured.

With his master's strength, as well as the disadvantage of today's moon alignment, it was already a miracle that his master had survived... Talk less of winning.

It can be said that the demon its master fought should've been a careless one or one without much brain power.

Because if it were an even more scheming demon, then there was no way his master could've won.



The water poured into the tub, and Dorian suddenly felt pain from the medical ingredients thrown in.

His entire face became distorted, with countless veins popping out of his face, hands, belly and neck.

Yes! Even though he wasn't yelling or saying anything, his entire body had reacted as proof to show just how much pain he was in.

With closed eyes and a tight lip, he quickly absorbed the medical properties and tried to control his qi flow, directing it towards the proper channels, healing his injuries as fast as he could.

And as time passed by, Dorian could feel his internal organs slowly recovering.

If doctors saw this while observing his inner body through medical miniature cameras, they would no doubt be stunned silly, looking at the scene in disbelief.

It was as if his internal organs were like Wolverine's or something, as they steadily healed and closed themselves up magically.

And the pain during this time was nothing to home about.

Additionally, he also popped in a pill to his mouth to further assist the healing process too.


Like so, time passed by, with Dorian stagnant as if he was the only object frozen in time.

10 minutes, 30 minutes... 1 hour 10 minutes passed on in a blink of an eye, before his expression finally eased up.

~Thip. Thip. Thip.~~

Water dripped from his body as he calmly stood up from the tub and stepped out to a nearby Dorian shower to rinse off any yucky residue on him.

You know, while absorbing the medical properties, his body had also been dispelling the flocked up blood in his body from his internal injuries.

So the water ended up looking reddish-black instead, with a foul stench coming from it too.

Dorian showered briefly before dressing up and heading to the training room.

He sat cross-legged and first checked his body.

'Luckily, I only got hurt because I overused my strength, resulting in a backlash. If I had let that demon injured me in the slightest, there would be no way for me to heal this much of my injuries in such little time.'

At present, he had only healed up 80% of his injuries, which shouldn't be an issue for what he was about to do tonight.

That said, now, he wanted to cultivate for another 15~20 minutes to replenish his spirit and strength a little more.

As one would recall, the space here had a qi-gathering formation that would provide far more bountiful qi when compared to the situation outside.

So this short time here might seem like nothing, but it was far more precious than cultivation outside.

Dorian looked at Pandrol calmly: "Get everything ready for the job... This includes... Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah~..."

Pandrol listened like a robot, not missing a single detail, before going down one-bent knee before Dorian.

"Master! This humble one will do as you've requested."


With that, Pandrol dashed off, only leaving behind after-images of himself.

Dorian looked at his leaving silhouette and squinted his eyes coldly.

He was disappointed in himself and his rank.

Today's matter must never repeat itself!

'System... How far am I from leaving this No-rank exorcism title?'

'Host. Good news... The Bloodmoon demon you personally exorcised did give you a good boost. And now, you're shy of 15 points to advance. So finding 3 lower level Evil spirits would do the trick.'


Dorian closed his eyes yet again and now focused on improving his strength.

Soon, he would leave this bloody no-rank title once and for all!

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