Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 703: A Supreme's Envy

Chapter 703: A Supreme's Envy

Shout-out to Rokatsa for patron support!!


"Who is she?" Angela inquired with an unkind tone as she observed the exotic woman with the s.e.x.u.a.l charm that was even making the wingless angel a bit jittery. For once, Anna and Mary felt intimidated by the woman Nik brought back home as the woman's green eyes, much deeper than her green dress, swept past the trio and she sat on the couch silently.

"So, it's like this," Nik began reiterating everything that happened. Angela and the others didn't know of Nik's plan to target the Sorcerer Supreme of the realm for now what seemed like a library of moral books and stories. In fact, Nik felt the need to confirm this particular fact once again. Once he completed his entire evening, he looked towards Morgan.

"I did ask you to just follow me... but we don't have an extra room. It was the spur of the moment thing, really," Nik sighed and looked around as Morgan silently sat akin a cold statue. The stare of the three women failed to pull any reaction from her while Asmodeus whispered in Nik's mind.

'Oi, Nik. She's trying a power move by not speaking at all and making you feel fl.u.s.tered.

'It's all dandy but why are you whispering?' Nik inquired as Asmodeus didn't reply anymore while Anna looked towards Nik with a worried expression, "What does it mean She will carve your heart?" Her question striking a chord with Mary and Angela as both the women looked at each other. Instantly, Angela gripped her sword while a black membrane covered Mary. Her physique bulked up slightly and white patches covered her head to mark her eyes with a long tongue and a ferocious set of teeth marking her face.

'Hot,' Pickle and Nik thought simultaneously while Anna's expression worsened.

"By carving my heart," Nik smiled without caring about the tension in the room. If he didn't trust Mary, he wouldn't have prepared a symbiote for her and Angela could her own in front of many beings.

"Hehe, playing with Klyntars. Hmm," Morgan's eyes glowed as she stared at the four of them, before her gaze fixed on Nik once again.

"You... broke their connection," Morgan muttered with slight surprise seeping through her voice.

"Is she going to be like that forever?" Angela groaned in annoyance, "Talking to herself as if we don't exist!"

"So you know something about that... hogging television the entire day..." Anna mumbled while Angela's head snapped towards the girl's direction, giving the poor girl a scare as she instantly leaped behind Nik and looked at Angela with a threatening expression.


Everybody could hear the window to Nik's bedroom opening as all the girls present stared at Nik with an incredulous expression.

"I forgot to give Ava her key," Nik replied with a stoic expression as everyone grew silent until the door to Nik's bedroom slowly creaked open, revealing a slightly exhausted Ava still wearing her costume with her mask swept up. However, she took one quick glance into the living room, her expression froze and she slowly returned into the room, the door creaking shut while a thudding voice echoed from his room and Nik pursed his lips, "And, she is gone again..."

"I'll chase her!" Anna spoke excitedly as she turned into her symbiote form too. Her body grew slightly buffer and her assets widened. With an excited grin that would send chills down the spine of any ordinary human, Anna shot into Nik's room and hurriedly escaped from the window.

Mary and Nik felt like stopping her but after a few moments, Nik just let it go and looked at the slightly confused Morgan while Mary's heart was still filled with worry.

"How... did you destroy the connection of these abominations with the hive? Your spirit sorcery?" Morgan looked towards Nik as Pickle emerged from the top of Nik's head, giving Angela a fright as she barely held her voice while the infuriated ball of goop hissed, "You're the abomination!"

"Let's not call each others name... but yea, Pickle is no abomination," Nik looked at Morgan while his thoughts differed, 'but it does sound like an apt pet name... maybe I should name that spider Abomination... or simply Venom? It is a spider, after all.'

Nik recalled the radioactive spider that gave Cindy her abilities.

"When will I understand your methods?" Morgan inquired as she remained calm while sitting in Angela's seat. It was directly in front of the television, after all.

Although Morgan's very existence commanded certain charisma that Nik and Ray, too, possessed, he glanced towards Angela and Mary and stated with a sigh, "Not so fast. First, I need a smidgen of proof that Strange only possesses a Library of moral books and nothing else."

"I've been inside that library," Morgan glanced around and replied, "And, the strength of the Supreme Sorcerer of the universe comes from the support of the Vishanti, magical relics that boast great strength, and connections with other deities. Even on Earth, many panthea of the Gods try to curry favor with the present generation of Supreme."

Her green eyes fell on Nik, "In Supreme's, nay, any Sorcerer's eyes, you alongside that young boy Ray, are far more potent than any object. After all," she smirked, "We, as regular humans, are unable to store large quantities of energy and cultivate it."

"Whatever," Angela glared at Morgan and stepped forward, "Scooch. This is my seat."

"This is the middle of the seating arrangement," Morgan replied with an impassive expression, "From now on, this is my seat, Asgardian."

"What?!" Angela's eyes widened as she raised Xiphos slightly and tilted it to position it for clean cleaving of Morgan's head.

"Nik..." Mary whispered as black tendrils began to move around her suit. Impressed at how Mary and Anna had gained control of their symbiote, he grinned, "Yea?"

"I think we are in trouble," She stated with even her 'mask' knotting in worry.

"If two godlike women are petty enough to fight for a simple seat," Nik stated in a slightly raised voice, "Then you're probably right, I worry that both of them are all bark and no bite..."

"Take it, go ahead," Morgan stood up casually while Angela gazed at the cushion. The imprint of Morgan's butt was still etched and while Angela usually loved to tease Mary due to her comely figure and bearing hip, seeing Morgan, however, only elicited disgust from her.

"I don't want it," Angela narrowed her pupilless eyes and gazed at Morgan's direction who slightly traced her fingers across the third room's door which was kept locked since the beginning.

"Take back about my blood being Asgardian!" Angela growled while Morgan whispered, "Interesting," before looking towards Angela, "And why would I lie? Your blood is Asgardian. Albeit weak, you are a goddess only to be looked up to by mortals like me. I do sense resentment in your tone. Maybe you wish to know your Ancestry? With blood so potent, you are Odinsdottir without a doubt."

Morgan smiled lightly, "And I would like to meet your half... sister. The giantess."

"2 am for that," Nik replied while beckoning Mary and putting his hands on her shoulder as he inspected her body closely.

"Hmm, you don't feel any form of mental discomfort in this form, right?" Nik inquired as Mary sighed and shook her head.

"Sorry about so much trouble," Nik smiled apologetically, "You must be tired. I saw that you were covering an accident for three hours. Let me cook and you relax," Leading Mary by hand, Nik brought her to the middle seat as Mary sat casually and held the remote. After a moment of thought, still in her symbiote form, she leaned upwards and kissed Nik 'deeply'. He did seem more attracted to her tongue for quite a few minutes.

"Then get this situation in control... we'll do it in this costume later, alright?" She smiled as her suit turned into nightwear while Nik grinned, "I look forward to it."

Looking towards Morgan, Nik gestured towards the separate couch, "Everybody, please take your seats. I'm sure that after eating our fill, we won't be as frustrated. Let me also put Felicia on the bed," Nik smiled and entered his room before bringing Felicia from Dream Core and placing her on the bed.

How Felicia even came into contact with Morgan was none of his business and looking out of his window, he found Anna climbing up alone.

"Where's Ava?" Nik inquired as Anna climbed through the window as her suit changed while the brunette pouted, "She stuttered something and said that she'll come Woah, who is that?" She walked past Nik and looked at the unconscious Felicia. Her gaze lingered on her face before she looked towards Nik curiously.

"Kidnapping is... illegal."

"No shit, Sherlock," Nik chuckled as he walked out, "Come, everything is settled outside" .

Nik's words instantly lost their vigor as he looked at all the three women sitting silently and watching the television with complete focus and as Nik walked out, Mary raised the volume of the television and the both of them heard clearly

"The man rumored to be called the Punisher Mr. Frank Castle has surrendered to the authorities!" Nik knew a bit of the vigilante named 'Punisher' but he never met the man. In fact, back then, after the shootout at Manhattan Park, Nik pursued a lead only to find the entire gang dead, something Ava blamed Nik for but later, Nik found from one of the many methheads spawning in the city that the cause of the gang's eradication was someone called the Punisher.

"Nik... I," Mary began as Nik chuckled, "I'll quickly prepare something. Don't you leave without eating."

At the same time, her cellphone began ringing and she hurriedly stood up and walked into her room to attend it.

Angela and Morgan both looked at the empty seat in the middle which was promptly filled in by Anna as she changed the channel to Komedy Central.


"Ugh..." Ray slowly sat up and looked around. He was finally back in his apartment and found Mj intently watching the television.

"Frank Castle?" Ray rubbed his eyes and looked towards the news while Mj nodded.

"Yeah, it's been on news for half-an-hour. Anyway... you've been sleeping for long."

"I partied too much," Ray recalled the scene of some rather strange things he and Yar committed. Something he wouldn't have usually indulged himself in but Ray needed to set himself apart from Nik and what better way than to 'tame' a God? In this case, a God's spirit.

'Heh, Nik wouldn't have f.u.c.k.i.e.d a skeleton-human hybrid, huh... but, this our second god. And this time, I managed it without Nik's assistance,' Ray thought with glee. He did have a chance of taming the devil who called himself Mephisto and finally move onto the godly being that would most likely be the dream of many women with his charming and wild smile Thor.

'Too bad, he suddenly disappeared. But... Daniel said that he would reappear soon. That guy named Loki should also be here.'

Ray continued thinking of his wonderful conquests while being in the dark that one of the 'gods' had lost 'his' interest in the male form itself.


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