Ghost of Culture

7 Really Bad Interruption

My daughter slurps the cum off the floor, nearly making me explodes.

Boom! Boom. Boom. Boom!

Luckily, I didn't. Or I would have to walk strangely around the house, trying to find a new pair of pants. I don't think I did the laundry today. I will do it after making dinner.

Ah, fucking hell. Why am I the only one who did anything around the house?

"Daddy. I think the snake is trying to get out."

Mary speaks up and touches my tenting erection. Her fingers are caressing my cock through the fabric.

Oh God! Don't explode! Please don't explode!

Ah, don't fucking explode!

It isn't helping when she is looking up at me with her innocent cum-stained face and those beautiful blue eyes, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

Just a bit more. Just a bit more. Oh fuck! Just a bit more!

But my impending climax stops abruptly thanks to the phone. The fucking wall-mounted phone!

So close, so fucking close!

Sorry for all the swearing. I am super frustrated right now.

Hearing the phone rings, Mary immediately pulls her hand away from my crotch area and gets off the floor. She then picks up the cordless phone before speaking into it.

"Hello? Oh. Hey mum. How is the tour?"

Great! It has to be the Bitch, ruining my fun from hundreds of miles away. Even without being here in person, she is still able to kill the mood.

Why don't she just go and die already? Just a little car accident would do the job, God. I am not really asking for much. And I am sure you would love to have someone like her in your company.

Did I just ask God to kill my wife? Totally.

"You call before? Daddy, mummy calls before. No. we weren't home. We just got home just now. Dad was just showing me his

I immediately grab the phone off my daughter. I cannot allow her to finish that sentence. If she did, it would be the death of me. I mean the death of my host. I cannot die again since I am already dead.

But seriously, Bitch will crucify him in the front lawn for everyone to see and then probably set him on fire as an offering to God. She will, I tell you. Or maybe it is an offering to Satan.

"Hey, honey. Can you give me a minute while I talk to our daughter?"

I request and press the hold button before Bitch could say anything. I then turn my attention towards my daughter. My eyes become serious. And any desire to let it all out melts away in this moment.

True that I have never scolded my daughter before, but that was me from before I was me.


My daughter questions, puzzlingly. She didn't understand why I am getting upset.

"You should never tell anyone about my trouser snake, sweetie. Not even your mother. It doesn't like that. Now, can you please go and clean yourself up as well as the floor. And while you do that, daddy will have a long chat with your mother, okay?"

I speak up.

Mary nods slowly and heads towards the bathroom to clean the cum off her face.

I watch her shapely ass bouncing from behind. It would be nice to tap that ass tonight. Isn't that a little bit too fast? I just manage to get her to jack me off. She should at least give me a blowjob first before I claim her ass.

Eh? Alright, let's aim for a blowjob tonight.

And maybe some deepthroat while I am at it. I bet her throat is super tight. Hah!

Once my sexy cock-tease of a daughter is out of view, I put the Bitch back on the phone while heading into the living room.

"Hey, honey. Sorry about that. I was just

I speak up, in a calm and collective manner. There is still some nervousness in my voice. This is due to years of being conditioned by the Bitch.

"Richard, you bastard! How dare you put me on hold!? And why aren't you at home when I called!? If I find out you are neglecting our daughter, I will

Oh God. My ear. My fucking ear!

Shut up you, bitch! I can put you on hold any fucking time I want. And you won't do shit about it! And the reason I am not home is because I have to fucking work to bring money into this family. Why don't you go to work and help out for once? I am not fucking neglecting our daughter. In fact. I just taught her how to jack someone off. It is more than all the shit you taught her!

That is what I want to scream into the phone. However, I am unable to.

"I'm sorry, honey. I was caught up at work and forgot all about it. It won't happen again."

I response submissively. The fuck is going on. Be a man. Be a man. Tell it like you mean it. Tell the Bitch like you mean it. C'mon. C'mon!

Sadly, I couldn't. The Richard in me is too strong at the moment. And the long talk between the Bitch and me ends up with her yelling at me the whole time. She only stops scolding me for whatever when she realizes I need to go and make dinner.

"Daddy. Are you alright? You don't look so well."

Mary asks when I head back out of the living room and hook the cordless telephone back on the wall.

"I am fine, sweetie. Did you clean the floor?"

I answer and then take a good look at my daughter in her new clothes. Her hair is wet, telling me that she did not only washes her face, but she also takes a shower.

How long did I get yell at by the Bitch?

1 hour? 1 fucking hour!? Are you serious?

Fuck. I just wasted an hour of possession.

And why the fuck did I remain in control the whole time?

With just two hours left on the clock, I relinquish control to Richard. There is no point of remaining in control of the body while making dinner for two.

I rather spend the remaining two hours I have fucking my daughter.

That didn't sound wrong. No. Not at all.

Richard is fully aware of what he has done while I am at the steering wheel.

As a matter of fact, he would assume that it is all his doing. He has felt everything that I have felt since we are sharing the same body. Technically, it is his body by birth. I am just taking it out for a ride while trying to get his sexy daughter to ride it.

That is how you spread culture. Hah!

I take back control after the late dinner with my daughter. I am now laying on my back due to the rock-hard boner that wouldn't go away. How long have I had this boner? It was since dinner after reviewing the new set of memory.

Whenever I relinquish control, I usually go to sleep.

I don't actually need to sleep while sitting in the passenger seat, but it is so boring watching everything happens through someone else's eyes.

And if I leave the body, I will lose all the remaining time, forcing me to spend more SP to repossessing the poor man again. I rather not do that unless I have to.

Furthermore, I haven't even earned any sexual points yet.

I will after I stop possessing the poor bastard. The system has told me so. Apparently, I will be scored once I finish spreading my culture. What is that all about?

Who knows. I will find out later.

For now. I have a daughter to trick into give me a blowjob. Hah!

I got up from the bed and carefully walk out of my room. I tiptoe towards my daughter room and take a peek. Her door is never locked since it is one of the rules in this household. This give me easy access to some teenage pussy.


I recall from memory that after my daughter helps me wash the dishes and gives me a goodnight kiss, she retires to her room and reads her Bible.

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That is like her bedtime story.

But honestly, without internet and television, what else could she do in the house? Aside from doing the homework, I mean.

Looking into the bedroom, I notice that my daughter is now kneeling by the bed and saying her prayer.

And if I have any illusion of being a moral father to my lovely daughter, it is gone the moment I take a good look at her in her nightgown.

The damn thing is barely hanging onto her athletic frame, covering her two huge meat buns and hiding her incredibly sexy figure.

My cock twitches, threatening to break free from its confines.

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