Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 466: Departure

After supervising Itachi's progress, Edward left to return to his lab. Most of the things he wanted to do in the Naruto World have been accomplished. Now, he only needs to wait for his ride to come pick him up.

During the process, he continued his work on the Ultimate Magic Body, Izanagi, and studied his rules. Meanwhile, he also supervised the automatons' work. He sent these robots on a warpath across the multiverse to plunder recklessly.

Edward once thought of making a deal with the Universe Will. It will reveal the lost timelines the Lord God captured, and the latter would reward him with World Source.

However, he gave this idea for a few reasons. Firstly, he cannot deal with the majority of the Void Shield surrounding these timelines. And even if he did, it would be pointless.

The Universe Will does not have the power to deal with these Lord Gods. Maybe in his universe, it would still be possible. However, even then, it would be catastrophic if he met a Lord God that was Tier 11 and above.

So, after giving up this idea, he sealed himself inside his laboratory. With the passage of time, the rejection he felt from the Universe Will drastically increased.

Edward chose to counter this problem by creating a special enchantment that sealed himself inside his laboratory, away from the influence and power of the Universe Will. The only downside to this method is he was stuck inside and could not leave.

He had to allow Morgana to set up the spell to capture this timeline. Edward has to admit this was the most complicated spell he has mastered. No, he can't even say he mastered it since he can learn plenty of things to this day.

And every time he learned something new, he sighed at the vast distance between himself and Merlin. He knew the latter was vastly more powerful than him, but this spell was proof of this fact.

Then, about four months later, his ride home arrived. A towering city appeared above the Hidden Leaf Village, shocking all the Ninjas. Although they had seen information about the floating city, it was an entirely different thing to see and experience it.

"I can't believe you created such a thing," commented Orochimaru from the lab. In the past few months, he dabbled in the Artificer field and had some insight into the knowledge needed to create such a technical marvel.

"This is one of my greatest works," replied Edward with a smile. He combined the knowledge of several civilizations and the universe to create this masterpiece. "However, there is room for improvement."

He was never complacent, always pursuing improvement and advancement–especially after hearing about the accomplishment of the Magus Race,

His Empire has always been pursuing the steps of the Magus Race, and Edward was confident it would not be long before he surpassed their achievements. However, after learning they had reached the peak of the Void, he knew this was not such an easy task.

Edward looked at Tsunade next to him and could detect she was nervous. So, he held her hands to reassure her, "Don't be nervous."

"I…just don't know how to face your family."

She worried about the complexity of joining an Imperial Harem. If the other woman does not like her and decides to oppress her with their power in the Empire, she will have no way to resist–even with Edward's support.

"Our family is not as power-driven as you think. Most of them are researchers like me and would not even hold official positions if not for me asking," he explained after guessing her worries.

"As for your personal relationship? They won't blame you–they'll blame me."

His mouth twitched as he could guess the side-eyes he would receive. Technically speaking, due to the short passage of time, he recently brought back Wiz, and now there was Tsunade.

Despite how he felt, he still left the lab to receive the envoy. So, after arriving in the city, he only waited a few seconds before a white light flashed from the sky and someone appeared.

"Hermione," he said with a smile.

"Are you okay?" This was the first time Edward sent an emergency signal, so she hurried to this place. Luckily, he updated the engine of the city in his last voyage allowing the city to instantly travel to its destination after knowing the coordinate.

"I'm fine," he replied. "I encountered a terrifying creature in the Void, and my city was almost destroyed."

"That's good," she sighed in relief. However, Hermione soon noticed the woman next to Edward. Given her proximity to him and the sign of nervousness displayed by her facial expressions, she had already guessed her status.

Suddenly, she had the urge to bite him or bombard him with a few million Fireball Spells.

"Hello, my name is Hermione Granger." She did not blame Tsunade as she knew how charming and attractive her husband could be. Whether it is his personal power, his political and military power as an Emperor, his knowledge that seemed infinite, or his brilliant mind, it is too attractive to many women.

"Tsunade…it's nice to meet you."

"Come on, let's have a chat over some tea," said Edward.

"We don't have time," countered Hermione. "Only a week has passed since your departure. However, the war intensity has drastically increased. According to Olivier's order, I need to pick you up and return.

"The Floating City is a strategic weapon and cannot be missing for long."

Edward became serious, "Very Well."

He did not waste time and entered the Tier 9 Floating City. The Tier 10 one had to stay home while the other Tier 9 was currently wreckage in the void.

After entering, he connected to the city. He closed his eyes in ecstasy as he felt the vast amount of Mana at the core; the sensation was truly something else.

His first was to summon the automaton still in the multiverse. Once they all returned, he activated the spell to take away this timeline and all its people.

Then, he activated the Void Engine and entered the Void. His destination was not home but the place where the Tier 9 Floating City was.

Edward saw a world of gray and white before returning to normal. The void has always fascinated him, wondering why it has color. The word void indicated nothing, so there should be no color.

His theory is that this is how his brain and Soul process something as complex or incomprehensible as the Void. It used his inherent cognitive views and showed him something that he could understand and process.

However, Edward understood that once he reaches a certain Tier–most likely Tier 12–he will see" the void in a different manner.

Not minding these distracting thoughts, he saw the picture before him, and his heart ached. He saw a destroyed city surrounded by a shield.

"My baby." Although this floating city was not the one he personally created, it was still his baby. After all, he designed most of the things. And the resources used to create it are also his.

"It needs to be fixed as soon as possible, but we don't have the resources," said Hermione with a frown. The Empire almost ran out of resources building Edward's Tier 10 City. They had to plunder from the Multiverse.

However, this option was not available after their last warning.

"I have brought resources from the Naruto World, but it's probably enough to fix it to 70%."

The Naruto Universe is a middle Tier Universe with a power cap of Tier 8. Meanwhile, the city is a peak Tier 9 Artifact. And adding the difference between the two universes and power systems, the resources are also different.

"Do you have a good idea?" asked Hermione.

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