Genius Club

Chapter 194: The False Ending

The atmosphere in Chu Shan He’s tea room was thick with tension. As he poured a fresh cup of tea, Chu Shan He kept his eyes fixed on Lin Xian.

“The Donghai police found a lot of incriminating evidence on the dead driver’s phone,” Chu Shan He said.

Lin Xian nodded, sipping his tea before setting his cup down gently. “The driver was a retired U.S. Special Forces soldier named Sergeant Sam. Even after his retirement, he continued to carry out covert operations for the U.S. The data we decrypted from his phone suggests he was behind the hit-and-run killings of Xu Yun and Tang Xin.”

He shook his head in frustration. “These assassins are experts at creating fake evidence. The doctored chat logs involving Tang Xin show just how skilled they are at deception. My plan was to collaborate with you to intercept that taxi or truck outside Donghai’s jurisdiction.”

“But given the bomb that was already planted,” Lin Xian continued, “it’s clear they never meant for Sergeant Sam to survive, whether or not I intervened last night. That taxi was set to blow up right where it did.”

“So, we can’t trust the so-called evidence on Sergeant Sam’s phone at all. It’s obvious the assassins arranged it to absolve themselves and falsely close the murder cases.”

Chu Shan He nodded in agreement, refilling Lin Xian’s cup and then adding fresh water to the tea stones.

“I agree,” Chu Shan He replied, “but without solid proof, we can’t demonstrate that these records are fabricated. The police will accept the evidence from Sam’s phone at face value, especially since it confirms that he killed Academician Leon.”

“As I’ve said before, the Donghai police are under immense pressure,” he added. “With three scientists murdered precisely at 00:42, they need to resolve these cases to maintain public order and respond to community concerns.”

“I understand,” Lin Xian replied with a smile. “That’s why I turned to you for help. It’s the only way to keep this investigation moving forward.”

“I’m deeply grateful, Mr. Chu, for your trust and unwavering support,” Lin Xian said sincerely.

Chu Shan He waved off the thanks. “Lin Xian, you saved my daughter; I owe you my support. It’s my duty to assist you in solving the murders of Xu Yun and Tang Xin, for justice, the safety of future scientists, and the advancement of our national research. Even without any obligation, I would still stand by you in this just cause.”

“You don’t need to explain everything to me. I trust you, and sometimes less is more. Just keep me informed about the next steps, and I’ll be ready,” Chu Shan He assured him.

His smile widened as he added, “I’ve contributed a lot to our country and the scientific community over the years. I have enough influence to support you beyond Donghai. Right now, my main concern is your safety.”

Chu Shan He paused, then asked, “When you first shared your plan to lure out the killers by making yourself a target, I had mixed feelings. It’s a risky strategy. Are you sure they’ll come after you personally?”

“They will,” Lin Xian confirmed confidently. “Now that everything is out in the open, they have no other choice.”

“I have a list of three suspects,” Lin Xian shared, “but I can’t reveal it yet. From now on, I won’t be outside at 00:42, giving the killers no opportunity to strike at me. Except for these three—if any of them invites me out late at night or to a risky place at that time, I’ll go. It’ll give them the chance they’re looking for. Anyone else, and I won’t step out, no matter what.”

“I believe they’ll make their move soon. The situation is nearly completely exposed, and the longer they wait, the worse it gets for them. I have a rough plan and some idea of how they might try to draw me out,” Lin Xian explained.

“When the time comes, I’ll inform you a few days in advance. We’ll set up an ambush, ensuring no one from Donghai’s forces is involved to keep it secret. When the killer’s taxi arrives as expected, everything will be revealed.”

Hearing Lin Xian’s bold plan, Chu Shan He sighed—not from sorrow for Lin Xian’s courage, but from sadness that such malevolent forces still existed in what should be a peaceful society. In his youth, such schemes were common, but it pained him to see that such overt malice persisted.

Though he didn’t know all the details of Lin Xian’s plan, he trusted the young man’s bravery and integrity, qualities he found both rare and invaluable today. This was why he admired Lin Xian so much.

Raising his teacup, Chu Shan He said, “If An Qing grows up to be as responsible, brave, and compassionate as you, I’ll be immensely proud.”

Lin Xian raised his own cup in response, “Don’t worry, Mr. Chu. An Qing is going to be just fine. She’s got a great spirit, thanks to you and Mrs. Chu’s excellent parenting.”

They shared a laugh and sipped their tea before Lin Xian left the manor, driving his striking red Ferrari toward the Donghai Police Department.

Today’s visit to Chu Shan He was about discussing the next steps. The bomb on the taxi last night was unexpected. He had thought Ji Lin and his accomplices were ruthless enough by killing Academician Leon, but their willingness to kill their own driver showed just how little they valued human life.

Chu Shan He’s hidden ace wasn’t used or exposed last night, turning misfortune into an advantage. The upcoming confrontation with Ji Lin, Ji Xin Shui, and Zhou Duan Yun at 00:42 would be the final showdown in this cat-and-mouse game.

Lin Xian suspected Ji Lin was testing him, but he hadn’t been sure why until he saw the fabricated chat logs involving Tang Xin. Now, after the incident with Academician Leon, he understood their plan and had enough information to fight back, so he chose to reveal himself.

Soon, the Donghai Police would publicly announce the resolution of the serial killings, pinning everything on Sergeant Sam. No one knew Lin Xian was the next target, and that was what Ji Lin wanted.

However, they didn’t realize that Lin Xian was no longer a clueless, hiding mouse. He had become a cat with golden eyes in the dark, waiting for the mice to show their tails.

The Ferrari parked in the Donghai Police Department’s lot. Lin Xian got out and walked towards the office building. The chief had called earlier, asking when he’d arrive. It seemed there was something important.

As he entered the building, he was greeted by thunderous applause. Lin Xian paused, surprised. The lobby was crowded with leaders, colleagues, officers, and others from various departments, all clapping and smiling with gratitude.

“Well done, Lin Xian!” The chief approached, clapping Lin Xian on the back. “Thanks to you, we cracked the serial killings case! If not for your insight into the killer’s real intentions, we would have failed again and become a national joke!”

“But now, thanks to your cleverness and bravery, we’ve caught the killer responsible for the deaths of Professor Xu Yun, Miss Tang Xin, and Academician Leon! We’ve provided answers to the people of Donghai, the nation, and the world!”

Cheers erupted again as colleagues congratulated Lin Xian.

“It’s amazing, Lin Xian! You figured out Leon was the real target!”

“You must have kept the plan to yourself to avoid leaks, chasing the killer alone.”

“Although the enemy chose to end it all by suicide, we got valuable information from his phone.”

“The special investigation team on Xu Yun’s case finally completed its work successfully! Great job, everyone!”

Amidst the celebration, a familiar figure emerged—Ji Lin, who had returned faster than expected. He approached Lin Xian, shaking his hand.

“Congratulations, Lin Xian, on capturing the killer and returning victorious.”

“Welcome back, Ji Lin,” Lin Xian replied, shaking his hand. “When did you return? So soon?”

“Does it seem fast?” Ji Lin smiled. “I feared I was late and missed your moment of glory.”

“Not at all,” Lin Xian smiled back. “You’re just in time.”

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