Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 43: Twist?

Kyle had concluded with Jones, that Jones was eager because he knew what this meant for him and his family.

This was the reaction Kyle expected. Jones trusted him ough not to ask any further questions but lawyers would no doubt be involved to draw up the contract that binds their word.

Kyle kicked it for a while with Jones, he knew that this job could make him miserable but he had found happiness in all of it.

No complaints, nothing. He made the best out of a bad situation because it would be a lot easier to moan and groan about how hard he had it.

"Kyle, have you ever thought about getting married?" Jones asked, Kyle respected that he never asked how he came into money suddly, not only minding his business but not asking him for a handout despite struggling.

"Marriage? I don't think I have. There is no advantage to it," Kyle responded sternly.

"Hahaha! There is an advantage!" Jones quickly debunked his stance.

"How so?" Kyle asked.

"You have a witness to your life, someone to witness both the good and bad. How you grew or fell and chose to stick a to witness it all," Jones said with a fond smile plastered across his face.

"That is a stretch, there is a reason divorce rates are so high and I would rather live for myself than live for someone who doesn't wish to do the same for me," Kyle responded.

"So you don't plan to get married?" Jones asked, almost disappointed.

"I just hav't giv it much thought… You're married, are you happy?" Kyle asked, watching Jones' expression closely.

"Yeah, we are. We face challges like every couple but we have the same goal and that is giving our childr a shot at this world," Jones responded.

"So it is your mutual love for your childr keeping you together and not the love for yourselves?" Kyle asked and a deafing silce soon followed.

"Haha! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Kyle quickly said, pausing before continuing.

"Think of it as two frids creating a book together but falling out, they would put their differces aside to nurture that book's growth because it is something they both created, something they both love," Kyle said, for the first time, letting Jones' get a glimpse at how he thought.

He always found it strange that Kyle had no social life and never brought anyone back to his apartmt.

Some services helped lonely m and ev broke m who lived in this building but Kyle just lived day-to-day with no interest for anything other than surviving.

"You're an interesting guy," Jones said with a broad smile.

Kyle was glad that the conversation didn't turn him sour, he had a unique view on the world that some people would consider controversial.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Jones asked wh he realized he hadn't ev asked him if he was hungry to begin with.

Kyle checked his watch and saw the time, an hour had already passed to his surprise.

"Time does fly wh you're with good company. I'm glad I could accomplish what I came here to do. How about we continue this conversation at work?" Kyle suggested. He had to go.

Jones understood and gave him a nod, he was glad with the progress they had made and knew they still needed to iron out a few more details.


Calista made her way into the room of Lucas, she was hesitant, which was unlike her.

She would have tak this opportunity with both hands regardless of the consequces but despite not being committed to Kyle, she had second thoughts.

A glass of wine in front of her with a half-emptied bottle seated on the table.

Lucas chatted with her but it was sexual, it had nothing to do with the job that she applied to. She slowly realized that she was never chos because of her talt.

She was chos because of her looks, this made her sad as the reality hit her rapidly.

Lucas was about to make his move, placing his hand on her thigh, it was warm.

"You know Calista, I could make you into a star… The biggest name in Hollywood, Calista Wave, the face of every brand," Lucas sold her a dream but Calista knew he might be able to get her into the room with stars but he didn't have the sort of influce he currtly boasted.

His hand slowly moved up her thigh and Calista couldn't help this disgusted feeling.

He was like a rabid dog ready to pounce on her and Calista finally realized that ev if she was to lay with him right now, word would go a and every other man would want to do the same before giving her a role.

She held his hand in place, not allowing it to go any further.

"What are you doing?" Lucas questioned her but Calista felt insulted that he thought this trick would work on her.

The place that Kyle took her that night was far more luxurious than the one this man brought her to.

"If this is what I need to do to get the role th I'm afraid I have to decline," Calitsa said in the most polite tone that she could muster, she knew that this might very well be the d.

Calista felt her heart drop, she didn't know how to process what was going to happ from here on out but the man didn't say a single word.

He removed his hand from her thigh and Calista walked out the door.

For a brief second, she thought he would force himself on her because if he did that, there was nothing she could do.

She did choose to meet him in a hotel at his request, there was only one possible reason for that and no one would believe her theless.

But Calista was left feeling a sse of dread because she didn't know if she just committed career suicide.

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