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7 months ago
A story about a student who wakes up after being in a coma for 3 months following an accident.... Read more A story about a student who wakes up after being in a coma for 3 months following an accident. During his coma, he had strange dreams involving a Doctor and performing medical procedures. Now, with new found his medical knowledge and reawakening with a new mindset, follow him on his journey as he uses his medical knowledge to save lives and lead him onto the path of becoming the greatest doctor of his time! Collapse Amnesia, Beautiful Female Lead, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Charming Protagonist, Crime, Doctors, Genius Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Hospital, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Medical Knowledge, Modern Day, Multiple Personalities, Personality Changes, Pragmatic Protagonist, Second Chance, Time Skip, Wealthy Characters The time skips go hard in this novel. lol One of the best books av ever read on this site soo far. Wholesome novel, but I found multiple personalities really not necessary.Read if you want some break from cultivation and other stuff. The grammar is so bad. People who edit and translate stories need to do what editors and translators who work on animes do. Work it to fit the audience, just because you can translate the words from the original don't just leave it like that, because what is said in one language doesn't work in another. I didnt like it very much, the progression of the story is a bit boring but not bad, ordinary This bouta get adapted to Kdrama LMFAOOO, a template for a great kdrama ngllll Any pioneers