Ghost of Culture

83 Memoirs Of The Pas

And taking care of Mito Scarlet, Junior certainly did. All the way into her tight cunt. I mean, all the way into the afternoon with just the two of us, moaning and groaning on the bed. Heh.

Strangely enough, Orvis did not voice her complaints about me spending way too much time pounding Mito into unconsciousness instead of her.

And I eventually learn that Orvis is snoozing away peacefully in my mindscape.

Well. That is a good thing, as I do not want her complaining about me not fucking her enough. It would be way too annoying, especially when I am busy fucking someone else.

That is definitely a con amongst a lot of pros of having Orvis as my battle spirit.

As such, it is still a good thing to have me inside Orvis. I mean the other way around, but it sounds kind of wrong if I say that out loud. It is even wrong to think about it!

Moving on, it is also strange that no one come by to check up on Mito Scarlet throughout the morning, or me for that matter, and I did not bother to find out the reason why. Like, why should I?

I am actually not a student at this school. The Conquest Mode just make me one for now alongside all the other players, and I wonder what will happen to everyone else when the conquest is finally over.

Would everyone continue living on with their lives like I and the other players had never existed in the first place? Or they would all cease to exist?

Please not the latter since that would be way too cruel.

Sure. This world is fictional and all of that, but to Orvis and Mito and everyone else, it is not.

It is as real as the real world to me. It is the only life that they have ever known.

And just for them to disappear like that is evil. Like super-duper evil. But then again, what can I really do if that is exactly the case? Is there a way to stop that from happening? There must be, for I obviously cannot be the first person to think about this, and I am sure someone before me already had a solution or had been given one.

I immediately check with the Conquest System, querying about that while covering up Mito Scarlet as she is out cold due to the unending orgasmic pleasures that I have forced her through.

Even now, Mito has not come down from all the orgasms that she had went through, and she probably will not be coming down anytime time soon.

My spunk is still coming out of her overfucked cunt and mouth. I did cum like a lot into Mito from both ends, and I would have claimed her anal virginity too, but I decide to leave that for another time when she is all cleaned up.

It is just more enjoyable that way.

The Conquest System tells me absolutely nothing in regard to what happen with the people within the setting, but it does tell me anything is possible as long as I beat the conquest with flying colors.

I guess I will do that, and with all the colors mesh together, everything will become purely white. Hah!

With Black and Red conquered, I will have to conquer White, Blue and Green. Wait a second. Do I have to conquer all of them? I mean I should, as that would bring forth a Harem Ending. That is like the best kind of ending, right?

Sounds like the best to me. Having five powerful dragons servicing me in bed at the same time. Wow, can it be better than that? Of course, it can. Like with more girls. Booboobooboobs.

Well. Honestly, it would just be four girls since Orvis is a spirit herself. That kind of suck. Maybe there is a way to bring Mito into my mindscape somehow? Is that even possible?

Apparently yes. It is on the list of skills that I can purchase with some conquest points (CP). I have none left, however. Maybe it is possible with native abilities and skills. I will have to ask Orvis about this.

I decide to rest next to Mito on the bed before trying to head into the mindscape. It is probably a good thing for Mito to find me still here with her once she wakes up again.


If I was in her shoes, I certainly appreciate it, as waking up and finding that I had been used by someone whom I like is worst thing ever. Was the worst thing ever.

And that is the story of how I had lost my virginity. I think the girl was a virgin too, but I cannot be sure about that. Just because she had said that she was a virgin, does not mean that she actually was.

I did not talk to her about that afterwards because I was either too shied or too embarrassed or likely something else. I just cannot really remember since it had happened so long ago.

Looking back at it now, I should have said something to her then. Maybe if I did, we might have become a couple. It would have made my schooldays a lot more fun.

I mean, I would not have to change school due to those assholes and their bitches.

Ah. Who the hell am I kidding? She had used me and junior, leaving us hanging there without saying a single word. She had also tried to avoid me in school as well, so it was probably due to peer pressure.

The only kind of pressure that actually works.

And I should not think too much about that anymore. It is the past, and if I ever see her again somehow somewhere, I would definitely ask her about it. Maybe I can learn the real reason to why she just left like that.

I gently pat Mito on the head before finally entering my mindscape for the first time. Yup. I had never entered my mindscape before since I have never had my body before today. After I get this awesome ghostly power from the Great Maker.

Everyone has a different mindscape, reflecting on the state of their mind or their desire. That is what I understand, so for Hayate, his open-plain mindscape represents his desire to be free and wild without a single care in the world.

Mine is not exactly the same. It is still an open-plain, but not an empty open-plain. There is a beautiful house in the middle of the plain, and it is the house that I had grew up in.

It is the only house that I ever called truly call home.

The door gives way to me, allowing me inside. Once I stand in the hallway, I scan the pictures hanging on the walls and sitting on the tables. Within each of the picture, there is a man and a woman. I am in the picture as well, obviously.

I have a look at my mother and father for prolonged period of time, reminiscing about the long distant past.

Mother and father are great parents. Everything that they had done, they had done it for me, and with me gone, their reason in life is also gone. Their reason to be together as well, as I was the glue to keep their relationship going.

It is pretty sad. Like really sad, but I do think they still love each other very much, just that they cannot stand each other sometimes. Just like every marriage, I guess. I have seen plenty in my time as a ghost, and from Richard and Harry, I should never ever get marry.

Also, one pussy is not way of culture. Certainly, not my culture, and the Great Maker could agree. I do think he and I see things the same. It is probably the reason that he decided to make me his Champion.

Not because I am a Millennium Soul or something like that. Not really sure what the hell that actually mean. Hope it is not something to do with what that anime call? The one that everyone smash each other with dual monsters.

Anyway, I put down the pictures and have a look at each room in the house. They are exactly like what I had remember in my mind to every detail. Even the television is the same, and I have spent like a lot of time in front of it.

It was the early 2000s, and internet exactly a thing. Hell. Other than reading manga, watching anime, playing with Junior, ogling at my mum, there is not much else to do. Having a phone, not even a smart phone is a fucking luxury.

Still, I managed to fill my day with some awesome stuff, specially that girl next door. She is hot, and it is totally awesome spying on her every night. As a matter of fact, I can see her house from the window in the kitchen despite that her house does not exist physically in the mindscape.

It is just how I remember it all.

Of course, there is no one there for me to ogle as I cannot form a person within my mindscape. Might be due to my lack of imagination, or maybe, it is something else. I check the fridge afterwards just to see if there is something inside.

Yup. There is, and the stuff tastes just like I remember. Not very fulfilling though since this is all like an illusion or something. Still, it tastes great. Not as great as all the awesome girls I have dined on recently.


Speaking of a girl, there is one in the house somewhere, and it is not due to my imagination. And with a growing boner, I immediately seek her out. It is not that difficult to locate her, as she is snoozing on my bed in my bedroom.

Wow. My room looks like shit. Just like how I had remembered it. There are dirty clothes lying all over the place alongside with manga, comics and magazines. Aside from the clothes, the rest are not really my doing, but rather it was due to Orvis.

I always keep my porn collection nice and tidy and out of sight, even within my mindscape. I am certain about that. 100% certain.

Oh. Mum definitely knew about my porn stash, but she had never said anything about it to me. Never ever. To her, it was something that boys my age has, but if I ever left any of them out in the open, they will definitely go into the trash. I had lost more than a few awesome books due to that.

Too much fapping, I guess. Heh.

My father had his own porn collection too, stashed somewhere in his study. I should know because it was how I was introduced to the wonderful world of porn. It was before I had even reach puberty, so that was pretty fun.

Dad was just so absentminded sometimes, leaving things like that lying around his desk, especially on days that mum was not home. It had never been a problem until I decided to share his collection with my childhood friends.

All the women depicted in those magazines are just so glossy and happy. Of course, they are, they had just been fucked so deeply in all their holes, one after another or simultaneously. Hah!

Still. That was probably the start of their eventual estrangement. Sigh.

I pick up a comic to have a read, finding several pages within completely blanked. That just means that I cannot remember what was in those pages. It was so long ago after all, and while I do have a relatively good memory, I just cannot remember something that far away.

A lot of manga and magazine are the same, and I should have not read through them as they do make me horny. I mean hornier. I am always horny, and it suits me just fine.

"Your mindscape is weird, master, but it is a lot more interesting than all the other mindscapes that I had inhabited before. You also have a lot of interesting books, and if I did not know better, I think you are from another world."

Orvis comments as she pulls herself up from the bed. She also yawns afterwards before stretching her arms and wings a little. She has shrunk her breasts, making them perkier. It is probably better for her small form.

Other than that, Orvis did not change anything. She is still as naked as before. She is still drenched in my spunk as well, but they have dried up quite a bit. Like a lot. I suppose I should apply a new coating for her.


"It is not that weird, Orvis. It is just because I want to repay everything that my parents have done for me. I have never had the chance to because I could not interact with the world at all, not like now."

I tell her as I collapse onto the bed before rolling to my back and exhale deeply.

Orvis crawls to me and lies across my chest with a happy smile on her face. It has not been long since we are alone together, but it does feel long to her. So long that she decides to sleep to pass the time, right after ransacking through some of my memories. Seriously.

"Why don't you tell me more about it, master? About your world too?"

Orvis requests, and the thought bubble hovering above her head tells me that she is genuine and very sincere in her desire to know.

Now, if Orvis is truly a work of fiction, why is she so curious about all of that. I mean, it shouldn't even be matter to her.

And since Orvis is curious about my life, I would not mind telling her about it. She is a part of my harem after all. Yup. Definitely. But still, Junior would be left out in the conversation.

It would be better if never mind.

Orvis is already on it, wrapping her small childlike hand around cock and starting to pump me, all while maintaining eyes contact with me. Her pitch-black eyes.

And if I look closer, I could see draconic slit within, reminding me that she is a dragon. An ancient and powerful dragon. One that has gained full sentient. Apparently.

Just to make the protagonist of the setting even more unique. Give me a nice dragon cumdump. That is just awesome.

"Right. I do not mind. Where to begin? Ugh. Oh that's nice. Um. Let me see. Ah."

I tell Orvis, and I realize my story would take way longer than it normally would. It is not like Orvis and I are having a chat and a chat alone, especially when we are in bed together, all alone within my house.

We will definitely do more than that. Definitely. Hah!

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