Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 45: Calista's Grief.

Kyle spt some time with Jane but he couldn't stay there for too long because this was her workplace. He had to leave soon before he caused her any trouble, he knew that buying everyone a phone might have be a little overboard but he had a point to prove.

A dick-measuring contest if you will but this resulted in Kyle being the victor as Mike was put in his place. Mike didn't like Kyle but Kyle didn't care, Mike couldn't make any meaningful contribution to his life after all.

This was the perfect scario but Kyle knew it was time to go, planting a kiss on Jane's forehead before leaving.

It was him marking her and letting everyone in that store know she was his, he could recognize the look of a man interested in a woman.

Mike had those eyes and Kyle made sure to let him know to stay off, this was the only thing he could do ev though he trusted Jane ough not to tertain another guy.

Unlike Calista, the momt Kyle left the shop and into his car, his phone began to ring.

He picked up the phone only to hear Calista sobbing profusely from the other d of the phone.

"What's wrong?" Kyle questioned but there was a feeling of irritation he felt in his bones.

He listed to Calista narrate what had happed to her and he couldn't believe that Lucas wasted no time in trying to bed her.

But more so, he was shocked that Calista turned him down but why?

This would have be the right step to take in regards to her career but she had a warped sse of loyalty to Kyle as Kyle knew she didn't do this because of some moral compass.

"Huh? He tried to sleep with you?" Kyle was more surprised than raged however, Calista misunderstood the tone in his voice.

She wrongly assumed it was rage but Kyle naturally wouldn't want anyone using the hole he used to keep his cock wet, that would turn him off quickly and that was why he knew he had to tame Calista before sticking his cock in.

"Where are you right now?" Kyle asked but he couldn't hear her through the sobs.

She was crying because she might have pottially lost the role ev though Kyle wasn't affected by this.

The call came to an d, Kyle knew that this would take time but this was what he wanted.

The only way to hurt someone is wh they think you're the last person who would.

Kyle knew the probable course of action would be to go and comfort her but that wasn't the best-case scario.

He wanted her to know how alone she was, he knew that she had no real frids or anyone who had her back or she wouldn't be living this way.

This was a manipulation tactic to get her stuck in her head wh she realised she had no one.

It would only make her cling to Kyle all the more because he is the only person she has.

Hyper-depdcy is something that people can't come out of easily once the process has be initiated.

Kyle could shape her and turn her into whatever he wanted th, he could break her and have her bound to him until she was all used up.

Only th, would he toss her aside, he didn't know how many levels they were but at some point, one would think that he would reach a status where he wouldn't ev need to level up his system because there would be no need for any of that.

He understood that by releasing her into the world right now, there was still a chance she would heal and marry a sucker to pay for her fees.

She was a beautiful woman and rich m liked having trophy wives or ev mistresses.

But if Kyle could rob her of her prime, th this would make for a very bleak future as m would always go for younger wom.

Kyle knew this wasn't practical and she had great use in the bedroom so she could keep him satisfied for the time being as this would allow him to focus on a non-sexual relationship with Jane or Jane might think all he wants is her body.

It worked in his favour either way and there was nothing to lose.

Kyle wanted to place his phone in his pocket but to his surprise, he got a call from James.

"Hm… What does he want?" Kyle thought to himself, the permits take some time to process.

"Don't tell me he wants money…" Kyle thought to himself before picking up.

[[Hello? Mr Kyle?]] James began the conversation but Kyle knew he had nothing to lose by tertaining this conversation.

"Hello James? How's it going?" Kyle asked him but he wished he would get right to the point.

[[I have great news! I have acquired the permit!]] James informed Kyle but Kyle immediately assumed he was some sort of scam that had conjured up fake permits.

"Is that so?" Kyle asked, rolling his eyes, he couldn't believe that he trusted James.

He could have just done it himself and gott it over with, Kyle felt irritated but he was going to play along.

[[That is correct, I have the documts with me! Wh you have be in this business as long as I have, you get some connections!] James exclaimed but first impressions mattered.

If James had on better clothes, Kyle was more inclined to believe his legitimacy but the way he dressed and prested himself would give anyone trust issues.

"Sd me where you are, I will come to you," Kyle informed him, he had come this far so he might as well see it through.

Kyle realized that he had done more today than he did the past couple of days, one would think he had a social life but that wasn't the case.

Kyle was smarter and more perceptive than he was a few days back, thanks to the skills giv to him.

The conversation came to an d soon after and Kyle found himself about to move once again.

"Damn, maybe life was better with me being broke…" Kyle thought to himself but Kyle quickly recoiled at this thought.

"Nah! As if!" Kyle chuckled to himself as he sped off into the distance.

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