Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 22

The senior section separates classes into their respective years, but there is also a class containing students from various levels. This was the class Lilia is a part of, a class for upper nobles. The school equipment and furnishings were the same for even commoners, and it was only the class that is segregated from the rest. Since there would be no end to trouble if they were to be put with everyone else.

Lilia. You gonna be okay?

What is it?

Well the seat beside you.

Having it pointed out by Sakura, Lilia remembered something she had forgotten about until now. Looking at the seat to her right. The Princes seat.

Definitely not alright.

Aint that the truth. Whatre you gonna do?

Yeah, lets see

Theres no helping that the Prince was in the same class. That was just how school was, so she could make do. But having an adjacent seat was a different story. Lilia shot up from her seat, and turned her gaze towards the window.

Three students were having a friendly chat. They were all people Lilia recognised, but the red haired character in the middle was especially familiar.

Krystel Agnis. The eldest daughter of the Marquis Agnis, she was referred to as Kris. It couldnt be said that she particularly got along with Lilia. Rather, you could even say that they were enemies, but at the moment she was the lesser of two evils. Lilia quietly walked towards Kris.


Kris soon noticed as well. Floating a mean-spirited smile, she gazed at Lilia. Lilia hated this smile.

Morning, Kris. A bit of your time?

My my, good morning, Miss Lilianne. What may I help you with?

Her speech was polite, but the ridicule hanging on to every word was thoroughly conveyed. Absolutely unpleasant.

Id just like to ask for a small favour.

A favour is it? If it is something within my capabilities, by all means. In the Dukes name, do bestow upon myself your commands.

It was a thoroughly irritating way of speaking. But if she rose up to her provocation, the conversation will never get anywhere. Lilia ignored all the goading and continued to speak.

Our seats, would you be willing to switch with me?

Kriss eyes went wide with surprise. That was to be expected, as Lilias seat, the seat beside the prince, was something Lilia had half threatened her way into obtaining. Everyone, the prince included, knew about this.

I had heard that something happened between you and His Highness but Seriously?

In her astonishment Kriss speech returned to her normal tone. Lilia nodded.

Thats right. If nothing else I definitely dont want to have the adjacent seat. You had said that youd wanted to be beside His Highness before so, its not a bad deal is it?

That, it is not but What are you scheming?

She glared at Lilia with open hostility. Lilia shrugged, signalling nothing at all, and responded.

You see, Im already through with His Highness.

That so Then even if you want switch back later, it aint happening alright?

I wont. I will swear so on the Aldis name.

Even so, Kris looked at Lilia with suspicion, but quickly turned it into a broad smile. She quickly gathered the belongings on her desk. Whats more just for the occasion, albeit simple, she even gave it a quick cleaning.

Well then, here you are Mistress Lilianne. From now on this seat is yours.

Th-thanks I didnt think youd go that far. I havent cleaned mine at all though

I dont mind. Well then Ill be off. Ufufu

Leaving behind her followers, she headed towards the place that used to be Lilias seat. After that, the two followers hurriedly went after her. Somewhat understanding what Kris must be feeling, Lilia made a bitter smile, and sat down in the vacated seat.

With this I can rest easy. Ahh, but if possible Id like to be further back

Quite rare for the attention seeker Lilia huh.

That was only because I wanted to attract the attention of his highness. Now though, I dont really care anymore.

After a little while, the rest of the students had arrived. Negotiating with the student in the seat behind her, she exchanged seats with them. That was repeated three times, and Lilia finally acquired the window seat in the last row. If its here, she shouldnt stand out.

That was some good negotiating if I do say so myself.

No, heres the thing Lilia. That was because you were basically coercing them you know. Lilias requests, to most people, would be taken as an order. Ill overlook it for today, but please try to restrain yourself in the future.

I was just trying to normally ask for a favour though I understand.

She had really just been trying to ask for a normal favour, but it seems like the other parties felt like they were being commanded. Its no wonder that all of them had fear in their eyes. It was the first time she ended up feeling that the Aldis name was a hinderance.

Sitting in her chair, as she took a breath,

Miss Lilianne!

A familiar voice reached her ears. Lilias expression stiffened slightly. Following the voice, three female students came into the classroom. They were walking straight towards Lilia.

Miss Lilianne, so you had already arrived. We were very worried!

One of the three said, and the other two nodded repeatedly.

Sorry. Im alright now.

Ahh, thats great! What a relief. By the way Why might you be sitting in the corner of the class like this? Dont tell me, Miss Krystel has?

The girls eyes narrowed. Seeing that, Lilia openly heaved a sigh. Lilia also understood the feelings of the girls very well, but the current her who wanted to stay out of anything troublesome felt a slight annoyance at this. The three who noticed Lilias sigh were visibly flustered.

Uh, umm Miss Lilianne?

Its nothing. It was I who desired this seat. You must have heard about the rumours between me and His Highness?

Well, yes They seemed like baseless rumours so I hadnt paid them any mind though.

Theyre the truth. From now on, I will do my utmost to avoid being involved with His Highness so please also act accordingly.

The threes eyes widened in astonishment together. That was probably to be expected, though. The Lilia before she shut herself away would try to be by the prince as much as possible after all. It wouldnt be strange if they said that they couldnt believe it.

Miss Lilianne!

The girl who was speaking raised a loud voice. Lilia reflexively raised her guard at the suddenness of it.


Please dont feel down! If its Miss Lilianne then you can definitely take back His Highnesss heart!

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