Genius Club

Chapter 261: Shout Out from the Center of the World


The stadium trembled under the force of a massive explosion, sending vibrations through the entire structure that every person present could feel. At the epicenter was Kevin Walker, a teenage prodigy renowned for his flair for the dramatic. The crowd, which numbered 80,000 strong, burst into a frenzy of cheers and applause, electrifying the atmosphere in a way that felt almost tangible.

“Wow! A master! A real master!” one spectator exclaimed, his voice filled with unbridled excitement.

“A genius! A true genius! He really pulled it off this time!”

Through his Bluetooth earpiece, Lin Xian heard VV’s excitement, which was so loud it almost burst his eardrum.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Xian whispered sharply, “Why are you shouting so loud?”

“That was so cool! Really cool! A genius! A true genius! Lin Xian, I want to play too! You should do something like that later! I’ve even thought of the lines for you—”

“Shut up and focus,” Lin Xian interrupted, his voice low and urgent. He glanced around, wary of prying ears. “VV, have you figured out how to stop Kevin Walker from attacking the SkyNet system?”

“Relax, I had it all planned out yesterday,” VV replied, his tone now more composed. “I’ll use the same strategy as Kevin Walker. Fight fire with fire! He cornered us, leaving no gaps. I realized then how to counter this arrogant genius. That’s why I brought you to America—”

“According to the World Hacking Contest rules, all attacks must originate from the competition site. So, Kevin Walker must issue his commands from here, from the computer right across from us. Isn’t it simple?”

“He trapped us, not letting us out… So, I’ll trap America, not letting him out! His command signals can’t leave America, so how can he attack the Internet Security Great Wall?”

“Don’t worry about being discovered. I’ve covered our tracks well. I’ve infiltrated America’s major power and network systems. When we enter the free demonstration phase and Kevin starts his hack, I’ll disrupt the power or the network at crucial transmission points across America. His commands will remain trapped here, unable to escape!”

Assured by VV’s cunning plan, Lin Xian turned his attention back to the teenage genius, who had now returned to his seat amid a thunderous ovation.

VV’s approach was not straightforward like typical programming; it was more akin to human chess, trapping your adversary physically to counter their virtual constraints.

Lin Xian smiled wryly, recalling internet memes about cutthroat business tactics and invincible hackers who simply cut power to solve problems.

VV, adept in navigating the nuances of the World Hacking Contest, knew that intercepting Kevin Walker directly was forbidden; it would compromise their stealth. However, being in close proximity to Walker meant they could monitor and potentially disrupt his operations without detection.

Kevin, known for his flamboyance and pride, was unlikely to engage in covert actions that could sully his public image. Outside the competition, subterfuge might be fair game, but within the confines of this arena, he would abide by the rules, especially given his spectacular entry.

VV’s strategy was brilliant in its simplicity and effectiveness, keeping Lin Xian out of the direct spotlight. Any system failures on the American side would appear unconnected to Lin Xian, presenting him merely as an observer—a subtle player in a high-stakes game.

“Nice plan,” Lin Xian murmured, genuinely impressed. “If the earlier version of you was VV in its infancy, now you’re surely VV in your prime. You’ve grown stronger.”

VV chuckled mischievously, “Muahaha… Thirty years east of the river, thirty years west, never underestimate a young hacker’s potential!”

Lin Xian sighed, a hint of amusement in his tone, “Learn something proper, VV. Drop those cheesy lines.”

The 2023 World Hacking Contest proceeded without a hitch. Competitors demonstrated their skills by exposing vulnerabilities in systems like Android, Apple, Microsoft, and even Google. The breaches were prepared ahead of time, allowing for swift execution and immediate results.

Applause and accolades were plentiful, with sponsors rewarding the hackers who followed the rules by disclosing the exploits they used, helping the companies fortify their defenses.

As the contest drew to a close, it was evident that the X Team and the American Team were the frontrunners. Unlike others who were there for the prize money and acclaim, these national teams brought their best talent, setting them apart from the rest.

Many teams opted out of the free demonstration phase, knowing their chances against Kevin Walker were slim. It was smarter to save their exploits for another day, where the balance between earning a living and avoiding jail was less precarious.

Lin Xian checked the scoreboard—America was slightly ahead, leading the competition.

Despite the mounting pressure, his teammates were supportive. “Stay relaxed. Everyone knows you’re up against Kevin Walker in the fifth slot, but we can’t just forfeit—that would be ridiculous. Just go up there and do your thing; no pressure.”

“The real battle isn’t here,” another teammate added. “It’s in protecting the Internet Security Great Wall. Preventing Kevin Walker from breaching the SkyNet system—that’s our true victory. This championship is just a title.”

Lin Xian nodded, exchanging high-fives with the senior members. His focus wasn’t on winning the contest but on safeguarding the system. As long as they protected the SkyNet system, they would have achieved their true goal.

The team leader drew lots for the presentation order—America would go first, followed by X Team. Kevin Walker would take the stage first, then it would be Lin Xian’s turn.

“VV, get ready,” Lin Xian whispered as the moment drew near.

“Don’t worry, Lin Xian, everything’s set. When he sends his commands, key nodes hundreds of kilometers away will experience brief power or network disruptions. It’s subtle but effective enough to ensure his commands fail,” VV assured him confidently.

Lin Xian looked up, watching as Kevin Walker confidently approached the stage. The crowd was supposed to be quiet according to the rules, but the cheers from 80,000 spectators were unstoppable. Kevin thrived under the spotlight, his hand poised above the Enter key.

In the National Security Command Room, the tech team was on high alert. “Is the attack here?” one asked anxiously.

“Yes! But it’s weaker than expected. We can handle this!” another responded, a note of relief in his voice. They had braced for a more formidable assault, but it seemed Kevin Walker’s real focus was elsewhere, and even that was less powerful than anticipated.

Back in the stadium, the once jubilant crowd fell silent. News of a breach into the SkyNet system was expected, but it didn’t come. Kevin, usually composed and in control, was visibly flustered, frantically typing at his console.

Lin Xian pressed his earpiece, “VV, what’s happening?”

“We’ve blocked 99.56% of his attack commands, but a few slipped through. No system is perfect; various factors can affect the timing. One of our devices even failed due to old age… I had to cut power to the entire city,” VV explained calmly, though there was a hint of frustration in his voice.

“If I were intercepting directly on-site, I could’ve blocked everything, but we needed to remain hidden. Kevin Walker’s strategy was more sophisticated than I anticipated…”

“But don’t worry, the few commands that got through are manageable by their security team. The free demonstration phase has a time limit, so Kevin Walker is out of options,” VV added, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and relief.

“Lin Xian, congratulations! You’re about to win the World Hacking Contest! He won’t score any points, and your Tesla hack will net us 17 points, putting X Team in the lead!” VV cheered.

Lin Xian was about to respond when suddenly, across the stage, Kevin pulled out a USB drive, plugged it into his computer, and executed something unexpected.

VV had secured the perimeter of the American internet; no signals were supposed to escape. What was Kevin up to now?

Then, remembering Kevin’s theatrical entrance and the logo of the Genius Club pointing skyward, Lin Xian realized too late what was happening…

The stadium screens lit up with an announcement: Beidou Satellite RD12142658 Hacked!

A thunderous applause and cheers broke out, even louder than before. Although Kevin hadn’t penetrated the SkyNet system, he had achieved something even more spectacular—he had hacked a satellite in the opponent’s navigation system, an unprecedented feat in the contest’s history.

According to the rules, hacking a national satellite was a major coup, worth 80 points—a move that secured victory for the American team.

The venue erupted with chants of “Kevin! Kevin! Kevin!”

“Sorry, Lin Xian,” VV’s voice came through, tinged with disappointment. “I always feared being too conspicuous, so I didn’t extend our reach too far… Surrounding the American internet border was as much as I dared. By the time I realized he’d use Starlink satellites to bypass terrestrial networks and hack the Beidou satellite from space, it was too late.”

Kevin had exploited a loophole in SpaceX’s Starlink system, using over 20,000 satellites to relay signals rapidly and breach the Beidou satellite orbiting Earth.

“I’m still not strong enough. For the first time… I wish I could grow up faster,” VV confessed, his tone somber.

“It’s okay, VV,” Lin Xian reassured him. “We’re in a foreign country, and you performed excellently without blowing our cover. Like you said, in hacking, attacking is often easier than defending. I understand the challenges we faced.”

“Besides, defending the Internet Security Great Wall and the SkyNet system is our real victory. Even though it might seem like a consolation, we’ve actually won,” Lin Xian added, trying to lift VV’s spirits.

The X Team members, smiling, exchanged high-fives in a celebratory gesture. An older team member patted Lin Xian’s shoulder reassuringly, “RD Beidou satellites are civilian-grade, don’t worry. Kevin Walker had to resort to this drastic measure after failing to breach the Internet Security Great Wall.”

“He actually lost, according to the contest rules. This Beidou satellite vulnerability now has to be disclosed to us. Military and civilian systems have overlaps. Kevin’s victory in this contest means he’s handing us a critical security flaw for free!” the team leader added, also grinning.

“Yes, breaching the Beidou satellite so quickly suggests a serious flaw. It’s better to know about it now than to discover our Beidou system compromised later,” another member pointed out.

Lin Xian looked around at his relieved teammates and felt reassured. These professionals were not overly concerned, so it couldn’t be a grave issue.

While the Americans celebrated, believing they had secured a major victory by hacking a Beidou satellite, the X Team also felt victorious, having defended the Internet Security Great Wall and uncovered a significant flaw in their own system.

This contest had turned out to be a win-win situation.

The only apparent loser was Lin Xian, who was now stepping onto the stage.

Kevin Walker’s successful satellite hack had added 80 points to the American team’s score.

Lin Xian’s upcoming Tesla hack was worth only 17 points.

But losing was acceptable. Winning the contest had never been their main goal.

Losing a single match didn’t diminish Lin Xian’s resolve.

The cheers gradually faded, and after about ten minutes, the host returned to the stage, announcing it was Lin Xian’s turn for the X Team’s free demonstration phase.

At that moment, the 80,000-seat stadium fell eerily silent.

No applause.

No cheers.

No shouts.

No support.


Lin Xian stood up from the preparation area and walked boldly towards the stage.



A wave of disrespectful boos echoed through the stadium.


In unison, the 80,000 American spectators booed Lin Xian!

All around,

Front and back,

Left and right,

Up and down,

Full of boos!

Lin Xian looked around.

Surrounded by boos…

The 80,000-seat stadium felt vast and empty.

Boos could be so quiet, yet so loud.



The relentless, uniform boos drowned Lin Xian…

“Lin Xian ——— Go for it ———”

Amidst the ceaseless boos, a clear and loud cheer broke through!



Deafening amidst the boos of 80,000 people.


The stadium fell silent.

Everyone stood or turned, searching for the source of the lone cheer.

The 80,000-seat stadium was vast…

Too vast to find anything.

Everyone looked around, but the source of the cheer remained elusive.


In the wind, a fabric unfurled.

At the top of the New Jersey stadium, a square of red fluttered in the wind!

The X Team’s red flag!

A bright red flag of the X Team!

All eyes, including Lin Xian’s, turned to the flag—A petite but proud girl.

She raised her hands high.

Holding the fluttering red flag above her head.

Her fluffy ponytail swayed in the wind, but her slender figure stood firm in the night wind!

“Lin Xian, Senior!” She shouted with all her might, looking at the man destined to lose on stage: “Go for it!!!!”

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