Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 39: Run In.

Jane was hard at work, she attded to customers and everyone noticed she was happier these days.

The smile on her face was guine and her body language was more confidt.

But there was a co-worker who had previously confessed to Jane but she politely turned him down as she didn't like the idea of workplace relationships and also because she wasn't attracted to him.

However, the man couldn't be mad because of how Jane did it and her attitude towards him didn't change either so their fridship wasn't lost.

He had tak a break to go see his family back in Chicago and only just returned.

"What's gott into her?" He asked one of his coworkers.

"You hav't heard, Mike? Jane has a boyfrid!" The lady revealed like she was dying to reveal this piece of information.

"Boyfrid?" Mike muttered to himself. It hadn't be long since he confessed to her so this news took him by surprise ev though there was nothing he could do about it.

He didn't ask any more questions as he knew he would only be hurting his feelings but he also didn't believe that Jane was in a relationship.

"I wasn't ready for one… " Mike remembered her words like they were said to him yesterday despite it already being months.

But Jane was differt from the last time he saw her so maybe this was the truth.

The lady who revealed this information nudged him slightly.

"Hey, didn't she reject you?" She mocked him but all Mike did was take a deep breath to stop himself from crashing out.

" He bought her a new phone and a MacBook, we were all in awe and guess who made the first move? It was Jane!" The lady pressed on, determined to get under Mike's skin. This lady was called Rose.

"Now I know you're messing a. There's no way she would do that," Mike dismissed this as the relief on his face was proof that he truly believed the words that came out of his mouth.

Rose simply smiled, looking right at him but wouldn't say another word.

She wanted him to witness it for himself, she wanted to see how he would react.

Rose backed off, watching Mike approach Jane.

Jane was all smiles, Rose didn't know if Jane was naive or oblivious to the fact that Mike was attracted to her and you couldn't be frids with someone you have rejected.

Mike th tried to get with Ella but she didn't ev pay him any atttion resulting in the famous double L.

Ella, of course, never told Jane because guys hit on her all of the time and there was no way that she would act as some sort of rebound.

Mike watched Jane from the corner of his eye, tertaining the idea that what Rose told him could be true the momt he caught Jane giggling at her phone.

"How long have I be gone…" Mike thought to himself.


Calista got cleaned up but a feeling of dread overcame her the momt she oped his refrigerator.

It was leftovers and nothing that looked healthy, just what one would expect from a bachelor.

She wanted to take her time to cook him a meal, that would surely surprise him but she got a call soon ough.

Calista picked up without checking who it was and to her utmost surprise, it was the man she had se earlier that day.

"Lucas Rossini!?" Calista thought to herself.

"[[Hello Miss Wave, I hope I caught you at a good time.]]

Lucas began the conversation but Calista was still shocked that this was ev happing.

"H-Hello Mr. Rossini, this is a good time…" Calista responded, her heart was beating because she knew this was about the role she had applied for earlier that day.

There was no way that he would call her just to inform her that she didn't get the role so this had to be good news.

[[ Excellt, I want to be the first to congratulate you on getting the role of Rachel.]]

Lucas informed Calista, she almost let out a scream but quickly composed herself, she couldn't believe this was happing.

"Thank you so much!" Calista showed her gratitude, the excitemt evidt in her voice.

[[But I would like to see you personally in my office so we can discuss further on what I expect from my character, Rachel.]]

Lucas informed her, that Calista saw nothing wrong with this nor did she give it too much thought because of the adraline pumping through her.

"I will be right on my way, Mr. Rossini!" Calista exclaimed, ready to go meet him straight away before he changed his mind.

[[Please, call me Lucas. Rossini is my father.]]

Lucas said but this created a crack in professionalism and subtly hinted at him wanting to become a lot more familiar with Calista.

"S-Sorry, I will be right there Lucas," Calista responded before the phone call dropped.

" AHHHHH!!! I GOT THE PART!" She screamed at the top of her lungs but quickly clasped her lips shut because she knew that this might cause some trouble for Kyle.

She proceeded to exit the apartmt but while walking down the hallway, she ran into Aiysha.

Calista didn't ev acknowledge the lady and walked past her with a wild smile on her face.

Aiysha just stood there, watching her like she had discovered a new specim while trying to get into her apartmt.

" I wish someone told him the walls are thin…" Aiysha muttered to herself implying that she had heard the fuck session that had just transpired betwe both of them but how good must Kyle be to not only get a woman as young and beautiful as that to be his sugar mommy but moan like a wild animal.

"So that's his girlfrid…" Aiysha thought to herself, she was impressed that he could land someone as gorgeous as that but she wasn't surprised she fell for him.

Kyle had his way with words.

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