Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 26: Wang Li Hires Liu Xue

As Wang Li mulled over the message from his cousin Xiangyi, his mind churned with conflicting thoughts, each one a puzzle piece in the intricate web of his plans.

'Ye Fan's really thrown a wrench in the works,' he mused, running a hand through his hair in frustration. 'With him swooping in and playing the hero, my original plan just went out the window.'

He couldn't help but curse his luck, knowing that his enemy's unexpected intervention had drastically altered the course of his strategy.

'Originally, I had it all mapped out,' Wang Li thought, recalling his meticulous plan to save the core disciples of both the Golden Bell Temple and the Jade Lotus Palace. 'I was going to win their gratitude, earn their support, and start building my faction from there.'

But now, with Ye Fan stealing the spotlight and rescuing everyone in sight, Wang Li knew that his plan had crumbled like a house of cards.

'If I ask Liu Xue to publicly support me now, Ye Fan will just swoop in and contradict me,' Wang Li realized, his frustration mounting. 'And with everyone already singing his praises, they'll believe him over me without a second thought.'

It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that his carefully laid plans had been dashed to pieces by his nemesis's timely intervention.

'Guess I'll have to come up with a new strategy,' Wang Li resolved, determination flashing in his eyes as he squared his shoulders.

As Wang Li pondered his next move, his gaze drifted to Liu Xue, still unconscious beside him. He couldn't help but wonder how he could leverage her situation to his advantage.

Just as he was lost in thought, Liu Xue stirred, her eyes fluttering open as consciousness returned to her. She blinked, disoriented, and glanced around the dimly lit tunnels.

"W-where am I?" she murmured, her voice hoarse from her ordeal.

Wang Li, wearing his mask to conceal his identity, sat nearby. "You're safe, deep in the heart of the Spiritual Mine," he replied calmly, his voice steady.

Liu Xue's eyes widened in realization as the memories flooded back. She instinctively touched her healed abdomen, feeling for any lingering pain.

"You saved me?" she asked, astonishment coloring her tone as she looked at Wang Li with newfound respect.

Wang Li nodded, his tone earnest. "Yes, I healed you," he admitted, deciding to be upfront with her. "I saw you in trouble during the battle and intervened to rescue you from the Shadow Blade Sect's grasp. Those blinding talismans came in handy."

As Liu Xue processed the events, a mix of emotions flickered across her features, ranging from relief to concern. "What about the others? My fellow disciples from the Jade Lotus Palace?" she inquired, her voice tinged with worry.

"They were saved by reinforcements from the Emerald Sea Palace and the Crimson Rock Sect," Wang Li reassured her, hoping to ease her mind.

Liu Xue visibly relaxed at the news, a wave of relief washing over her. "Thank the heavens," she breathed, gratitude evident in her voice.

Just as she moved to leave, Wang Li gently halted her with a raised hand. "Wait, there's something I need to discuss with you," he interjected, his tone serious as he motioned for her to sit back down.

Liu Xue hesitated, curiosity shining in her eyes. "What is it?" she asked, turning her attention back to Wang Li, ready to listen.

Wang Li took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to reveal to Liu Xue. With a swift motion, he pulled down his mask, unveiling his face to her.

"I'm Wang Li, from the main branch of the Wang Family," he confessed, watching closely for her reaction.

Liu Xue's eyes widened in shock, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. The Wang Family—the name carried weight in the cultivation world, but not in a good way. She knew of their alleged collusion with demonic cultivators and their subsequent downfall at the hands of Ye Fan and his allies.

Seeing Wang Li here, claiming innocence, was like a twist in a tale she never expected.

"Wang Li? But... the Wang Family..." she trailed off, unable to fully comprehend the situation.

Wang Li nodded solemnly, understanding her disbelief. "I know what you've heard, but I assure you, the Wang Family's involvement with demonic cultivators was fabricated. I need your help to clear our name," he implored, his voice earnest.

Liu Xue listened, skepticism evident in her expression. "How can I help you prove that?" she asked, her curiosity piqued despite her doubts.

Wang Li nodded, understanding her hesitation. "I need you to use your influence as a core disciple of the Jade Lotus Palace to investigate the truth behind the accusations against the Wang Family," he replied, his tone resolute.

However, Liu Xue hesitated, weighing the costs against the potential benefits. "Investigating such matters would require a significant investment of time and effort on my part," she reasoned, her expression conflicted. "I'm not sure it's worth it."

Wang Li nodded understandingly, acknowledging her concerns. But before Liu Xue could protest further, he made a bold move, reaching out and grasping her arm.

Startled by his sudden touch, Liu Xue tensed, ready to defend herself. But then, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, suffusing her Spiritual Roots with power she had never experienced before.

Wide-eyed with astonishment, Liu Xue stared at Wang Li in disbelief, unable to comprehend how he had done it.

Wang Li met her gaze, his expression earnest. "I can help you unlock the full potential of your Spiritual Roots," he offered, his voice filled with conviction. "All you have to do is help me clear my family's name."

Liu Xue couldn't help but feel intrigued by the offer, her curiosity piqued by the possibility of unlocking her full potential.

But even as she considered his proposal, doubts lingered in the back of her mind. Could she trust Wang Li, especially considering the tarnished reputation of the Wang Family?

As she weighed her options, Liu Xue knew that whatever choice she made would shape her destiny.

Liu Xue regarded Wang Li with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity, her brow furrowed with uncertainty. "And if I uncover evidence proving the Wang Family's collusion with the Demonic Cultivators?" she pressed, her voice tinged with doubt.

Wang Li met her gaze with a sad smile, his eyes reflecting sincerity. "If that's the truth you uncover, then I'll accept the consequences," he replied solemnly, his tone weighted with resignation. "I'll surrender to the righteous sects and face judgement."

Impressed by his conviction, Liu Xue nodded slowly, her doubts beginning to wane. "Alright, Wang Li," she said finally, her tone firm. "I'll investigate the truth about your family. You have my word."

With their agreement settled, Wang Li urged Liu Xue to reunite with her comrades from the Jade Lotus Palace, knowing they must be worried about her.

Liu Xue nodded, gratitude shining in her eyes as she prepared to depart. With a swift nod of farewell, she soared out of the mines, her heart lighter knowing she had a purpose to pursue.

Left alone in the depths of the Spiritual Mine, Wang Li's thoughts turned to the task at hand. Activating his Heavenly Fate Pupils, he followed the trail of a faint purple glow, a sign of potential fortune waiting to be discovered.

As he ventured deeper into the maze-like tunnels, anticipation stirred within him. Whatever awaited him at the source of the purple glow, Wang Li was ready to face it head-on.

As Wang Li delved deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels of the mine, he encountered a formidable obstacle—a towering wall blocking his path. With a determined glint in his eyes, he knew that beyond this barrier lay the promised treasure he sought.

"Gotta blast through this thing," he muttered to himself, summoning his spiritual energy to launch a barrage of wooden elemental attacks at the stubborn wall.

Each strike reverberated through the chamber, sending echoes bouncing off the walls as Wang Li's relentless assault gradually wore down the barrier. After several intense moments, the wall finally crumbled, revealing a gaping opening beckoning him forward.

"Time to see what's on the other side," Wang Li declared, stepping through the newly formed entrance with a sense of anticipation.

As he ventured further into the chamber beyond, his eyes widened with awe at the sight of ancient treasures scattered about. "Now this is what I call a lucky find!" he remarked, his excitement palpable.

Among the treasures, he spotted a Rare Elemental Beast Core of a Five-Tailed Elemental Fox, shimmering with the essence of the five basic elements. "Talk about a jackpot!" Wang Li marveled, carefully retrieving the precious artifact.

Next to it lay a Divine Mind Arts Manual, a cultivation technique for refining the mind and spiritual senses. "This could come in handy," Wang Li mused, tucking the manual securely into his robes.

Beside the manual rested a Spiritual Egg, accompanied by instructions on how to nurture and infuse it with spiritual energy. "Interesting... I wonder what will hatch from this," Wang Li pondered, intrigued by the possibilities.

His gaze then fell upon a collection of ancient pellet recipes, each tailored to harness the power of a different elemental attribute. "Looks like I've hit the jackpot," Wang Li grinned, eagerly examining the intricate details of the recipes.

Among these treasures, Wang Li also discovered letters left behind by the chamber's owner, who spoke of betrayal by the Pill Tower and the desire for revenge.

As he surveyed the treasures before him, Wang Li couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity, particularly with the Elemental Core. "Hmm... Could these treasures be connected to Ye Fan's Five Elemental Physique?" he wondered aloud, his mind racing with possibilities. "Or perhaps... were they meant for him all along?"

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