Harem Reborn

Chapter 232: [NETORARE SYSTEM] Activated!

Chapter 232: [NETORARE SYSTEM] Activated!

I walked out of the room shaking my head in confusion. I couldn't make head or tails of what I just heard, and I needed to get some air, but I stopped myself and resigned myself to pace in the halls. I didn't need to be running away from my problems.

What were my options? I couldn't just send her off, her story wasn't that unbelievable, and part of me did feel bad for her. I just wish that I had a way to prove that she was telling the truth. I couldn't just take her at face value, but I was running in circles with this debate, I needed to get back in there.

"Dave, what a surprise to see you here!" An all too familiar female voice called to me from the direction of the elevator.

You have got to be fucking kidding me! I turned to see Irellia, of all people walking out. What the hell was going on, she was supposed to be in Universal Watch! What did this mean? Was she the same as the others, another puppet? After hearing Stephanie's story, I was not sure what I was supposed to think.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in the other world?"

"I was transported here, and now MainFrame no longer holds my mind," Irellia said as she walked towards me.

I was almost ready to believe that this was a real change. I had my finger on the switch to turn the suspicions off. As Irellia walked closer to me, I let myself believe that it was all over for an entire heartbeat.





'Dave, this is a bad bitch to the core, fucking kill her. She broke ranks before MainFrame got his hooks into her. All the systems are a go, and Dragon Claw and been deactivated, don't hold back, she is still infected with Unlife. No one Betrays a Harem Leader and lives to brag about it!' -Dansei.

He sounded pissed, but I was calm a dead calm. I finally had my fucking answer. Power crackled off my body in static discharges, I had access to everything. Knowledge poured into me of things I had never heard of but I knew that I would need to use everything, not just to kill her, but for the benefit of the party.

I should have been furious, but as Irellia hissed and jumped back, I closed my eyes. If I would have got close enough to her after getting the system I would have known before, but I knew now, and that's what mattered. The power crackled like whips, and I reached to the side equipping the Thunder Plate armor, and then I pulled out the Hellfire Chakrams, one in each and throwing them at Irellia and starting to run at her pulling out the Caladine Greatsword.

"Aren't you going to scream and yell at me? You have always been such a spineless little worm!" Irellia screamed at me as she defected the chakrams, but I was already on her.

Unfortunately, her green-yellow snot and white bones armor that had grown to cover her body had stopped the killing blow, but she was still sent flying. Irellia bounced off two walls and then smashed into the floor, but I was on her again as she got up, stabbing two Force Sai at her stomach, and blowing her back to smash out the window at the end of the hall.

Dragon boots equip, I leapt out of the window and skated across the wind, chasing the retreating Irellia. I whip Faith Axes, one after the other, hammering her into the ground in a hail of destruction, but it still wasn't enough. Irellia was getting up as I hit her, releasing a thunderclap of force that sent Irellia flying into the air, and I threw weapons as fast as I could into the air after her.

It didn't matter if I hit her at this point, just using the weapons was the most important thing. Soon, I hit a block and I couldn't access any more weapons,  but I still had the ones I had thrown into the air. I leapt after her with breakneck speed, I was firing on all cylinders now! I grabbed the Railgun and then grabbed the viper sword and slapped it into the launcher, then shooting it at Irellia.

She turned and blocked with glowing green and yellow blade, but the sword latched onto her. As she tried to shake it off I fired a Gravity Blade set to attract,  that homed in on her the last things I fired at her were a Gamma and Displacer Fists, filled with Pigeon Stars.

As they shot out at her, the pigeon stars burst from inside the fist and homed in on the only target that was within range. She had no chance, everything hit her in waves, and I think she gave up at the last minute, because everything hit her at once, tearing her body apart, and I felt the power slowly start to leave me as I drifted to the ground.

I knew she had done me wrong, but I couldn't help feeling bad after seeing her give up in the end, but I had no regrets. The damage she had cause 

Was inexcusable and I was just glad that it was all over, and this meant another thing. Stephanie was telling the truth, but I didn't know how to approach her. 

Yes, she was a member, but I couldn't just take her into the bedroom, it felt like I would have to get to know her all over again. That might not be a bad thing, she was beautiful and we had shared that time together, and no part of me could deny how much I had loved her for those short months. I would just take it easy with her and see where things went, but I was going to be in some trouble with the hotel.

Plus, Branson was probably going to want a word with me about the hell I just rained down on the city, but I was honestly tired. Like physically tired, but was that even possible? The power overload must have caused some kind of reaction with my system to prevent physical exertion. 

Oh well, I had wanted a bath anyways, but I would have some explaining to do when I got back, but that was fine. Still, the girls would have to wait until Stephanie and I had some alone time. My walk back to the hotel ended up being a long one, and I was seriously tired. Even in the elevator, I sat down as I waited to get to my floor. 

When the elevator dinged, I got up and waited for the door to open. The hall was exactly how I left it and the big hole where the window had been. I sighed and turned back to the room where I had left the girls. 

I knocked on the door, I had left my key inside, but the door flew open to a very angry Grace, but I was ready for any tongue lashing I would get. It was over, MainFrame couldn't pull any more fast ones on me. Grace looked ready to tear me a new asshole but stopped when she looked at my face.

"Dave? Are you okay? Is she gone?" Grace asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Yes, I killed her, and I don't know if she will be revived. I didn't use the Longinus Spear, but she gave up right at the end. I don't know if she will be able to revive in our next game. I would like to have a word with Stephanie if you girls don't mind."

None of the girls complained, but I hugged and kissed every girl passionately. This experience was something to teach me just how important these girls were to me. I never wanted to have to do this again, but none of this was Stephanie's fault. She was just another player in the game that was played. 

I walked over to her, where she was still sitting nervously, and not looking at me. Any confidence that she had before, was now gone. I half expected for the system to go off again and force me to kill her too, but it didn't, and I knelt down in front of Stephaine. I took her hands in mine, squeezing them gently, forcing her to look into my eyes. 

"I know now that you are telling the truth, and Stephanie, I am so sorry for everything that has happened to you. Words can't make the past different, but I want you to know that I want you in my life with the other girls."

"None of this is your fault!" Stephanie protested, turning to me with tear-filled eyes.

"No, this was all my fault for not recognizing the problem sooner, but I am done kicking myself for the past, and so should you be," I stood up, still holding her hand, bringing her to her feet with me, and I stepped back, extending my hand. "Hi, I'm Dave."

She looked at my hand with confusion and then back up to me, but I just smiled. I had no idea what I was doing, but starting over felt like the only way I could really move forward with her. Slowly, but surely, Stephanie took my hand and shook it.

"Hi...I'm Stephanie"

"It's okay, this will be weird, but I think we should start over, from the beginning, and try to relearn the things about each other."

"I think it's a good idea, but I'm just happy to finally be close to you again."

"Well, I would share my room with you, but I think we should take it slow, but I do still love you. I wanted to believe this with every part of my heart, and now that it's true, I don't ever want to lose you again!"

I leaned forwards and pulled Stephanie into a kiss. I could feel the hot tears pouring down her cheeks and onto mine. Finally, something is actually working out.

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