Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 209: Turning the Tables, Jiang Chen's Counterattack

Chapter 209: Turning the Tables, Jiang Chen's Counterattack

"Then..." Ji Mingxiu furrowed his brows, "Should we consider not attending and instead fortify ourselves within the Holy Land?"

"Absolutely not!" Jiang Chen responded with conviction.

"Do you fear that the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace and the Nether Demon Clan will join forces and attack the Purple Heaven Holy Land?" Ji Mingxiu's eyes deepened with thought as he posed the question after a brief pause.

"Precisely," Jiang Chen affirmed.

"The Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace wants to divide our elite combat forces, attacking both divisions separately on two fronts."

"But in doing so, they also split their own strength!"

"If we skip this gathering, they might figure out that we're aware of their covert alliance with the Nether Demon Clan. As a result, they'd abandon their current plan and concentrate all their might against our Purple Heaven Holy Land."

"Therefore, my suggestion is this: we must attend." A cold smile began to form on Jiang Chen's lips. "It's time to turn the tables!"

"Turn the tables?" Ji Mingxiu's eyes widened in surprise. "The strength of our Purple Heaven Holy Land is evident, but the combined might of the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace and the Nether Demon Clan surely surpasses us. How do you plan to counteract them?"

Jiang Chen explained, "We have the potential support of the Jade Lake Heavenly Temple."

"But they might not fully trust us," Ji Mingxiu pointed out.

Jiang Chen nodded. "That's why our main priority must be to strengthen our own forces."

"How can we significantly boost our power in such a short time?" Ji Mingxiu asked, his brows furrowing with concern. "The outcome of this battle largely depends on the strength of the Dao Palace realm."

"You're right," Jiang Chen acknowledged.

"It's not just about the overall strength of the Dao Palace realm."

"Rather, it comes down to the might of the most powerful among us."

Jiang Chen paused before posing his next question, "Where does Master's power truly stand? And Dong Yuanzheng from the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace?"

"The gap between us is minimal; both of us are in the Late-stage Dao Palace realm," Ji Mingxiu admitted.

"Late-stage Dao Palace realm," Jiang Chen echoed, processing the information. Without hesitation, he accessed the System Mall, scanning the selection for pills specifically designed for the Dao Palace realm.

His objective was clear: acquire pills that could enhance the fighting capabilities of Ji Mingxiu and the others.

Given that his current Villain Value of over a hundred thousand points wouldn't significantly boost his own combat abilities, nor instantly advance him to the Dao Palace realm, amplifying the strength of Ji Mingxiu and the team seemed to be their best bet in the given situation.

If they emerged victorious from this war, wouldn't the rewards far surpass what one could attain with a mere hundred thousand points of Villain Value?

Jiang Chen's eyes darted across the items in the System Mall, meticulously weighing his options.

Spiritual plants tailored for the Dao Palace realm started at fifty thousand points of Villain Value. Pills of equivalent rank were slightly pricier, but not by a noteworthy amount.

This made sense, given that not all Dao Palace realm pills were crafted from spiritual plants of the same realm.

Typically, they were made using a primary spiritual plant from the Dao Palace realm, enhanced with spiritual plants from lower realms.

Not all Dao Palace realm pills required Dao Palace realm spiritual plants in their composition.

Moreover, a single furnace wasn't restricted to producing just one pill; it often yielded multiple pills.

A top-grade pill tailored for the Dao Palace realm usually cost around eighty thousand points of Villain Value.

The price decreased with the pill's grade: the lower the grade, the more affordable it became.

And the System Mall didnt exclusively stock top-grade pills.

Jiang Chen's thoughts raced. 'There's little time left. It's unrealistic for Ji Mingxiu and the others to significantly advance their cultivation bases now.'

'Attaining a breakthrough in the Dao Palace realm isn't an overnight task.'

'Our best bet is to acquire pills that can temporarily boost their fighting strength!'

'Considering Ji Mingxiu's Fate Value, he seems destined to outlive this tale. The Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace might be powerful, but they aren't unbeatable.'

'If Ji Mingxiu and the team take these power-boosting pills, their strength will surge. Even if they can't turn the battle in their favor, they'll definitely approach it with greater confidence!'

'And Yao Zong, along with the other two, should be well-prepared to defend.' With these considerations, Jiang Chen quickly zeroed in on a pill from the System Mall the 'Jade Thunder Vigor Infusion Pill'.

He chose the middle-grade quality version.

This choice was both economical and efficient, with a set of three pills priced at 96,000 points of Villain Value - an amount well within his budget.

Though aware of possible side effects, they were notably less severe and not nearly as life-threatening as those associated with the lower-grade variant of the Jade Thunder Vigor Infusion Pill.

Jiang Chen mused, would Yao Zong and the others genuinely fret about side effects when their lives hung in the balance in this plot?

'System! Procure three middle-grade Jade Thunder Vigor Infusion Pills!' Jiang Chen mentally instructed.

[Ding! You have expended 96,000 Villain Value points and successfully redeemed middle-grade Jade Thunder Vigor Infusion Pill*3!]

The System confirmed his purchase.

"Master," Jiang Chen began, extracting the three Jade Thunder Vigor Infusion Pills, "These pills were given to me by the two seniors. Given the impending challenges, it would be best if you held onto them." He offered the pills to Ji Mingxiu. "We have only three. Take one and share the other two among the four Supreme Elders."

Ji Mingxiu's eyes widened in awe. "Are these... Dao Palace realm pills? Such immense power!" He stared intently at the pills, a tremor running through him, before realization dawned. "These can grant a temporary boost in combat prowess!"

In the current times on the Immortal Martial Continent, the number of alchemists with the expertise to create Dao Palace realm pills was extremely limitedso few that one could count them on a single hand.

Yet, even these few could only produce basic pills meant for cultivation and recovery, with a mere three or four types in their repertoire.

No other varieties were known to exist!

Thus, a Dao Palace realm pill, one that could provide a temporary surge in power, was truly unmatched on the Immortal Martial Continent!

"That's correct!" Jiang Chen confirmed. He then cautioned, "Master, please be extremely careful. If you find you can't gain an upper hand and dominate the situation, then retreat!" He added with emphasis, "Life is paramount; it's more important than any battle!"

"Understood!" Ji Mingxiu responded, eyes gleaming with resolve. He nodded, taking the pills from Jiang Chen, "With these three pills in our possession, we stand a better chance against any lethal threats!"

Holding the three pills, Ji Mingxiu was flooded with emotion.

It reaffirmed that trusting Jiang Chen had been the right choice.

Jiang Chen had effortlessly handed over three Dao Palace realm pills, not hesitating even for a moment.

His unwavering commitment to friendship and honor was truly admirable.

"I must be on my way," Jiang Chen said, a smile touching his lips as he made a courteous farewell gesture.

Ji Mingxiu didn't attempt to keep Jiang Chen back.

Given the urgency of their situation, there was no time for casual chat.

As soon as Jiang Chen left, Ji Mingxiu promptly gathered Mo Yu and the other Supreme Elders. He briefed them about his conversation with Jiang Chen and distributed the pills.

Mo Yu and the rest were swept up in a mix of astonishment and elation.

Their admiration for Jiang Chen deepened even further.

After everyone received their portion, they discussed finer details and made extensive preparations.

For instance, Ji Mingxiu, Si Zhangjian, and two others each drew a strand of power from the Purple Heaven Immortal Martial Sword. This extraction didn't weaken the sword. Instead, it allowed them to deploy an incredibly potent sword technique.

This strategy provided them with an extra advantage up their sleeve!


Leaving Ji Mingxiu's residence, Jiang Chen headed straight for Ji Ruxue's grand mansion.

When he arrived, he saw Ji Ruxue deep in thought, walking alone in the courtyard, seemingly lost in her own reverie.

Moving carefully, Jiang Chen was mindful to keep his intentions hidden from the ever-watchful Void Tribulation Soul.

"Ruxue, where's Xiaojing?" He broke the peaceful quiet, his eyes scanning the calm surroundings.

Ji Ruxue halted and turned to face Jiang Chen. A flicker of happiness danced in her eyes upon seeing him.

"She's at the Method Transmission Hall. She'll be back soon," she replied.

She was just warming up to the conversation when an idea sparked in her mind. With Jiang Chen mentioning Xie Xiaojing, it seemed like a good time to discuss her best friend's feelings for him.

But reading her intentions, Jiang Chen cheekily interrupted.

"Ruxue, relax. I'm well aware of Xiaojing's feelings for me." He assured her with a calm smile. Shifting to a more playful tone, he added, "You're quite keen on pairing me with someone else, aren't you?"

Ji Ruxue's cheeks took on a subtle hue of pink at Jiang Chen's jest, realizing her attempts hadn't been as covert as she'd imagined.

"I just want Xiaojing to experience the same joy I've found," she said, her voice a blend of genuine concern and mild anxiety.

Seeing her response, a teasing smile appeared on Jiang Chen's face.

Suddenly, an idea crossed his mind. Without hesitation, he smoothly reached into his Eternal Vows Binding Ring.

He produced a nuptial ring, intricately inscribed with Ji Ruxue's name.

Holding her hand tenderly, he carefully placed the ring on her finger, his eyes shining with deep affection.

"Ruxue, I've meant to give you this for some time now. This ring is not just any ordinary adornmentit's a testament to our bond." His voice was gentle, each word steeped in earnest emotion. "No matter the challenges ahead, remember we'll face them together, always."

Ji Ruxue stared at the ring in quiet astonishment, emotions of happiness flooding her.

Simultaneously, with a level of subtlety only he could muster, Jiang Chen sent a clandestine command to the Eternal Vows Binding Ring through their spiritual link, ensuring Xie Xiaojing's ring remained hidden from Ji Ruxue's perception, at least for the time being.

As Jiang Chen and Ji Ruxue shared a quiet moment, the timely entrance of Xie Xiaojing interrupted the peace of the courtyard.

"Jiang Chen, you're here!" Joy radiated from Xie Xiaojing's face upon seeing him. Aware of his recent confrontation, her relief was evident when she found him unharmed.

Ji Ruxue, observing their exchange, smiled warmly. Without waiting for a reaction from either, she gracefully stepped back, granting them their moment.

Her tactful exit was reminiscent of a seasoned harem queen, ensuring harmony among her fellow consorts.

Jiang Chen chuckled, appreciating the aptness of the comparison. It perfectly captured Ji Ruxue's talent for preserving peace in the 'Harem'.

Adjusting to the unexpected turn of events, he beckoned Xie Xiaojing to the pavilion. They spoke amiably until he sensed the right moment to summon Ji Ruxue.

With both by his side, Jiang Chen allowed the Eternal Vows Binding Ring to reveal its hidden power.

Then, with a serious expression, he introduced the matter that had brought him here.

"We're on the brink of an unprecedented conflict, far surpassing any challenge we've faced before," Jiang Chen began. He delved into the intelligence he'd gathered, the impending threat, and the plans to counteract it.

He outlined every aspect with precision, ensuring clarity and understanding.

Once Jiang Chen finished speaking, he fixed a deep, unwavering gaze upon Xie Xiaojing and Ji Ruxue. "For your safety, stay within the Holy Land's borders. Don't leave unless I give explicit approval. Do you understand the importance of this?"

His voice held firmness, almost verging on sternness, leaving no room for disagreement.

However, his eyes betrayed his profound concern and anxiety, emphasizing the seriousness of his request.

Grasping the gravity of Jiang Chen's directive, and fortified by the newfound insights from their rings, Xie Xiaojing and Ji Ruxue nodded in immediate agreement.

Feeling a heightened sense of duty, they committed to rigorous training.

They recognized they might not fight side by side with Jiang Chen in the approaching conflict.

Yet, their aim was clear: to aid and support him in any possible way.

With their assured agreement, Jiang Chen released a pent-up sigh of relief.

Noting the women's growing interest in their nuptial rings, he decided to give them space for their discoveries.

Now, he would focus on his own cultivation practice.

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