Global Beast Mastery: Only I Can See the Hints

Chapter 97: Chapter 97: The Exhibition

The financial drain of being a Beast Master was on an tirely differt level compared to ordinary people, far beyond Charles' expectations.

One gold coin could buy a luxury apartmt in the heart of Lsgard. Evolving Mousie once was equivalt to burning through t such apartmts!

But Charles quickly perked up. Mousie was destined to become a Demigod; it was normal for the initial investmt to be high. Unlike those mundane mystical beasts with no evolutionary paths, Beast Masters like him actually had the opportunity to spd on such hancemts!

And as Ezra had said, the salivate over a humpback whale was briefly returning from the abyss to the bay because of migration. If he missed this chance, he would have to wait another year.

He needed to gather the materials for the spirit nail within three days.

"Last time at the Lsgard bank 'raiding' Sly and Kevin's stash, I got quite a few treasures, there must be some valuable things in there, right?"

Charles accessed his system [Storage Space], and a panel popped up on the scre.

[Storage Space]:

[Weapons]: Ice and Fire Supreme Spear (blue), Silver Dragon Sword (), Furious Python Spear (), Iron Darts (grey)...

[Equipmt]: Nine Netherworld Armband (purple), Divine Scale Armor (blue), Magic Stone Shield (gre), Wolf Skin Boots ()...

[Daily Use]: Tt, Bedding, Quilts, Camping Lamp, Flashlight...

[Food]: 4 tons of water, 546 kg of emerald water frog meat, 600 kg of bloodthirsty rhino meat, 400 kg of lightning demon ape meat...

[Ferocious Beast Materials]: giant freshwater crocodile skin, 86 red-eyed rabbit bones, 64 wood bear skins, tide-summoning merfolk tail fins, 93 panthera tigris claws...

[Beast Core]: Tier —Gold 5, Wood 6, Water 4, Fire , Earth 6, Wind 3, Thunder , Ice , Light , Poison 3, Dark 0

Tier —Gold , Earth , Wind , Ice

[Alchemy Ingredits]: 5 spirit roots, 3 anesthetic plants, 3 dragon's blood, 5 nine-day revival, 38 heavly dark...

[Alchemy Miracle Drugs]: gold spirit essce pill, 3 miraculous speed pills, 5 regerating potions...

[Common Medicines]: 39 painkillers, 9 fire-controlling elixirs, 8 spirit-replishing pills, 4 sere fluids, 0 beast-driving wines, 7 recovery plasters...

[Smithing Materials]: 5 kg of mystic iron, kg of ice silk, 6 kg of alloy, 96 kg of mica...

[Treasures]: Night pearls, 38 moonstones, 5 red jaspers, crystals of frost...

[Special Items]: /3 of a map, fragmt of a jade tablet

Charles scanned through the items in his storage space, feeling a sse of accomplishmt. This 'raid' had indeed be fruitful.

Although there wer't many valuable items, the sheer quantity was overwhelming. Charles considered selling all the unnecessary materials from his storage space to purchase the materials needed to craft the [spirit nail].

"The migratory period of the salivate over a humpback whale is very short. Selling these items at market price might not be quick ough; perhaps it's best to hold an exhibition and sell these materials at half price," Charles thought to himself.

Managing to promote and sell hundreds of tons of materials and equipmt in a short time would be impossible for him alone. Moreover, organizing an exhibition with adequate vue, logistics, and staff arrangemts was no simple task.

The only tities in Lsgard capable of such a large undertaking were the major family clans, and Charles couldn't think of anyone else.

The Misubi Auction House certainly wouldn't be interested in such low-cost goods, and the Beast Master Guild's commission was too high. After pondering for a while, Charles rummaged through his storage space and pulled out a business card that David from the hospital had giv him earlier.


At PM, in the high-level conferce room of the Smith Family Group's headquarters building, David looked troubled as he faced the man dressed somewhat oddly. After carefully choosing his words, he regretfully said, "I'm very sorry, sir, but our Smith Family Group has always be in the jewelry business. We have little experice with selling weapons, ferocious beast materials, or miracle drugs..."

"...As for your request to have an exhibition set up by 9 AM tomorrow, it is somewhat difficult." David delivered this in a very diplomatic manner, effectively a polite refusal.

David, a seasoned businessman, was wary of this mysterious man who wouldn't reveal his true idtity, his instincts hinting that he might be dealing with a fraud.

The high-level executives of the Smith family group, including managers and supervisors, also looked skeptically at the man in front of them, who wore a mask and sunglasses, as if the invtory list he prested was a joke.

Over a hundred wood bear skins!

More than three hundred panthera tigris fangs!

And as for ferocious beast meat, hundreds of tons of it!!!

In all of Lsgard, only the Taylor family, who primarily dealt in ferocious beast hunting, could possess such quantities.

And those weapons and equipmt.

Several hundred pieces from Tone Reproduction!

Dozs of pieces of gre-quality gear and armor!

Ev some blue-quality weapons and equipmt!!!

Did you quietly rob the Drav family weapon shop's invtory?

Standing at the front of the conferce room, under the gaze of dozs of eyes, Charles pressed a button on his red bow tie, activating a voice changer that could alter his voice to sound like anything he wanted.

"It seems everyone is quite skeptical of what I've said. If you don't believe me, you can accompany me to the warehouse to inspect the goods. Everything is in stock, and after verification, you can th decide whether or not to cooperate." The voice of a robust middle-aged man emanated from Charles's bow tie, altered by the voice changer.

Upon hearing this, David, who had be somewhat distracted, finally showed a spark of interest.

Based on his experice, those involved in fraud or scams could never produce the goods, or could only show a small portion. This man named 'Charlie' had appartly transported all the goods to Lsgard, and they were all readily available?


David, who hadn't spok for a while, slowly stood up from his executive chair, his voice much softer than before: "Would you mind if I invite Master Brown from the Misubi Auction House for an appraisal... Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting your goods are fake.

After all, with such a large quantity of goods, if a few defective items were to slip into the market, it would be bad for both our reputations..."

Charles, having be a businessman in his previous life, understood David's caution with such a large order and nodded in agreemt, "No problem, we're both businessm here; transparcy is key."

The group arrived at the main trance of the Smith family's jewelry headquarters, where David oped the door of a luxurious sedan for Charles, th personally drove him.

Sitting in a top-tier luxury car for the first time, Charles was somewhat excited and curiously inspected everything inside the vehicle.

He was very fond of both the luxurious interior and the soft, comfortable leather seats.

It was in this momt that he truly felt the glory of being a Beast Master and understood why everyone in Gosha aspired to be one.

The wealth, status, and most importantly, the respect that Beast Masters could attain were things ordinary people might never achieve in their lifetimes.

Charles kept mostly quiet, and David did not force conversation, focusing on driving.

An hour later, Smith family Group's Presidt David, along with several executives, arrived at the warehouse Charles had mtioned.

Master Brown from the Misubi Auction House, along with a doz appraisers, had arrived ahead of them and were meticulously inspecting the items.

By eving, a panting Brown finally rushed out and declared, "Mr. David, I can assure you, as the chief appraiser of the Misubi Auction House in Lsgard, that all the miracle drugs, ferocious beast materials, weapons, and armor are guine!"

Hearing this, David's eyelids twitched, somewhat incredulous. He had never dreamed of countering such a substantial business deal in his life.

Despite years of experice in the business world, he still couldn't control his trembling hands as he took the appraisal report from Brown.

All guine!

Everything was guine!

The Smith family's jade mine was nearly depleted, and he had dreamed of expanding the business beyond just jewelry, but he never expected such an opportunity to come so easily!

Inside the warehouse, standing before the mountainous piles of goods, there were faint sounds of people sharply inhaling, and several executives, while excitedly inspecting the goods, perked up their ears to list to what the chairman and Charlie were discussing.

"Now that the goods have be verified, I hope Mr. David can sell them all within three days. I'm not concerned about the price; we'll split the profits ninety-one," Charles stated straightforwardly, laying out his demands.

"Mr. Charlie, are you in urgt need of money? We could pottially earn more profit if we release these goods into the market in batches..." However, before David could finish, Charles interrupted him.

"I need this exhibition set up by 9 AM tomorrow morning, or I might have to take this business to someone else," Charles said, his voice deep and devoid of emotion.

The migratory period of the salivate over a humpback whale could d at any time, sding it back to the abyss.

If he couldn't gather the funds to craft the [spirit nail] within three days, more money wouldn't mean much to Charles.

After all, in this world, power is everything. With a powerful mystical beast, he wouldn't lack for money. Whether it was wealth, status, or companionship... these things could only be secured with strong power.

"I've also listed three materials I need on the invtory sheet. If Mr. David can procure them, just deduct their cost from the profits of the exhibition sales; there's no need to contact me."

"I have other matters to attd to and must step away for a bit. I'll leave the exhibition tirely in Mr. David's hands." With a nonchalant smile, Charles handed over the keys to David and left the warehouse.

Watching the confidt figure stride away, the executives of the Smith family group and Brown were stunned.

His acct didn't sound local to Lsgard; could he be some high-ranking official from elsewhere? But why would such a figure choose to do business in Lsgard?

Everyone in the Smith family group showed signs of elation on their faces. This batch of goods could solve the crisis of their depleting jade mines!

Perhaps the Smith family could become the strongest among Lsgard's top three families.

Brown, too, was visibly excited, staring dumbfounded at the warehouse now filled with goods, siltly resolving, "If such a promint figure has come to Lsgard, I must seize any opportunity to forge ties!"

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