Gang of Yuusha

Chapter 6 - We Devote Ourselves To Our Barbarian King

6 We Devote Ourselves to our Barbarian King

The Barbarian King Hall Totonakun reigned over the beastmen.

Simultaneously he commanded a grand corporation on the side.

In the present day the beastmen had melted into the human civilization.

To support their families money was required, as a social people, like humans, for prosperitys sake they started businesses.

Construction and financing, from transport to real estate and restaurant chains. They also had a hand in factories manufacturing metal products and alchemical goods.

There was no communal bureaucracy, but they had a finger in pretty much everything.

It was not the only reason for their success, but the beastmen had robust bodies and a strong sense of loyalty, so they were able to endure long periods of hard manual labor.

If you attempted to count all their businesses including the small street stalls you would never see the end of it. The scope of their operations was broad and summing up their workforce on the continent you would reach a number above a hundred thousand.

In Errorknife Town one in every ten person was a beastman, it was tacitly understood that they worked for businesses related to the corporation.

This heterogeneous community created by the beastmen, had firmly planted their roots in the human town.

The beast kings palace, which had taken months and years to build, was erected as a symbol of peace.

Still, even to this day ingrained hatred existed between the two Peoples. Nevertheless, on the surface both sides put on a showing of friendly moods. Because of racial differences blood-stained wars have happened in the past.

Why the fuck have I been called to do an audience before the Barbarian King?

Controlling his wings to go from his flying pose to one with his legs faced towards the ground, the winged-race man held onto his brimmed hat while spilling curses.

Fluttering his gray wings he descended gently into the traffic on the street. His windblown face had a tinge of blue and each and every one of his minute feathers had a faint lustre.

Double-checking the address on the street sign, with stumbling eyes he confirmed the location. This was Errorknife Towns well maintained eastern part, where traffic was scarce.

It was an administrative district where the inhabitants were comparatively prosperous.

A large amount of millitary police patrolled this place, where stately mansions were lined up as a matter of course.

The winged-race man was Rack Broad.

For the sake of public appearance he tightly fastened his necktie.

Even if he found it pointless, it had to be done. His jacket had been ironed thoroughly. His boots were brand-new shining and his trousers were not entirely worn out.

It had been a long time since he last had fastened his company emblem to his chest.

Appearing before the highest authority of the beastmen, he needed to be suitably presentable.

That was the duty of subordinates. He lamented that he had not been able to obtain more satisfactory clothes. Even a single wrinkle in his clothes could be considered an insult.

He silently muttered a curse of painful death for the person who invented such a system.

In truth Rack was no more than a chief clerk of a sales department in a company that distributed goods.

When the Barbarian Kings summon had come to a lowly person like him, he had been so surprised that it seemed as if heaven and earth had reversed.

The Barbarian King was a beastman from above the clouds.

When viewed you should not call out to him, instead falling prostrate was the most suitable response. The king of the beastmen.

I guess there might be a chance for promotion.

Ambition started to ooze.

At the young age of twenty-one, amongst the beastmen he was known as a bit of a dandy. That was a reputation he himself did not approve of.

His slender jaw and drooping eyes gave a sweet appearance that was valued by his surroundings.

Rack himself was painfully aware that he had no ability in the ways of violence.

Even if that was a result of his racial characteristics, it was considered a great weakness in the organization of beastmen.

In times of war the winged-race would be sent out on scouting missions and were then shot down in large numbers by the magic bullets fired by the enemys magicians.

Their races singular virtue was their ability to fly.

In human towns that ability could be put to good use.

Many of their kind made their living as carriers. They had succeeded in making flying transport businesses.

In this peaceful society his characteristic well-mannered attitude brought him great merit. His lady-killer-esque style made the wares Rack dealt in seem to fly off the shelves.

His favourite product was the Fall Potion.

A yellow transmutation type potion with a detoxifying effect. It was mostly sold to beastmen with irregular eating habits.

It was a product that could represent the potion market.

And the dealer was none other than himself.

That was a source of modest pride for Rack.

Walking a short distance he made it to his destination, an estate with numerous ornamental pillars. The dwellings grandness was overpowering, in actuality it had even been designated as a cultural asset.

The massive stone-built mansion seemed wide enough for a hundred people to stand side by side.

The multitude of windows visible from the distance told the tale of what surely had to be an unnecessarily large number of rooms.

The fence topped with trident-like shapes and steel gate were taller than a persons height. Despite that, the refined craftsmanship visible on the gate ensured that nothing seemed vulgar.

The garden trees in the distance stood close together.

In the lawns nooks rustic but impeccably maintained seasonal flowers bloomed.

Around the water fountain megaliths formed a grandiose circle.

The carved statue decorating the roadside captured the beauty of motion of a fantastic beast.

It was a grove of illusions that the Barbarian King had created in the middle of the city.

Allow me to enter.

Rack called out to the gatekeeper.

The tall and muscular lion beastmans arm was stretched out horizontally to the side, blocking the entrance.

The gatekeeper who simply folded his arms released a silent pressure. His silence seemed to say that he had no courtesy to spare on small-timers.

Naturally the gate, which gave the feeling of immense mass, opened.

The Barbarian King was also a lion beastman.

Lots of humans seemed to not realize, but there were also factions amongst the beastmen.

The different races adopted professions most suited to their own circumstances.

They often looked down on each other, they butted heads and killings even happened sometimes.

Perhaps it could be said to be identical to the humans who discriminated based on physical shapes and skin colors.

Even amongst the races that seemed similar, small differences could lead to the harbouring of hatred.

Rack followed the road through the center of the front garden with calm steps. He still had time before the appointment. Coming too soon was also out of the question.

To pass his time, Rack gave himself up to his reverie.

What should he do when greeting Hall Totonakun?

To begin with, what was he called for? Why was he called for by name?

If he was to receive some form of order, it would have been sufficient to just inform his boss. If it was secret instructions then sending a sealed letter would do. There would have been no need to call him out, those measures should have sufficed.

Amongst the beastmen, who obeyed the strong, there was no-one foolish enough to disobey the Barbarian Kings orders.

Maybe he was to receive a personal request.

Surely he would not be called out to scout for a war.

The Barbarian King had abandoned his wild Lionheart to succeed in the human city.

Having poured his efforts into securing the beastmens future, he was a man worthy of respect.

Having said that, the physically large Barbarian King, with his jet black hair, could cause the hearts of onlookers to freeze over.

The beastmens guardian deity had an intense temperament. Those who angered him never saw the following morning.

Moreover, even within the beastmen the Barbarian King had a rare attribute.

It was an invisible ability called the Nullification Barrier, which allowed nothing to come near it.

The Barbarian King had been titled the Untouchable One by a priest serving the beast deity.

Blades could not reach him. Projectiles were repelled. Magic was dispersed.

He had a type of steel hard body that was rare amongst the beastmen.

There was even a rumor that anyone who could defeat him would become the future Barbarian King.

Rack had no intentions of becoming such a clueless challenger.

The Barbarian King had the name of strongest during the time of war, he was even the legendary hero of several folk songs.

Who would be stupid enough to challenge such a monster?

Carving the name Fool on the gravestones of such reckless fame seeking daredevils was in no way misplaced.

Repulsive Barbarian King. Dreadful Barbarian King. Our invincible Barbarian King.

Falling down to lick his shoes was the far smarter choice.

At any rate, seducing the princess is definitely a better idea.

The kings only child was rumored to be a peerless beauty.

She had been raised as the apple of his eye and had therefore only been seen by very few, yet such a rumor had still spread.

If one could enter into familial relations with the Barbarian King then ones life was sure to show great change.

Hey, you.


Having been called out to, a mere ten meters from the estates entrance, Rack turned around on reflex.

Lying in a hammock hung in the small grove was a reading woman.

She threw her glossy legs over the side of the hammock so they were pointing towards the ground. Her hair, which fluttered in the gentle breeze, was silver-colored, yet on top of her head were black fur covered cat ears No. Black panther ears. They twitched lightly.

She had not given up looking at the book even while calling out to him.

Rearranging her legs she release a sigh giving the feeling of languor.

Rack pretended to cover his eyes. The womans appearance was truly poison for the eyes.

Her negligee was comfortably loose and of a transparent see-through material. The waist cord was neatly tied, but one of the shoulder straps had slipped down. The shape of risky string underwear was visible through the gaps.

With a sharp gaze that would cause you to shiver, her eyes seemed to have the power to freeze you.

That was when Rack noticed them. Her bright vertical golden pupils. She also had the blood of the lion beastmen.

I take it you are Rack Broad.

Yes. I take it you are the Lord Excellencys daughter?

Im not.

Then why was she in this estate If she was not of the Barbarian Kings family, then Rack could not imagine what status she had that allowed her to lie reading in a hammock in the estates garden.

Maybe a relative of some sort. Or a lover who was not shown in public.

There was no mention of this lass in the information he possessed. Not having sufficient knowledge about which beastmen he must greet was a discredit to Rack.

He had made sure to memorize the majority of the estates inhabitants in preparation for his audience, but his efforts now seemed wasted.

How long are you just going to stand there?

Wh, huh? Ah. Please excuse me.

He regained his ability to think and went down on a knee. Even without ascertaining her status it was obvious that a respectful greeting was in place.

Paralyzed by his nervousness his body became stiff. An unseen feeling of dread caused his throat to convulse.

Why am I feeling such pressure from this little girl, who it seems I can just snap like a twig?

I even have no idea who she is.

A sense of humiliation assaulted him.

His feelings rose against the injustice.

And yet, why was it that he felt an attraction that seemed to pull him in?

The girl showed a complacent smile.

Her lovely lips vibrated and a voice similar to the ringing of a silver bell informed him.

Very well. I will answer your question. I am the Barbarian King Chatoucy Totonakun.


He doubted his ears.

He controlled himself prudently, and attempted to find hints of jesting, but the only thing that met him was a weary face.

Do not make me say it twice.

N, n, no. It, its just I had the humble idea that our Excellency was Hall Totonakun.

My father died just the other day. Father had lost his mind in his last years. He foolishly attempted to have sexual intercourse with me. Killing him was surely an act of benevolence.

Dead Killed.

The mystery was instantly solved. The girl in front of him was the previous Barbarian Kings daughter.

And she had now taken on that very same Barbarian King title.

The corpse is in the residence. If you want to see it just go to my fathers bedroom. We had a bit of a quarrel so some of his limbs are missing. The official funeral service will be held sooner or later.

N, no, Your Excellency. That will not be necessary. Doubting your words would be unacceptable.

No lies had left the amusedly smiling Chatoucys lips. He caught a glimpse of her barely extended fangs.

That she had defeated Hall Totonakun was the shocking truth, yet Rack calmed his heart.

Even if the figurehead has changed my daily life will not change. I have no need to change.

There was no big issue for him if the person he reported to had changed.

Well then, Rack. I read your report and there is a point that caught my attention.


My report Are you saying that the Barbarian King reads that sort of thing?

It has not just been left to the underlings and placed on a desk somewhere?

He noticed that this was an irregularity. Why did this majestic existence pay attention to such small matters?

It was in your report for a small credit recovery issue. It states that because of the dangerous character involved we should retreat from this matter. Who is this character who murders our brethren and strides around town as if he owns it?


Those people who were lowly even amongst the beastmen, were considered brethren?

What need was there to pay attention to these people who could go die in a gutter for all anyone cared?

There was absolutely no need for as noble an existence as the Barbarian King to pay any attention to such matters.

Ye, yes It was the Street Corner Yuusha. A fallen millitary officer, he is an immensely dangerous man. Amongst the humans he should be an equal of the Knights of the Holy Cloth from the capital.

Heh, then surely he cannot be that great.

Excuse me. This enemy is a monster, Your Excellency. Nobody wants anything to do with him, Your Excellency. This is just my personal thoughts, but

His words stopped. Should he just say it as he saw it?

Or should he attempt to play it off as insignificant?

To show his loyalty to the Barbarian King, either one could be the right choice.

Go ahead.

Lying was out of the question.

Rack concluded this from Chatoucys stormy eyes.

I believe that he possesses what we beastmen had to throw away in order to live in the human cities. The wild Lionheart. Though he is human, he is a genuine ferocious beast.

For you to walk on eggshells like this, he couldnt possibly be from my bloodline, right?

No, by no means. He does not possess the Nullification Barrier.

Moreover there were no beastmen that were so brutal and cunning and stank so much of humanity.

They were talking about a nonsense man whose strength was just decided by potions.

But that strength could skyrocket. If a person existed that would want to challenge the Barbarian King in the flesh, then maybe he would be the only one.

Would he get killed in an instant, or perhaps

Hmm The Street Corner Yuusha, huh? Surely a rarity even amongst the humans.

Yes, Your Excellency.

Nevertheless, he will not be pardoned. Kill him.

Yes, Your Excellency.

He had no choice but to answer the way he did.

However, Rack. Using old-fashioned words like the Lionheart. It has been a long time since I have heard those words uttered.

Just by listening I feel like I have learned something.

Honestly responding with those words while brushing hear hair upwards, Chatoucys mood seemed to have been lifted.

It was a dreamily charming scene. If you could cut it out and put it in a frame, it would make a great painting. Rack found himself unable to string together words into sentences.

With her praiseworthy grace and the haughtiness in her eyes she did indeed possess the attributes required to succeed the position of the Barbarian King who ruled the beastmen.

He had to show his unchanging loyalty.

Rack. I will leave this matter in your hands. Whoever you decide to use is up to you.

Yes. I am but your servant, my Lord.

Translator note: The names of the previous Barbarian King and his daughter are pretty horrible to translate. Hru Tottonakun and Shatsh Tottonakun. Just leaving them here if you want to know how the author intended the names to be pronounced. I have no idea how I could better represent those names.

Hall seems pretty obvious, but Chatoucy was the best I could come up with for the girl. their last name is also bullshit if you ask me.

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