Guild Wars

Chapter 1011 Plan For The Next 3 Months

Meanwhile, the core members of Umbra and all the important persons related to Umbra gathered according to Draco's order. They all came to the small courtyard within the Aether Palace, forming an unorganized group.

Draco came to stand before all of them and smiled calmly. He noticed that many still had furious or cold expressions, but the simmering rage within them was about to boil over.

"I have a method to kill Rank 7 fellows like they are chickens, but I didn't want to use it previously because its not very beneficial to my personal growth."

"However, this one time and this one time only, I will make an exception and make these fellows spend every day living in fear of their eventual demise. To be honest I don't even need to be near them to kill them I could slaughter all of them right here."

Draco shook his head. "However, that wouldn't be satisfying and definitely will not quench your craving for blood. So I put up this war so that you can all slaughter systematically and freely. You can target their friends, families and loved ones, I will make sure they don't descend on you."

Eva, who was beside him, was currently playing with a dagger manifested from Abyss Energy that made anyone who gazes at it feel trepidation.

"To add to that, the war begins in three months. It is to give our enemies times to squirm in regret and suffering, wondering when death shall come for them."

"The sheer psychological pressure and pain will be enough to make then go crazy."

Eva threw the dagger into the atmosphere and it warped into the fabric of the world seemingly disappearing. However, Eva had sent the dagger back in time to strike Sengo Muramasa who was fighting with Nakiu had hadn't been banished yet.

When hit by the dagger, his face greatly changed as he felt the corruptive energy surge, and he broke off the fight with Richmond and Nakiu to flee. The two old farts were stunned then soon watched all the Rank 7 fellows be sent away.

Now, they were standing here listening to Draco and Eva speak quietly. When they saw Eva throw the familiar dagger, their faces changed as they put two and two together.

"Mhm, so about the war, what resources should we invest?" Sublime asked right away.

"Anything and everything you feel is necessary. You guys have full discretion. We'll just act as nuclear deterrents until its time to release the payload." Draco answered with a laugh.

"What about players? Should we recruit them? We could probably offer more than the other fellows." Deployed was the next to inquire.

"No, no players will be recruited. We want them all the join the other faction. Its actually very important for this war  to be useful to all of us." Eva answered coldly.

The core members were confused by this, and so were the NPCs. Sublime was the first to ask: "How so?"

"We have Divine classes and Legendary classes among us that are extremely hard to level up the higher we go. What we need is experience points, and this war, as well as millions of players are the best way to get it." Eva began explaining.

Draco looked at the group pointedly. "Check the second provision of the event and you will understand everything."

「Provision 2: During the event, players who kill NPCs will accrue full experience rewards as if they were killing monsters, and will also gain experience from killing players affiliated with the other factions.」

Thunder seemed to strike the mind of everyone here. They understood the scheme of the Evil Duo and had to admit, it was truly insidious!

Draco and Eva wanted to milk the entire playerbase!

Normally, when you killed a player, he only dropped his stuff and you'd get a red name depending on the situation. There was no gameplay mode where killing other players got you experience, otherwise the PK society would be even worse than it was now.

So this was kinda unprecedented and very dangerous, but it was also incredibly lucrative. One should know that unlike NPCs who died once, players could respawn.

So they could be farmed over and over again, and with numbers reaching almost a billion, even the tough to level up Eternal Classes might be able to enjoy a good meal this time.

"Does everyone understand? If so, move out and start making preparations for the upcoming feast." Draco instructed.

The various NPCs and players soon left, leaving Richmond and Nakiu who were pensive. The two walked over to Draco and looked him up and down.

"Hahaha, my precious disciple, you sure have grown! Quickly come and greet your master!" Richmond laughed magnanimously.

Draco looked Richmond up and down. "Old undead, you are still alive after so long? Why hasn't anyone come to kill you?"

Richmond snorted and flung his sleeves. "Which fellow in this world can kill me, the almighty Richmond? Hahaha, even True Gods might not be able to-"

Thunder struck beside Richmond and shut him up in the next second. Poor Richmond, he should know that majority of True Gods were always watching Draco's situation in their free time.

"Hmph, old man, just find a place to stay in the palace and stop disturbing me. This King has stuff to do." Draco stated while leaving with his two beauties.

Richmond was shocked. My god, did Draco actually allow him into his abode? Damn, the brat really had accepted him after so long, and Richmond couldn't help but feel giddy.

Nakiu by the side glanced at Richmond, then at the departing Draco, seemingly understanding something. He smirked and patted Richmond on the back before the two eventually left into the depths of the Aether Palace, bickering the whole way.

As for Draco, Eva and Shuangtian, they teleported to the Inner Universe and appeared in Eva's Heavenly Castle.

The three sat down and sighed. Now that they had finally settled in, it was time to digest and work on all their various aspects before taking a step forward again.

For Draco, his agenda was;

1. Use Refinement to replicate all the Divine Materials he had.

2. Acquire the necessary materials (and replicate them) for upgrading the Inner Moon and Inner Planet, and even the Inner Sun.

3. Upgrade the Dragorugio and Dragoira sets from Legendary to Divine or Origin if possible.

4. Craft a new set for Shuangtian in that same regard.

5. Increase Blacksmithing and Alchemy to the God Rank if possible.

6. Begin practicing Dungeon Making and Skill Fusion Legendary Tradeskills that have never been touched. Also work on Privateering for a bit.

For Eva, her agenda was;

1. Work with Draco to increase her Dragoira set

2. Work with Draco on the matter of the Inner Planet, Inner Sun and Inner Moon.

3. Explore the Eyes of Caela, the power they come with and how to maximize their sue for what Caelo described.

4. Practice with the powers she had ignored and severely underused, like Conjuration and her Abyss Bloodline Branch.

5. Being work on the Divine Tradeskill she acquired called Ministry, which was about how to harvest faith, convert it into Divine energy and sell to gods or mortals.

For Shuangtian, her agenda was;

1. Pour her bloodline source into the new set Draco would make for her so it would be perfectly customized to suit her needs.

2. Increase the grade of her Inner Planet and try to understand its value more

3. Practice with the new Divine Gauntlets she received and connect with the Goddess of Power, Aniam.

4. Check the various Tradeskill libraries of the mansions and see if she could find a suitable Tradeskill for herself.

5. Remain as the guiding light for Eva and Draco, making sure that neither walked down the wrong path.

With their plans set, they began to work on them. They planned to use these next 3 months solely for the purpose of working on these goals they set, and might not even participate in the war until far later.

However before that, the trio existed the game and headed to the lab to retrieve their babies. Lucitera and Lucitian had been left with Amber in order to run some tests and make sure that there was absolutely no problem with the two.

Now enough time had passed and they were sure Amber should be done, so it was time for them to take their children back.

When they entered the lab, Lucitian and Lucitera were playing with each other, releasing energy beams and using powerful attacks that could likely cause entire continents to quake.

How OP children played and how normal children played was naturally different. The duo stopped what they were doing upon seeing their parents and practically squealed with joy, rushing into their mothers arms.

Eva held Lucitera lovingly and rubbed her cheek against her baby, while Shuangtian directly kissed her son all over. Seeing the two women fawning over their beloved little tykes, Draco rolled his eyes and walked up to Amber who looked tired.

"Thanks for the hardwork."  Draco said with a smile.

Amber patted her messy hair which had been destroyed by the kids and glanced at Draco askance. "You know what I want as thanks."

Draco laughed. "I do and one day you'll get it, that I promise you. First, I need you to take care of Rina and the twins for me. I don't want any complications with their gestation."

Amber's eyes lit up when she heard that she would get a turn, and her fatigue seemed to be blown away. She assured Draco that Rina and the twins would be in good hands and Draco trusted her on that.

As for the group, they left the lab and returned to the Purgatory Group's offices for Umbra, heading to the top floor where their reserve pods were. After settling in Lucitian and Lucitera into their own pods, the Evil trio re-entered the game and began putting their various plans into action.

First off Lucitian at least needed to be introduced to his new siblings, so Draco called his family over and showed them Lucitian. The arrogant young fellow disdain the second-grade kids and only had eyes for Rosella, Loki, Kuro and Shiro.

Rosella had a strange rivalry with Lucitera as one was the oldest sister and the other was the 'oldest sister'. However Lucitera was meeting Shiro for the first time and couldn't help but feel protective of the little bubble of joy.

Lucitian shot a look at Loki and Kuro and nodded his head. The two were suppressed and could only lower their heads and stand behind Lucitian.

The two arrogant young fellows had admitted defeat and become lackeys!

After the greetings and theatrics were done, everyone went back to do their own things. Just like this, time inevitably run forward, heading towards the ever distant future.

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