Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 85: Evolution?

Chapter 85: Evolution?

Ayaan felt as if he was in some kind of hot spring. Every pore on his body opened and the white energy invaded his body. He didn't know what was happening but he knew that the energy wasn't harmful. On the contrary, he felt as if his body needed that energy very badly.

Simultaneously, white energy started to melt together with his body. And every structure of his cell and genes started to change. He realised that his genes were changing but they were becoming far more powerful than before.

"I knew, one day, god would bless good and faithful me. I am so good and handsome, his blessing should have come long ago. I don't know what delayed it," looking at the evolution of his genes, Ayaan grinned ear to ear. He couldn't describe his happiness in words.

"I didn't think that this altar could evolve the genes of the people. After completing my evolution, I will let the girls enter the altar as well. Hehe," silly grin was present on his face when he thought about it.

However, at this moment, evolution suddenly stopped. Confused, he looked at the energy inside his body. What he saw, however, shocked him to the core. He knew that his luck was bad but he didn't think that it was this bad.

Inside his body, two energies were fighting intensely, trying to gain control over others. One of the energies was the strange energy from his consciousness and other was the white energy from the altar.

When the white energy was trying to evolve Ayaan's genes, the strange energy appeared and attacked the white energy. It was trying to stop the white energy and didn't want Ayaan's body to be evolved. 

Ayaan was confused. Never before, the strange energy tried to do anything unnecessary. He thought there must be some reason behind everything. However, he didn't find anything wrong with the white energy and the evolution it was performing. It was almost perfect.

Gradually, the strange energy started to overcome the white evolution energy and pushed it out of Ayaan's body. Ayaan felt sorry for himself. He wanted to complete the evolution, it felt so good when his body was evolving.

Nevertheless, he thought he was still able to get something out of that white energy, though, his body didn't evolve completely, his body still evolved about ten percent. Something was better than nothing.

However, before he could comfort himself with something, that something as well started to disappear. The strange energy again reverting his body again. And his body again became just like before, in just a mere few minutes.

Ayaan felt the urge to cry but there were no tears in his eyes. It was like he found a treasure in someplace and had high hope about his future, but suddenly, the government appeared and claimed the treasure to be the national property. He wanted to take the treasure so badly but couldn't do anything.

After driving the white energy out of the body. The strange energy went inside his consciousness again. Though, frustrated, he couldn't do anything. He wanted to evolve his body but couldn't. He didn't know the benefits of evolving his body, but it was nothing ordinary. He was certain about it. He couldn't still feel the powerful energy he felt when his genes were evolving.

Finally, he walked out of the altar with a depressed face. He looked at the girls and gave them a bitter smile. However, when they looked at him, a surprised expression appeared on their faces.

Ayaan looked at them confusedly and asked, "What? Is there something on my face?"

"Not on your face but in between your eyebrows," Rebecca said with a surprised voice. She was looking at Ayaan's face continuously without blinking.

Ayaan frowned when he looked at the shining eyes of the ladies. It was the same look, the girls would give to the jewellery. He found it rather strange. He touched the place between his eyebrows but didn't feel anything out of place.

When Ayaan didn't find anything, he again turned towards the ladies again, "What are you guys talking about? I don't feel anything." 

"It is the pagoda," Noor replied.

"What pago wait.. By pagoda, you mean to say" he didn't finish his sentence and turned towards the altar again. Previously, he completely forgot about the pagoda due to depression but now, when he looked at the place where the illusory pagoda was flying. There was nothing, the pagoda was gone.

At first, Ayaan was shocked when he didn't find the pagoda on the altar, but then, an exciting expression emerged on his handsome face. If the pagoda mark had appeared on his forehead, then, it means that thing has accepted him as its master. That's what he thought, at least.

Without wasting any more time, he sent his energy inside the forehead. He immediately saw the illusory pagoda flying inside his head. When his energy reached to the illusory image. It was sucked without any trace. 

However, Ayaan didn't feel anything; therefore, he continued to provide energy to the illusory pagoda inside his head. He felt as if the pagoda was the unending abyss. Devouring every bit of his energy.

After doing this for, at least, half an hour. The mark on Ayaan's head started to shine with the milk-white light. Suddenly, he felt an invisible connection was established between him and the illusory pagoda.

Furthermore, when he opened his eyes, he became dumbstruck. He felt as if he could control this whole place. The images from the fifth pace and the other places entered inside his head. 

On the fifth place, the four people were trying to enter the sixth level, but no matter what they tried nothing worked. They were none other than Luke and the other three. It looked as if they had just finished the legacy absorption. And now, they were trying their luck on the sixth level.

Ayaan looked at them with a wide grin, he felt as if he was the god in this place and could control everything. However, he didn't let his little success enter his head. Therefore, he didn't do anything to provoke those four people. 

But he could feel that the energy inside of those four had completely changed. They didn't have any magic energy inside their bodies. They looked similar to Rebecca and others but not entirely. 

Ayaan realised that the energy inside everyone came from the same place but it was still different. That's why he felt the similarity between energies, but in reality, the energies inside everyone were rather distinct.

Nonetheless, he didn't have any time to spend on others. He turned towards the ladies and said with a wide smile, "Alright, everyone enter the altar."

"What is that altar?" Isobel couldn't help herself from asking. 

"That altar could evolve your genes and could increase the potential of your body. I think that thing is pretty amazing." Ayaan explained but when he talked about the altar, his expression looked rather weird. Only he could understand the bitterness of his heart.

"Reall?" all the three girls said at the same time, looking rather disappointed. It was the first time anyone of them heard something which could evolve the genes of the people. 

Mages would usually neglect the physical development of the body. They mostly focused on the magic energy, because the higher magic energy would let them display more power through a spell. Physical strength wasn't much important to them. That's why when the girls hear that it could only evolve their body, they lose interest in the altar.

Looking at these ignorant ladies, Ayaan rolled his eyes, and explained, "Didn't you notice that your body has already changed somehow? There isn't even a tiny bit of magic energy inside your body," Ayaan looked at the ladies. Then continued, "I think you won't be able to practice magic anymore."

All the three ladies opened their eyes wide in shock. Their heads buzzed with Ayaan's voice. They couldn't believe they heard. Though they knew their magic energy disappeared and were rather surprised and couldn't do anything about it. And so they thought that they have to practice all over again, but now, Ayaan told them that they couldn't practise magic anymore. It was a really hard blow.

In the group, Rebecca was most affected. Her body trembled and her eyes became wet, drops after drops of tears fell from her beautiful eyes.

"Why are you crying now? It is such an amazing opportunity." Ayaan said while looking at the girl's sad face. He knew that he should have explained everything first. Now, he made his ladies sad.

After hearing Ayaan, all three beauties turned towards him and asked with hope, "What opportunity?"

"Though you guys can't practice magic energy. You can practice another energy, even more, amazing than the magic energy." he looked at the three of them and before they could ask anything., he resumed, "Why do you think those people came to the fifth level? Do you think they were there to get the legacies of the mages?"

Hearing Ayaan's questions, the eyes of the three of them went wide as if understanding something.

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