Ghost of Culture

77 Black Versus Red Royale

As it turns out, it is super easy to get Orvis into my body. Barely an inconvenience, really. All I need to do is like shove her onto my stiffened meat.

Like really shove her onto my meat, as if she is a spirit herself.

Well. Orvis is a spirit, a battle spirit. Thus, she is more or less similar to me. No one can see her besides myself, and if they did, they would have the most incredible erection of their life, and it is not because she is like drenched from head to toe in my ectoplasmic spunk.

Not solely anyway. It is because of her appearance. She currently takes on the form of a starkly naked humanoid dragon with some juicy chest asset ever.

I should know. I have been sucking on her titties ever since she had grown some awesome nipples. All while spearing her tight dragon snatch too. Hah!

That was fun. Like really fun.

And while I did not get any sexual points (SP) for screwing Orvis again, it is still fun to screw her again, as it is always fun to screw a girl. Or whatever constitute as the female form. Heh.

Mito Scarlet is quite surprised to see me get up from my coma state. I am also very surprised, as much or more than her. This is because I am not even in my body yet. I was way too busy shoving Orvis into there by ramming against her soft buttocks.

That sounds about right. Hah!

Wait a second! Did Orvis just possess my body!? Oh shit! She did, didn't she!? Can battle spirit possess the host. I mean, it does make sense in the context of this battle setting.

Evil Hayate sort of wakes up and proceeds to beat the shit out of everything in sight whenever Hayate get his ass handed to him, at least as according to what I had read on his profile.

Oh. I guess Evil Hayate is Orvis. Or more correctly Ouroboros Ryoden, the Black Dragon of Annihilation, so it makes sense for Evil Hayate to annihilate everything and everyone.

But to be honest, I like Orvis, my sexy dragon cumdump better. Easy to remember too. Like super easy, as Orvis is a child of Ophis and Marvis. Both of which are girls, but hey, they are my kind of girls. Hah!

Legal loli is legal! Female Boobies Inspectors are not getting me.

And where do I sign up? I know plenty of girls that need to be inspected. Booboobooboobs.


"Oh? I had really thought that you were dead, Ghostly Ghost."

Mito questions, getting my attention. I have just thought for a second that she was talking to me. No, she was talking to me-me.

I mean to say my physical body, which Orvis seems to be control at the moment.

Anyway, Mito is the same crimson-haired beauty that had knocked me out in the hallway. Well, I sort of let her knock me out, so I could be free to go and possess Hayate.

And while I am very thankful to her in looking after my body while my perverted spirit is elsewhere to have fun, I will definitely pay her back for knocking me out. It is only fair, is it not? She knocks me out, so I have to knock her back.

I might knock her in the wrong direction though. Instead of knocking her out like she did to me, I think I will knock her up. Way more fun. To me, anyway. Booboobooboobs!

Well. It might be fun for her too, as it is to Orvis.

My cock can definitely turn that frown upside down, and definitely opening those lips as well. Hah!

Come to think of it, Mito looks kind of familiar. Like I have seen her somewhere before, but where did I see her exactly? That silvery armor she is wearing, Blue skirt. Black boot. Wait. What was her name?

I mean her last name. Scarlet? Eh? Must be a coincidence. Yup. Definitely. But still, there is some sort of resemblance is going on.

"Ghostly Ghost?"

I question, puzzlingly. No. I mean Orvis questions, puzzlingly. She looks very confused, and it is obvious that she did not mean to possess my body.

It just sorts of happen. That is hovering above her head, in the thought bubble.

And seeing what is going on within her mind, I swiftly jump into her body before Orvis can do anything further. Cannot really have Orvis run off with my body because she would definitely do that, just so to feel what the outside world is like.

"Master!? Nu! Let me take it for a spin first! Please! Please!"

Orvis calls out in the mindscape, as it is pretty easy to boot her off the driver seat.

It is probably because of my power. The Power of Possession. Within the body and mindscape, I think I am equivalent to God. Still lower than the Great Maker, so that is fine. Heh.

While I take back control from Orvis, much to her protest, Mito approaches the bed with her gauntlet hands folded across her armored plated chest. Her red-hair tied in a ponytail flickers behind her lovely body. Shapely too.

Yup. Mito is definitely a Scarlet, and I wonder why that is. Is it because I am the host? I probably should have read the manga of this setting properly, but I think it is more fun not knowing.

Besides, having so much fun in the last few days with Mary, Alice and Sophia, I feel like I have become a true man. No longer an otaku. As such, reading manga does not really interest me anymore, not like when I am just a ghost.

It does make sense. Why read such a thing when I can live it now?

"Yes. That is your name, Ghostly. I have checked. Do you not remember it? Must be because I have hit you too hard over the head. You surprised me when you manage to block my first strike, so I increased my strength a little bit."

Mito explains, making me furrow my brows. Right. A little bit. More like a lot.

She had definitely knocked me out cold, and if this is the normal world, I would have a concussion, as well as a broken nose. Actually, why didn't I? Maybe it is due to the setting. Manga logic. Hah!

Wait. Maybe I can use this. Somehow?

Anyway, let get out of bed to go and look for Mary and her friends. I want to test out this new unholy ability of mine on them first, just because I know them personally.

Plus, Mary in tight Japanese school uniform looks really yummy. Alice and Sophia too. Julia, who I had never talked to as well. Why is Julia here, as I do not know her personally. At least not yet. I will when I have the chance.


I manage to tangle against the sheet and fall to the side of the bed, somehow.

What the!? It feels like I have become utterly clumsy.

Mito sees that, and she immediately surges forwards to prevent me from falling and slamming myself headfirst onto the hard floor, but she somehow misjudged the distance, and with her speed, she slams into me.

The resulting collision forces both of us to roll and crash into the wall.

Shit! What the hell!? Why is everything so dark? And soft and warm. So soft and warm. Hmm?

Let me have a sniff because something smells nice. Like really nice.

"You-you pervert!"

Mito grabs my head out of between her legs and pulls me up to her eyelevel through my hair. Ah. That is what happens, and it seems that the ability I had gotten from Hayate is a passive ability.

Like it is always activated.

That is from the descriptions, and it does state that the ability is a double-edged sword. I should have sniffed that without hesitation, especially when her lower half is not armored. Hah!

Oh shoot!

Mito is about to punch me, but I punch her first. Right in the face with my lustful fist, and that definitely pisses her off, so I immediately back away when she is stunned.


Mito growls and flips herself off the floor, and I swear I could see red aura enveloping her entire body, radiating outwards menacingly. It was there for just a second.

"Wait a second. I reacted on reflex! I don't know who you are, or who I am!"

I play the amnesia card. It seems like a good idea, at least it is fitting the situation.

Mito is hot after all, hotter than most chicks in the school, and I definitely want her to show me around like whenever the protagonist of these manga has amnesia. Hah!

Despite no longer an otaku, I can still use all the knowledge that I have learned in the past, and I really am going to take advantage of this setting, and its probably whacky logic.

It is pretty whacky, in all honesty. Like how the adults could allow someone like Mito to beat the living shit out of all the students just because they do not have a hall pass.

"Oh really? But you have a very good reflex. Let me test you."

Mito responses before instantly in front of me with her fist slams into me. Her entire body spins, using the torque to add weight. Like a lot of weight.

Luckily, I am fast enough to block her power punch, but sadly, I am not heavy enough to stay put.

I go flying backwards and slam against the door, nearing breaking it. Wow. It should have broken from that, but I guess that is why they install metal doors. The walls are reinforced too, probably.

No point of mention me being unharmed. Manga logic.

"Master! Master! Use my power. Beat her up!"

Orvis calls out in my mindscape, and I feel my body boiling with power.

It is as if my battle spirit is on the rise. Oh. Cool. Awesome. Thank you, Orvis. I will give you some cum later. Heh.

"You can unleash your battle spirit? But from your expression, you are doing it unconsciously. It must be because of the amnesia."

Mito exposits, which is kind of weird. But she follows up on her attacks afterwards. She seems to move a lot slower than before, but it is likely due to Orvis helping me out, thus allowing me to perceive thing much easier.


I sidestep like really fast, allowing Mito to strike the door, leaving a fist-print behind. Wow. Is that for real? I would have several broken bones if she hit me for real.

Ah. I am thinking about the real world again.

This is not like the real world. It is a fictional world, thus operating on a different logic.

If that is really the case, let me beat her up. Going to practice my new fighting style. The only style that truly matters. Hah!

"Ghost Style: Lustful Fist!"

I call out because it sounds cool. Everyone in manga calls out their attack, so it is fine.

And before Mito could react to my new speed, I punch her squarely on the face, sending her spinning right to the side. That takes up another 3SP, but it is for a good cause. It does not seem to be effective though, so I guess I will have to smash her some more to smash her for real.


Mito stops herself from crashing into the wall, and now, she is on all three. Two legs and one hand. As for her other hand, it is rubbing across her face, feeling the blow I had just dish out of her. She is likely feeling something else too.

And from her thought bubble. Yup. Mito ignores it, however, as her lust for battle is on the rise thanked to get punched. She might be a masochist.

"That is a good punch. How about you join my club, Ghostly? You could go very far with your skill."

Mito requests before standing upright and taking her stance. The red aura explodes from her body, as if she is being set alight. Unholy shit! Is this for real? Of course, it is. Stop being amazed by everything, Ghostly!

And as for the club, Mito is talking about her Boxing Club in school, to which she is the president.

Apparently, there are all sort of clubs in school, mostly having to do with fighting. That is expected, to be honest. This is a battle manga after all. Should have noticed from the name.

I actually do not mind joining her boxing club just to smash her. Once more, that has double meaning, and I mean whichever is more fun in the context. Hah!

While looking like I am contemplating about her offer, I have a look at her profile quickly, thus learning that Mito Scarlet is someone who determines to own everything and everyone that fancy her.

It is not because she is spoiled or anything of the sort. Well, Mito sorts of is due to her super wealthy and dotting parents, but she usually gets everything through her own strengths and efforts.

She is actually bearer of the Red Dragon of Ruin. I like to smash that dragon too if it is a girl. Heh. Too bad I do not think it is awakened, and I am not going to possess girl. Never going to do that.

"I will join your club if you can beat me up, Mito Scarlet, but to be fair, if I beat you up, you have to let me fondle your boobs."

I tell her with a straight face and take a stance. My black aura explodes out of me, spiraling around to form a menacing black dragon above me, at least to Mito. So much so that she did not call me out on my offer.

Despite that, it is hard to take Orvis seriously after I had smashed her. Well, I would smash her again, but right after I smash Mito.


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