Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 27

Alisa. Sorry, but could I get you to make another cup?

Yes, certainly.

Bowing respectfully, Alisa went to prepare some more tea. After seeing her off, Lilia once again returned her gaze to the trio.

In truth, Lilia herself knew of the fact that she was overdoing it. By all means, Sakura would probably be cautioning her as well at this point. However, this case was simply unforgivable. If they came here under her brothers orders, then there was also a chance that theyd never gotten in touch with her father. In that case it wouldnt be surprising for them to not know that Lilia had received Alisa as her own maid. Nonetheless, that didnt matter a single bit to Lilia. If the ones whos very job was to seek out information neglected to find out about such a thing, then it was no excuse to her.

I-is it over? Its over right?

Yes. Come to think of it you were pretty silent.

Yeah Cause it was scary I could tell that you were angry for real, so I kept quiet

Ahh, I see. Sorry, that must have startled you.

She gave a gentle apology. Seeing that, Sakura seemed to convey a sense of surprise.

Well, okay. I think its fine. It really shows just how much you value Alisa after all. Its a good development, so I wont say anything more.

I see. Thanks.

Though this was going a bit overboard.

Right, yes Ill reflect on it.

Calming herself down, she slowly drew in a breathed in and out. In that interval, no one spoke a word. The space was dominated by a heavy silence. Lilia once again gazed at the three. The two men were able to receive her gaze, but the girl was clearly frightened as she averted her eyes.

The younger man noticed that, and sent her a sidelong glare. The girl was startled as her body once again began to tremble, as she apologised with and hung her head on the spot.

This is, from her being frightened by me? Did I do something?

Anyone would be scared by that gaze of yours, have some self awareness.

I havent really gotten angry at her yet though.

Seeing your anger at all is more than enough!

I suppose thats how it is, thought Lilia. Lilia made her best effort at putting on a smile, and looked to the girl. The girls trembling worsened.

I didnt think she was this scared of me.

Yup. How about we give up on reconciling and just talk about their work or something?

I suppose so.

Lilia let out a clear small sigh, and turned to the old man. The girls face had become completely pale, but whatever. The younger man let out a disappointed sigh at the girl.

I wonder if it is alright for me to give you guys work to do as well?

Not expecting such a thing to come from Lilias mouth, the old mans eyes widened. Though perhaps as expected of an agent he wiped the expression from his face in an instant.

Master Claus had ordered us to provide aid to Mistress Lilia. Please order us as you wish.

I see. Then Ill have you do some background checks on a few people.

Background checks, is it. Of whom shall it be?

For now, do everyone in my class. Ahh, of course His Highness is an exception. Also, do one for a boy named Ray who often studies in the library.

Probably astonished at the number of people, this time it was the younger man whos face was tinged with a slight frown. Though as expected this one also quickly erased his reaction.

That is a fair amount of people and thus would certainly require some time, if that is acceptable?

Yes. Lets have regularly Lets see, come give a report once a day. This girl can do it.

The one Lilia pointed to with her finger was the girl whod been frightened this entire time. The girls expression became as if she had seen the end of the world, but Lilia wasnt going to try to change her opinion at this point.

Are there any problems?

Nay, no problems at all. Your orders have been received.

She had intended to ask the girl, but it was the old man who replied. Lilia looked down with slight disappointment, then quickly shook her head. Coming back to herself, she continued.

Ill be leaving it to you.

The three gave a firm nod, and returned into the hole in the ceiling. Seeing them off, Lilia gave a small sigh.

By the way Sakura. Is there still anyone around? Or has everyone gone?

Of course theres at least one person still remaining. Theyve got to have a guard for you around after all.

Its fine even if they didnt. Ive never heard of anyone getting attacked inside the academy.

Lilia. Theres more to it than just whats seen on the surface.

Lilia made a slight frown. The way Sakura spoke, it was as if something really had happened in the past.

There are reckless ones out there as well you know.

Sakura gave a cheerful laugh.

Mistress Lilia. A guest.

After the three spies left, Lilia was studying in her bedroom when Alisa called out to her. Having an idea as to who the visitor was, Lilia smiled wryly as she stood from her chair. When she got to the door, as expected, there stood Tina.

Good evening, Lilia. Wanna, go for some dinner? Ah, here.

Lilia ended up reflexively receiving the small paper box Tina presented. Taking a look, there were a few baked sweets inside.

Thanks for inviting me. What is this?

Its dorayaki. You dont know of it?

Ive heard of it, but its the first time Im seeing the actual thing

She grabbed one to give it a try. It still had a faint warmth. It seems it was freshly bought. Lilia timidly took a bite.



Its dorayaki! I cant believe they have them here as well! Maybe there are others too?

Others? There are more things like this?

There are! There are lots! Like taiyaki or daifuku!

Taking a not insignificant interest in it, Lilia looked at Tina. Tina was sporting a joyous, full faced smile.

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