Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 7: Beating Up Dong Family's Head

After securing a room at the inn in Meigu Town, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi took precautions to conceal their identities. They donned masks covering half their faces and wore wide-brimmed bamboo hats, ensuring their anonymity in the bustling town.

With their lodging arranged, Wang Xiangyi turned to Wang Li, her expression eager yet uncertain. "So, what's our next move?" she inquired, her voice laced with anticipation.

Wang Li paused, considering their options carefully before shaking his head in dismissal. "Approaching the mercenary group directly isn't wise. They might view us as pawns in their feud with Ye Fan," he explained, his tone cautious.

Wang Xiangyi nodded in understanding, acknowledging the wisdom in his words. "Then what do you propose we do?" she asked, curiosity sparking in her eyes.

A cunning smile tugged at the corners of Wang Li's lips as he revealed his plan. "We're going to take control of the auction house in this town, which is managed by the Dong Family," he declared, his voice resolute.

Intrigued, Wang Xiangyi leaned in, eager to hear more about their potential target. As Wang Li shared his knowledge of the Dong Family, she listened intently, absorbing the details he provided.

According to Wang Li's reconnaissance, the Dong Family originated from a mortal town before ascending to prominence in Meigu Town.

Their rise began eighty years ago when they produced an heir with Mid-Grade Spiritual Roots, Dong Zhenguo.

Under his leadership, the family flourished, boasting two Core Formation Realm experts, thirteen Foundation Establishment Realm experts, and numerous Qi Condensation Realm cultivators.

Despite their formidable strength, Wang Li exuded confidence in their ability to overcome the Dong Family's forces. "Together, we can defeat them," he assured Wang Xiangyi, his voice brimming with conviction.

Intrigued by Wang Li's audacious plan, Wang Xiangyi couldn't resist probing further. "But why seize control of the auction house?" she questioned, her curiosity piqued.

Wang Li's smile widened into a sly grin as he unveiled his true intentions. "We'll use the auction house as bait, enticing those who've enslaved the women of the Wang Family to gather in one place," he explained, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Once they're assembled, we'll strike, freeing our kin from their bondage."

Wang Xiangyi's eyes widened in realization as she grasped the significance of Wang Li's strategy. "It's a bold plan," she remarked, admiration coloring her tone.

Wang Li nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Bold, but necessary," he affirmed, determination resonating in his voice.

With their plan set in motion, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi knew their first challenge lay in subduing the formidable Core Formation Realm experts of the Dong Family. Yet, they were acutely aware of the dangers lurking within the Dong Family grounds, bristling with potent array formations and defenders.

"Fighting them inside their family grounds would be a disaster," Wang Li remarked, his brow furrowed in thought.

Wang Xiangyi nodded in agreement, her gaze flickering with determination. "We need to lure them out," she suggested, her mind already whirling with ideas.

Wang Li's eyes brightened as inspiration struck. "And I have just the thing," he announced, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

The duo set their plan in motion, orchestrating a series of events designed to draw out the Core Formation experts without arousing suspicion.

Through subtle manipulation and strategic positioning, they ensured that news of the Thousand Steps Cloud Boots—a treasured artifact from the Wang Family—reached the ears of a Dong Family heir.

As rumors spread like wildfire through Meigu Town, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi observed from a distance, their anticipation building with each passing moment.

"It's working," Wang Xiangyi whispered, her excitement palpable.

Wang Li nodded, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Now we wait for our targets to take the bait," he replied, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Their patience was soon rewarded as word reached them that the Dong Family experts had taken the bait, lured by the promise of the Thousand Steps Cloud Boots.

In the opulent halls of the Dong Family mansion, servants hurried to relay the tantalizing gossip to their masters, hoping to curry favor and earn a place in the good graces of the family's esteemed leaders.

Meanwhile, at the pinnacle of Dong Family hierarchy, the news reached the ears of the two most formidable experts—Dong Zhenguo, the head of the family, and his trusted right hand, Dong Tiancheng.

Dong Zhenguo's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he envisioned claiming the coveted artifact for himself. With unwavering confidence in his Core Formation Realm prowess, he wasted no time in setting out to confront the supposed possessor of the Thousand Steps Cloud Boots.

Venturing alone into the outskirts of Meigu City, Dong Zhenguo's steps were imbued with purpose, his mind already calculating the best approach to seize his prize.

However, as he arrived at the designated location, his anticipation turned to wariness as he laid eyes on a solitary figure—the youth wearing the fabled boots, revealed to be none other than Wang Li.

A smirk curled at the corners of Dong Zhenguo's lips, his confidence unshaken by the unexpected turn of events. Yet, as he closed in on his target, a sudden activation of an array formation caught him off guard.

His instincts screamed caution, warning of a potential trap lurking beneath the surface. Dong Zhenguo's hand flew to his side, fingers grasping a cluster of explosive talismans, poised to unleash devastation upon his adversaries.

But before he could act, a barrier of wooden vines materialized around Wang Li, shielding him from the imminent threat. Dong Zhenguo's eyes narrowed in suspicion, his senses tingling with the presence of another.

In a swift and graceful motion, Wang Xiangyi emerged from the shadows, her slender form radiating determination as she brandished her gleaming sword, suffused with the potent essence of Metal Qi.

With a battle cry, Wang Xiangyi launched herself into the fray, her movements fluid and precise as she clashed with Dong Zhenguo, each strike resonating with lethal intent.

The air crackled with the intensity of their confrontation, the clash of metal against metal reverberating through the silent landscape. Sparks flew as sword met sword, the combatants locked in a fierce dance of blades and skill.

Determined to emerge victorious, Wang Xiangyi pressed forward with unwavering resolve, her every move calculated to exploit Dong Zhenguo's weaknesses and gain the upper hand in their deadly duel.

Meanwhile, Wang Li observed the skirmish with keen interest, his mind analyzing each movement and strategy with a meticulous eye.

As the clash of steel and the crackle of elemental energies filled the air, Dong Zhenguo's frustration reached a boiling point. "Who are you?" he bellowed, his voice tinged with disbelief and rage. "Why have you set this trap for me?"

Yet, despite his inquiries, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi remained steadfastly silent, their focus solely on the task at hand. With a fierce determination in her eyes, Wang Xiangyi continued to press the attack, her movements fluid and precise as she wielded her sword with deadly accuracy.

Unfazed by Dong Zhenguo's barrage of questions, Wang Li observed the unfolding battle with a calculating gaze. He understood the importance of maintaining the psychological advantage, knowing that Dong Zhenguo's attention was divided between the two of them.

As Wang Xiangyi unleashed a flurry of strikes, empowered by the array's enhancement of her Metal Qi, Dong Zhenguo found himself increasingly overwhelmed by her relentless assault. With each clash of their weapons, the tide of battle turned further in Wang Xiangyi's favor, her movements akin to a graceful dance of death.

Despite his best efforts to mount a defense, Dong Zhenguo found himself outmatched by Wang Xiangyi's skill and the array's suppressive influence on his Water Element techniques. With each strike, his strength waned, his movements growing sluggish as his injuries took their toll.

In a desperate bid to turn the tide, Dong Zhenguo unleashed a torrent of water, channeling his remaining strength into a powerful martial technique known as the "Torrential Surge." But even this formidable display of elemental prowess proved futile against Wang Xiangyi's unyielding assault.

With a swift counterstrike, Wang Xiangyi unleashed her own martial technique, the "Steel Tempest," a whirlwind of razor-sharp blades forged from the essence of Metal Qi. The attack collided with Dong Zhenguo's torrent, overwhelming it with sheer force and driving him to his knees.

Despite his valiant efforts, Dong Zhenguo's strength faltered, his body battered and broken from the relentless barrage. As darkness encroached upon his vision, he fought to maintain consciousness, but the pain proved too great to bear.

With a final, defiant roar, Dong Zhenguo's resolve crumbled, and he succumbed to unconsciousness.

As the dust settled, Wang Li approached his fallen foe with measured steps, his gaze cool and calculating. With Dong Zhenguo incapacitated, their first step toward controlling the Auction House was now within reach.

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