Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 89: Legacy Altar

Chapter 89: Legacy Altar

Ayaan didn't know anything that happened outside; he was just trying to find some information out of the books in the library. However, after reading tens of books, he still didn't find anything useful. Most of the books were just fighting or breathing techniques.

When Ayaan didn't find anything useful, he stopped reading and went inside the library. He realised there were only the beginner level books at this place. Furthermore, there was not even a single book which had records about events of the past. Every book was about just fighting.

As he walked inside the library, he saw there were even more books. He thought there were a few thousand books, but now, it looks there were tens of thousands of books. But this time, Ayaan didn't stop and continued to walk. He knew that the really important books won't be placed this casually. 

Though as he went deeper, he saw that the books were divided into different sections. There were many sections, like fire, water, wind... sword, knife history of the universe...so on and so forth. There were hundreds of sections. 

However, now, when Ayaan tried to pick up a book from the section of the history of the universe, he felt an electric shock throughout his body. Therefore, he immediately took his hand back and didn't try to touch the other book.

"It looks like there is some kind of restriction placed in this library. I can only read low-level books, which are placed at the starting of the library. At this place, I can't pick even the lowest level book." Ayaan became incredibly depressed. He received the legacy of the pagoda, but he still couldn't touch things in the library. He knew that without the full holy stone, he won't be able to read all these amazing books.

Suddenly, Ayaan looked in front of him and saw another altar. It was looking the same as the previous altar he had seen on the sixth level. In the place of the pagoda, however, was something else, flying at the centre of the altar. It was an ordinary-looking crystal ball. Moreover, this crystal ball wasn't illusory like the pagoda.

At the side of the Altar was a table, the fairy was sitting on a small chair which was placed on the big table. In front of her, was another small table. Lying on the table was a book, fairy was reading it leisurely.

"Why is this altar here?" Ayaan asked while glancing at the book on the table by the corner of his eyes. When the fairy looked up and closed the book, Ayaan was able to see the title of the book, which made his expression even more terrible. The title of the book was 'The Theory of the Space Element'. 

The space element was placed almost at the end of the library and there were not many books available regarding the topic. Anyone could tell that acquiring the knowledge about the space element wasn't an easy feat even in ancient times.

Ayaan wasn't jealous because the fairy could read the book. He was jealous because he could not read the books, even though he was the owner of the place.

Leafwhisk heard Ayaan and looked at him and the other three before saying, "That is the legacy altar."

After saying she fell silent. However, she looked at Ayaan with a mocking smile. 

Ayaan didn't know why she was giving him that look. But at this moment, he needed her to know about the altar; therefore, he ignored her mocking look and asked, "And what is the legacy altar?"

"Legacy altar is the legacy altar. What is there to explain?" Leafwhick looked at him with a teasing smile but didn't explain any further.

"Can you tell me what is the use of this legacy altar?" Ayaan had a depressed expression. If it was in his hand, he wouldn't even stand in front of this arrogant pixie. However, he needed her help, at the moment.

Surprisingly, Leafwhisk didn't make things more difficult for him, "Legacy altar holds the greatest elemental arts of the universe. They were collected by the great umm"

Leafwhisk stopped suddenly and looked at the Ayaan's face, trying to see if he had heard anything. 

Ayaan narrowed his eyes and asked, "So, how can we get the elemental arts of the altar? And how many arts are there?"

"Whenever anyone enters the altar, the altar would sense his or her presence and choose the art according to the constitution of the person. As for how many arts there, you don't need to know." Leafwhisk explained and went back to her mini table and chair and started to read the book.

Afterwards, Ayaan didn't bother her and said to the other ladies, "Let's go. It's a good opportunity. Your body is just evolved by the altar and you can't practice the magic energy. So, these elemental arts or whatever they are, would be a great help."

The girls nodded and went towards the altar. Just when Ayaan was about to enter the altar, Leafwhisk again spoke, "You don't need to go. It would only harm you, at this moment. There is still magic energy inside your body and your body wasn't evolved by the first altar. Wait for the time when you are able to evolve your body. Those three girls have already evolved their bodies. Therefore, they could enter the altar."

Ayaan suddenly stopped and looked towards Leafwhisk, he didn't think she knew he wasn't able to evolve on the sixth floor. 'Does that means, she knows everything that happened inside the pagoda?' Ayaan thought.

"What do you mean? Do you know why I wasn't able to evolve?" Ayaan looked at Leafwhisk curiously. He didn't have any idea why he wasn't able to evolve.

"I do know the reason, but telling you won't help you at this moment. You just need to know that, for evolving, you have to acquire all the scattered parts of the holy stone." Ayaan looked at Leafwhisk in surprise, because at this time, she was talking with a grave expression. She didn't try to joke or insult him.

"How should I acquire the parts of the holy stone? I don't even know about their location and I don't have any idea, how many more parts are scattered in this world." Ayaan looked depressed when he said this, though, in reality, he was just putting on a show and wanted to find some information from Leafwhisk if he could.

Leafwhisk looked at Ayaan and smiled, "You are smart but not as much as you think you are. Acting in front of me won't help, because I can see through everything in this world."

Before Ayaan could reply, Leafwhisk said, "I can tell you the location of the holy stone's parts. But you have to acquire them on your own. Anyways, there are only two more parts remaining to complete the holy stone."

Ayaan became incredibly excited, but then, he looked at Leafwhisk suspiciously, "Why do you want to help me?"

Leafwhisk smiled before replying, "I am not just the librarian at this place. I have one more duty," she looked at Ayaan and continued, "That is to guide the successor of the elementless."

Ayaan looked pixie doubtfully but he could only see a beautiful smile hung on her charming face. It didn't look as if she was telling a lie. But Ayaan didn't believe her immediately. He wanted to observe her sometime.

At this moment, Leawshisk again spoke, "I would only tell you the location of the holy stone's pieces for free. If you want to know other information, then, you have to pay me."

Looking weirdly at the tiny figure of the lady, Ayaan couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you say, you have the duty to guide the inheritor of the elementless?"

"Yes, I have the duty to guide the inheritor of the elementless, but I am not a slave, I am not going to guide you for free. You have to pay me for my teachings. Do you expect me to teach you everything for free?" After hearing her reasoning, Ayaan didn't know what to say. She was acting just like those teachers on the earth, students would pay for studying in the schools. 

However, he wasn't a student, he was the owner of this place. And that means, she should pay him for living at his place, "Shouldn't you pay for living at my place, then? I am the owner of the place, after all."

"First of all, you don't have the authority over the pagoda at this moment. Secondly, I am protecting this place for a long time. Even if you had the authority to control this place, I wouldn't leave. What can you do?"

Ayaan left speechless by the answer of the lady. He thought of himself as a thick-skinned person. However, at this moment, even he had to admit that the lady in front of him had thicker skin than him. She didn't care about her face at all.

Nonetheless, Ayaan didn't want to argue with her; therefore, he turned towards Rebecca and others, "Alright, let's see what kind of legacy you will receive."

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