Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 456: Incomplete Domain Expansion

Future Edward created two methods for the Magic Domain, and Present Edward decided to test the first one. So, he entered an enchanted room to prevent his destructive power from affecting the outside.

He decided to let his inner nerd out, so he made a sign on his hand and said: "Domain Expansion: World of Magic."

The surrounding space changed, and Edward found himself in an empty space with nothing inside. However, there was so much mana inside this space. Moreover, each piece of mana contained his imprint, granting him absolute control of this small space.


Edward used a basic elemental spell. He looked at the fireball before him. Because of the intense concentration of mana in this space, the power of this spell was at least 20% stronger.

"This Domain method has too many flaws."

This technique is only an application of Sealing Magic. He used seals to create a contained space. Then, he scattered his own mana in the space while also branding the mana with his Soul Imprint, granting him absolute control.

The intense concentration of mana in this place increases any spells used. Furthermore, the combination of the mana concentration and imprint made it very difficult for any form of energy to exist in this place.

However, the flaw of this technique is that it requires too much mana. The Arcanist has to infuse too much of their mana into the sealed place, leaving little for them.

Of course, all decent Arcanists have mastered some Sorcerer's technique, so they can still manipulate the mana in the surrounding. And even if they did not, it is easy to accomplish since the mana has its imprints.

'The most important flaw is this domain is too easily destroyed,' analyzed Edward. His purpose in creating the Domain is to compete with the Gods' Divine Kingdom.

Although a projection, the Divine Kingdom is extremely powerful and could easily destroy the sealing technique that is the core of this technique. Lastly, Edward hoped for Arcanist's Domain to compete with the real Divine Kingdom.

And that's not an easy task.

From the information he gathered, Gods are omnipotent in their Divine kingdom. Anyone who invades will be immediately suppressed if not killed.

A Tier 9 God can seal a Tier 10 God in their Divine Kingdom if they can cut the Tier 10 God's access to their Divine Kingdom.

One of the many aspects that made the Gods one of the most powerful races is that they have absolute power in their Divine Kingdom.

So, as long as they decide to hide there, it is thousand times more difficult to kill them.

Right now, the only method he has to deal with Divine Kingdoms is to bomb it into smithereens from the outside with his Floating City. However, he has not tested this method yet, so he is not completely sure.

He feared the Divine Kingdom could use projection to affect the functions of the Floating City. So, he needs a Domain to counter this ability.

Furthermore, he thought it would be cool to humiliate some snobby God by invading their Divine Kingdoms and killing them inside.

'Jujutsu Sorcerers have to incorporate their Curse Technique into the Seal Space, thus creating their Domain Expansion,' analyzed Edward. 'However, Arcanists have many spells, and it would be meaningless to incorporate one spell into the seals.

'And based on future me's experiment, the Seal Space can fuse with 7 Spells.'

Curse energy is different from mana, the same method cannot be used to fuse spells into the domain as a curse technique. The answer Future Edward derived was using the sealed space as an artifact and enchanting it.

However, the problem with this method is that only 7 spells can be enchanted, which is not nearly enough for the versatile fighting mode of Arcanists.

Then, there is the issue that the Domain would require knowledge about Artificer and Enchanting before any Arcanist can use it. As such, Future Edward removed this technique from the final version and left notes about it.

'This Domain Expansion is perfect for Wizards or Warlocks who have a few spells and master them to a terrifying level.

"Aren't you embarrassed?" asked Morgana after seeing her boss's Chunibyo moment.

"No," replied Edward calmly.

"You should be."

"One of the qualities needed to be an Emperor and a Harem Seeker is to be shameless; to have thick skins as the easterners say."

"Well, I'm embarrassed for you."

"That's your problem," he replied. "Alright, let's test the second method."

To prove what he was saying before, he placed his hand together and said: "Domain Expansion: The Embodiment of Truth."

The surroundings changed the same way as before. However, he was not in an empty space. Instead, Edward found himself sitting on a golden throne with a towing gate behind him.

The gate contained symbols of different religions associated with knowledge and truth, like a single eye, a triangle, and the lotus.

At the foot of the throne were two bookshelves full of books. Additionally, there were many books floating in the sky and others scattered on the ground.

And like the previous domain, the environment was full of mana.

"Beautifully done," commented Edward as he observed his surroundings. His future self took into account the previous domain's flaw of incorporating many spells and found a solution.

And the answer to this problem was the Soul Dimension. The source of all Arcanist's spells is their Soul Dimension; it is the place they construct runes or magic models when casting spells.

So, Future Edward created a way for Arcanists to project their Soul Dimension into the real world–similar to Divine Kingdoms. This method is brilliant since Arcanists also have absolute power or control in their soul Dimension.

Edward's Domain Expansion looked this way because of his Soul Dimension. Under its influence, the domain took the shape of something that represents his core values, a manifestation of his essence.

He has a throne because he is an Emperor. Of course, if he has the ambition to become an Emperor, the Domain Expansion would also show one even if he was not.

Edward loves knowledge and the pursuit of truth, hence the gate and books.


A massive fireball appeared in the large space. Upon closer observation, he saw one of the books on the sky flip its page.

"The boost in power is at least 40%," he uttered with shining eyes. The boost to his spell was not only the result of mana in the air, but from a mysterious power originating deep from his soul.

'So, the Domain Expansion can also mobilize some of the power of the Soul Flame,' he analyzed. He knew the source of the extra boost and believed once he fully understood the Soul Flame, this boost might also increase.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"The idea and execution are great, but the flaw is even worse than the first method," commented Morgana.


According to Future Edward's tests, the projection of the Soul Dimension has no power and cannot affect the real world. So, he tried to fuse it with the Seal Space to create the Domain. Sadly, this method failed.

So, he tried many methods to sustain the projection and allow it to have an effect on the real world. In the end, he found that it could work if he created a pocket dimension and fused it with the projection.

And upon success, he created this domain.

However, this is the core issue. To cast this domain, an Arcanist would need to be able to instantly create a pocket dimension. Unfortunately, besides Edward, there are only 50 Space Arcanists in the Empire with this capability.

Space Magic is already a rare form of magic, let alone people with great achievements capable of instantly creating pocket dimensions.

Even if this domain required prep time, allowing a person to create the pocket dimension first before fusing the Soul Dimension's projection, not many people would meet the requirement to use it–unless they ask someone else or the Empire to create a pocket dimension for themselves.

As such, although this method is brilliant, it is also not applicable.

"At least we know what direction to work toward," added Morgana.


The next step to achieve a Complete Domain Expansion is to find a way for the Soul Dimension Projection to require no medium–just like the Divine Kingdom.

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