Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 38: Zoning Permit?

Kyle had made a decision, one would think that seeing the homeless people would awak some bevolt spirit within him but that was far from the case.

Kyle did feel bad for them but wasn't about to go broke to help them, he couldn't help everyone in the world because to live was to suffer.

He needed a disguise for his source of income and he has se a few movies to know that a nightclub was the perfect vue to do that.

However, he had to find a way to bypass the zoning laws that restricted him from tearing down the building and making this come true.

With the permits and all of that, Kyle knew that this place had pottial and the lack of clubs in its immediate vicinity made this a goldmine.

"This might work…" Kyle thought to himself, he knew he needed to do a bit more research and thanks to his skills, he understood everything he read within minutes.

This included the type of zoning and luckily for Kyle, this place fell under the mixed zoning category meaning that he could carry on with his planned reconstruction but only after obtaining a permit.

However, with the money in his hands, he could easily fast-track the process but the first step was to go to the Departmt of Buildings.

Kyle hopped in his car and drove to the nearest office, he had to do something so mundane and luckily, he had the deed of ownership in his car along with every other documtation.

He arrived there in half an hour, he could have easily asked  Nate to help him out with this favor but Nate was already exhausted and he didn't wish to overstep his boundary.

Kyle took a step out of his car but got little to no atttion, this was a place that tertained these sorts of high-profile individuals.

For some reason, Kyle found it refreshing because he almost forgot what it was like to be normal. Kyle made his way into the building and there were a few people inside.

He could tell they had be there for a while but he was approached by a man with a creepy smile plastered on his face.

"Good day sir, are you here for your permit?" The man asked, Kyle thought twice about answering because he looked shady but wouldn't harm him in a building full of people, could he?

"Good day to you too, I'm indeed here for my permit," Kyle responded with some bravado, matching the man's demeanour.

"Ha! You have humour! I like it!" The man exclaimed and Kyle could tell that the lady behind the task knew him,  rolling her eyes like she had se this sce too many times.

"I am James," The man said, stretching his hand for a handshake.

James had a worn-out suit on, it had coffee stains that looked like they were hurriedly wiped off.

Kyle wanted him to go away but he also felt sorry for him because he looked like he hadn't had a wink of sleep in months.

"I'm Kyle, what can I do for you, James?" Kyle asked with an expectation and that was to ask for money.

"No my fine sir, it is what I can do for you!" James said in an upbeat manner, he was easily in his mid-thirties but he looked like he was in his fifties.

"What you can do for me?" Kyle repeated with a raised brow.

"That is correct, sir! Did you know some agcies can handle these tedious tasks in your stead for just a small fee?" James began his marketing.

Kyle sighed the momt he began, this was better than directly asking him for money but the way he looked, all Kyle could see was a scammer.

"Is that so…?" Kyle asked but James could sse his skepticism however he couldn't convince Kyle as he was quickly thrown out by security.

What he was doing wasn't allowed, at least not within their facility but Kyle hated that he couldn't leave him be. He knew James could have easily be him if he didn't have the cashback system so what was a few hundred dollars? It was nothing for him and if he was legit th this might be another person that Kyle could make use of in the future.

He could have opted for a big cooperation but this looked simple ough, there was no need for their services.

Kyle took a deep breath before walking out the door to approach James, James looked ecstatic.

After a few seconds, Kyle walked to his car while filing a form that James had handed him.

James wanted to reassure him he wasn't a scam and assured Kyle that he would only pay wh he was done.

An arrangemt that Kyle didn't disagree with and this approach alleviated the concern that this man might be a fraud.

They exchanged contact information but Kyle was partly happy that he didn't have to deal with any of that, this was an important part of the future he wished to craft op for himself.


Calista woke up but Kyle was nowhere to be se, she didn't mind this because she knew that he was a busy man so this was to be expected.

She saw the note he left beside her and a smile creased her face, she didn't want to become too comfortable knowing that this could d at any momt.

However, each day she spt with Kyle made that a lot more difficult.

[[Hey sleepyhead, I have to go somewhere and I didn't want to wake you. I left something in the fridge for you to eat, all you need to do is heat it and voila!]]

This was all the note said, it was such a simple gesture yet the effect it had was unbelievable.

Calista tried to repress this thought but it was beginning to look like she was in a relationship with Kyle ev though she knew nothing about him.

However, she was also scared that all of this was an elaborate plan to get back at her but who buys a Lamborghini for vgeance?

She couldn't place her finger a it but there was something strange about him.

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