Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 25: Wang Li's Selfishness

As Wang Li scanned the battlefield, his heart skipped a beat when he noticed a bright golden light emanating from the northern side. He couldn't help but gulp nervously as he realized that it could only be one person—Ye Fan.

'Of course, he'd show up at a time like this,' Wang Li thought, feeling a knot of anxiety form in his stomach. 'Knowing Ye Fan, he'll find a way to steal the spotlight and turn the tide in favor of the righteous sects.'

His mind raced with possibilities, imagining the scenarios where Ye Fan swooped in as the hero, saving the day and basking in the adoration of everyone around him. Wang Li couldn't shake the feeling of unease at the thought of Ye Fan's potential interference.

But before he could dwell on it further, his attention was drawn back to the ongoing battle between Liu Xue and the Shadow Blade Sect. As he observed the intense struggle, an idea began to form in his mind.

'If I can't stop Ye Fan from intervening, perhaps I can do something to accelerate the situation and turn it in my favor,' Wang Li mused, his eyes narrowing with determination.

With a quick and decisive motion, he discreetly released hundreds of explosive talismans, sending them hurtling towards the unsuspecting disciples of the Jade Lotus Palace from their blind spot.

The Jade Lotus Palace disciples were too focused on their confrontation with the Shadow Blade Sect to notice the impending danger creeping up behind them. And just as Wang Li had anticipated, the explosive talismans detonated with a deafening roar, catching the Jade Lotus Palace disciples off guard.

The sudden explosion sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, causing chaos and confusion among the ranks of the Jade Lotus Palace disciples. As dust and debris filled the air, cries of pain and surprise echoed through the chamber.

Liu Xue and her comrades staggered under the impact of the explosion, their defenses momentarily shattered by the unexpected assault. Even Liu Xue, the formidable core disciple of the Jade Lotus Palace, was not spared from the blast, sustaining injuries in the ensuing chaos.

"Watch out!" Liu Xue cried, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of chaos. But it was too late.

The Shadow Blade Sect wasted no time in capitalizing on the Jade Lotus Palace disciples' moment of weakness. With ruthless efficiency, they launched a coordinated assault, exploiting the opening created by the explosion to inflict further damage upon their adversaries.

As the dust settled, Wang Li grimaced at the unintended severity of his tactic. 'I didn't mean for it to cause this much harm,' he thought, a pang of guilt gnawing at him. But there was no time for remorse as he witnessed Liu Xue and her companions struggling to fend off their relentless attackers.

The battle between the Jade Lotus Palace disciples and the Shadow Blade Sect reached a fever pitch, with the Shadow Blade Sect gaining the upper hand with each passing moment. The air crackled with tension as the disciples of the Jade Lotus Palace fought desperately to hold their ground.

Amidst the chaos, outer sect disciples of the Jade Lotus Palace fell one by one, their cries of pain echoing through the chamber as they succumbed to the relentless onslaught of the Shadow Blade Sect. Grave injuries littered the battlefield, leaving many unable to continue the fight.

Even among the inner sect disciples, signs of fatigue and desperation began to show. Some had already resorted to activating their defensive talismans or artifacts, seeking to buy precious moments of respite amidst the chaos.

But amidst the chaos, Liu Xue, the lone core disciple of the Jade Lotus Palace, remained a beacon of fierce determination. Despite her mounting injuries, she fought on with unwavering resolve, her every move a testament to her unwavering loyalty to her sect.

As the Shadow King launched a relentless assault on Liu Xue, striking blow after blow with deadly precision, her situation grew increasingly dire. Blood stained her robes as she fought to fend off her assailant, her strength waning with each passing moment.

The inner sect disciples pleaded with Liu Xue to retreat, their voices filled with urgency and concern. "Senior Sister, please, you must escape! We'll hold them off as long as we can," they urged, their words laced with desperation.

But Liu Xue refused to yield, her determination unyielding in the face of adversity. "I cannot abandon you all," she declared, her voice resolute despite the pain coursing through her veins.

However, fate had other plans. In a sudden, vicious attack, the Shadow King struck, piercing Liu Xue's gut with a savage blow.

Gritting her teeth against the searing pain, Liu Xue summoned the last reserves of her strength to launch a counterattack, sending the Shadow King reeling.

But the damage had been done. With her vision fading and consciousness slipping away, Liu Xue knew she could fight no longer.

'It can't end like this,' she thought, her mind clouded with pain and fatigue. 'But what else can I do?'

It was then that Wang Li, sensing the urgency of the situation, sprang into action. With a swift motion, he unleashed a barrage of blinding talismans, enveloping the battlefield in a dazzling light that momentarily stunned both allies and enemies alike.

Seizing the opportunity created by the chaos, Wang Li swooped in and scooped up Liu Xue in his arms, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he carried her away from the fray at breakneck speed.

As the blinding effect began to fade, confusion reigned among the disciples of both the Jade Lotus Palace and the Shadow Blade Sect. But by the time their vision cleared, Wang Li and Liu Xue were nowhere to be seen, leaving behind a sense of bewilderment in their wake.

With Liu Xue's escape, the Shadow Blade Sect found themselves momentarily disoriented, their momentum disrupted by the unexpected turn of events.

Wang Li carefully navigated the maze-like tunnels of the Spiritual Mine, his burden heavy with the injured Liu Xue cradled in his arms. Each step was measured, his senses alert for any sign of danger lurking in the shadows.

As he ventured deeper into the labyrinth, Wang Li couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The relative safety of the tunnels offered a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos of battle raging above ground.

With Liu Xue's life hanging in the balance, Wang Li knew he had to act swiftly. Finding a secluded alcove, he laid her down gently, his brow furrowed with concern as he assessed her injuries.

Using his Heavenly Fate Pupils to scan the surroundings for any potential threats, Wang Li breathed a sigh of relief when he confirmed that they were alone.

Without hesitation, he began to administer aid, stripping away Liu Xue's clothes to access her wounds. As he touched her skin, he invoked the Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability, channeling the energies within their bodies to initiate the healing process.

"Her vital organs are damaged... I need to do more," Wang Li muttered to himself, his brow furrowing with concern as he pondered his next course of action, which was a intense application of the Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability for effective healing.

Drawing a deep breath, Wang Li made a bold decision. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to Liu Xue's, channeling the power of the Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability to accelerate her healing process. The sensation of their lips meeting sent a jolt of energy coursing through him, fueling his determination to save her at any cost.

For the next three hours, Wang Li kissed her repeatedly, pouring his own energy into Liu Xue's weakened form. With each passing moment, he could see the wounds closing, the color returning to her pallid complexion.

Despite the exhaustion gnawing at his own strength, Wang Li persisted, unwilling to falter until Liu Xue was fully restored.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Liu Xue's injuries began to fade, her breathing steady and her pulse strong once more. With a sense of relief washing over him, Wang Li withdrew, his lips tingling from the prolonged contact.

As he gazed down at Liu Xue's peaceful form, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

As Liu Xue lay peacefully, Wang Li turned his attention to the communication talisman that had been buzzing with urgency for hours.

With a flick of his wrist, he activated the talisman, bringing forth the words of his cousin Wang Xiangyi.

"Hey there, Cousin Li," her voice echoed in his mind, the urgency palpable. "Just wanted to let you know that I managed to rescue Liang Chen and a few others from the Golden Bell Temple. But things got hairy real quick. The Blood Chain Sect tried to trap us with this massive chain net, but then, the disciples of the Emerald Sea Palace and the Crimson Rock Sect arrived to help us out."

As he listened further, Wang Xiangyi's tone grew more serious. "Yeah, so, uh, long story short, we teamed up with the Emerald Sea Palace and the Crimson Rock Sect to take down those Blood Chain Sect's members.

Xiangyi's voice crackled again. "Anyway, since the righteous sects managed to defeat the Blood Chain Sect, I couldn't exactly make a clean getaway with Liang Chen and the others. I also heard from the Emerald Sea Palace disciples that the one who helped them defeat the Iron Hammer Sect's members is Ye Fan and right now, he is here in this Spiritual Mine.

From what I heard, he is heading towards the Eastern Chamber where the Jade Lotus Palace's disciples were fighting against the Shadow Blade Sect's members."

"Anyway, since Ye Fan is here, I have decided to escape from this Spiritual Mine and head over to the Wayfarer Inn in the west. Let's regroup there," the communication talisman spoke before it's energy died down as the message was finished.

"Smart move, Xiangyi," Wang Li muttered, impressed by her quick thinking.

With a flick of his wrist, Wang Li sent a response to his cousin, confirming his understanding of her plan and assuring her of his support.

"Stay safe, Xiangyi," he whispered, sending his silent wishes for her well-being.

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