Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 17


Uwahh I had intended to follow my own uniform guidelines of translating all pronouns, sounds and honourifics, but then a wildSenpaicomes in, and all my efforts are thrown out the window I can only facepalm and curse why I hadnt expected this from the start.

That aside, I just realised that Im actually doing all this releasing during Lunar New Year. Heh, I guess if its Estes thing is to bring new chapters as presents on Christmas, my chapters will arrive as your New Years Money, for those that know what that is. Happy Lunar New year, and heres to a better one than the last. Enjoy!

Lilia. Calmed down?

Hearing Sakuras voice, Lilia lifted her face. Just how much time had passed since he came in here? At the very least, classes should have already began by this point. She really should have been rushing over, but Lilia only felt around her eyes and sighed.

Ive calmed down. Though, I cant really go to class.

Theyre bright red huh, swollen too. Quite a pitiful face, after having said all that to the Prince.

Oh be quiet, Im fully aware.

Getting to her feet, she lightly brushed the dirt from her clothes. Gently peeking out from the door she examined the surroundings. She could faintly hear the sounds of conversation, but at least it seemed that there was no one immediately nearby. It would be easy to return to her room back at the dorm, but doing so now would probably cause Alisa to worry.

Were just wasting time so, how about we go study at the Library or something?

Youre right Lets do that.

Quietly leaving the classroom, Lilia maintained vigilance towards her surroundings as she began to move. Though it wasnt as if she would be dragged back to class if someone reported her truancy, she certainly didnt want anyone to witness her cried out face here. It wasnt something she wanted to find people discussing about later on.

Maybe due to most of the students being in class right now, she managed to arrive at the library on the second floor without running into anyone. Quietly opening the door, she slid herself inside. Immediately shutting it once in, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

The library in this academy was quite large. Naturally due to the large amount of bookshelves lined up, itd be hard to be seen by someone if one went deep inside. Especially now in the middle of lessons, one probably wouldnt be found by any students. Though there should definitely be a a teacher here, around this time they would be running around organising the bookshelves. Since the often used books are gathered near the front, towards the back had mostly become a blind spot devoid of people.

Lilia went deep into the library. As she reached to the farthest reaches back, she took a breath. Looking at the shelves around her, placed here were a great number of books about this countrys history. If its here, there definitely shouldnt be anyone coming around.

Well then, theres no pen or paper but, its study time! I wonder what I should teach.

When Sakura taught Lilia, her voice would always be full of vigour. While a joyous voice, she was also quite strict. Though there were hardships too, just hearing Sakuras joyful tone, Lilia could feel the motivation to work even a little harder. Whenever Lilia got one of the difficult questions prepared by Sakura correct, she would become overjoyed as if it were her own success leading Lilia to the point where she was the one to start feeling embarrassed.

This time too she was happily thinking away, but Lilia interrupted that.

Sakura, before that Id like to get your opinion on something though.

Nn? What would that be?

From now on I wonder how should I be facing Tina.

Ahh, Sakura groaned, and fell silent. She was probably thinking up something regarding that. Lilia also

tried to give it another thought, but still didnt know what kind of face she should have the next time she sees Tina.

It can be assumed, that the Prince likes Tina. And that Tina also, did not particularly dislike the Prince. Tina hasnt exactly said that she liked the Prince but, it was probably alright to think that way. At least if she didnt think like this, shed be losing all face in such a situation.

Lilia had completely broke off everything with the Prince. Lilia was the one rejecting here, so any reconciliation was almost certainly impossible. Tina who had become her friend, was thrust right in the middle between Lilia and the Prince. She ended up feeling quite bad about creating such a situation.

Worried about Tina?

At Sakuras question, Lilia snorted.

This has nothing to do with that girl okay. I just dont want to feel responsible for getting someone caught in the crossfire here.

Yup. Lets just leave it at that then.

What do you mean bythat

Ahaha. Back to the real topic, its probably fine to not worry about that too much though. Tina will probably, to not have you two bump heads, act with a certain degree of caution in mind, thats what I think. The Prince will most likely also avoid touching on the topic of you, so as long as you dont stir things up I dont think theres any reason to worry.

Would it be as simple as that? Lilia still didnt really know what Tinas temperament was like so she couldnt come to a solid conclusion.

Rather, I think if you were to keep your distance itll just cause Tina to mind things more. Wouldnt it be fine to just act as usual?

Though that would be kind of difficult.

Yup. Do your best!

Talking like its none of your business

Though she was smiling wryly, she did not object. Lilia couldnt come up with any other answers herself after all.

Well, with that, now its studying!

Just as Sakura was exclaimingnow

Oh? Whom might be present here?

That voice was heard at the same time.


With a gulp, Lilia slowly turned around. There, stood a boy she didnt recognise. It was boy with short silver hair, and by the school uniform he was wearing it could be seen that he was student here. Although she had no recollection of the him, it was probably not so for the boy. There was hardly anyone in this academy that did not know about Lilia.

That was what she thought but.

Umm, Senpai, is it? Is it fine to not be in class?

It seemed that he didnt recognise her, but whether he really didnt know or was just acting so, Lilia couldnt


Sakura. Do you know about this kid?

Sorry, no idea. Though he doesnt seem like a bad guy

That so

In that case lets see how this turns out for a bit. Lilia decided so, and fixed a smile to her face.

I had something to look up so Im here for that. What about you?

Such convincing innocence! Its innocent Lilia!

Be quiet you.

Presenting a retort to Sakura who shouted in her head, she sought for a response from the boy. The boy quickly answered.

Well I am studying here. I dont really fit in with the class Fortunately my grades on exams are not too bad, so theyre leaving me be.

Eh, is that really okay?

It is indeed. As long as you can get results on the exams, theyll allow it even if youre absent from lessons. If not for that I wouldnt be leaving school for two whole weeks would I.

Ahh, I see. Now that you mention it that is so.

However, thought Lilia. You can certainly study on your own, but that cant be said to be very efficient. Even if you didnt fit in with the class, she felt you ought to at least attend the lessons. When she voiced some of these doubts, the boy only smiled vaguely.

Perhaps there are some circumstances, huh.

Whatll you do?

Its not as if he was seeking me for help so, lets just ignore it.

She just happened to run into the boy after all. She didnt have any responsibility to to go help him, and Lilia herself wasnt someone who really had the leisure to do so anyways. Not in terms of time, nor more importantly emotionally, with what she was already dealing with.

I wont pry any deeper then. Well do your best.

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