Gacha Kingdom Building

Chapter 165: Prisoners (03)

Since the battle was over, I called back the girls from the Kingdom.

Elizabeth made a report telling me that both girls had come to their senses, but I couldn't suppress my feelings. I wouldn't be satisfied until I saw them with my own eyes.

Their figures appeared in front of me almost immediately after I sent the request, in that moment, all the anxiety in my heart transformed into a bursting stream that I couldn't contain.

They tried to apologize, but...

Licia: "...Sorry Miwen, I wasn't expecting-"

Claire: "I should have burned them from the start-"

I ended up not allowing them to finish their sentences.

I couldn't care less about any of that.

The only thing in my mind was...

Miwen: "I'm glad you two are back."

Losing them even if for only a moment was a devastating blow to me.

I wasn't joking when I told the girls that they are my biggest strength and weakness. The man I am now is unable to live without them. And the idea haunts me.

Drenched in these feelings I hugged them with more strength than ever before. I didn't want to let them go a millimeter away from me.

Even though I knew I had to concentrate on my opponent during my battle, all my reactions were a tad slower than usual.

My heart and mind had two different priorities, and I couldn't help worrying about them even though I was sure I could fix everything.

I was desperate to bring them back...

Miwen: "It was my fault to start with. You two would've gone all out from the start if I didn't want to extract information out of them. I'm sorry."

It was with consideration for my desires that they held back. And if I was faster, I could've prevented them from getting touched.

It was my fault that things escalated to that point.

Claire: "Hnh... I never knew you could be so sentimental... I like it, but... you're going to break my bones if you stay like this..."

Even against her wishes, I couldn't hold back and ended up staying like that a little longer. But I calmed down soon after, and then, Licia pointed out something else in the corridor.

The other factor that distracted my mind during this incident.

Licia: "...Miwen... is that...?"

Miwen: "I believe so, but... why don't you tell us, Isabella?"

Alongside the others who were inside the room, now that there was no danger to be found, she stepped out into the corridor.

The scene was a bit shocking to her. There were a dozen or so corpses scattered everywhere.

Isabella: "You killed... all of them? But... they were slaves... they didn't have a choice in the matter..."

Miwen: "Neither did I."

I could have tried to fight while avoiding hurting or killing them.

But I didn't know the powers and abilities of my opponent, so I decided to not waste time and not give him any chances or openings.

Killing them on the spot prevented the most unpredictable results, thus, it was the most effective.

I took no pride or joy in doing it, but even if all of this only amounted to a slight increase in my chances, I judged it well worth it considering what was at stake.

It was a selfish choice. I could justify it and even think of it as freeing them or that death would be better than remaining a slave, but... I knew the truth and I had no plans of running from it.

This was the result of my choices, and I fully embraced it, as thanks to it I fulfilled my objectives of bringing the girls back and keeping Isabella safe.

As cruel as it might be, I protected what I valued, so there were no regrets on my part.

Miwen: "I kept one alive though."

Isabella: "...And what's special about him?"

Honestly speaking... nothing much.

Like the other slaves on this floor, he was missing a limb. His left arm, to be more precise. He was missing everything from the forearm down.

Due to this condition, as well as malnourishment, he wasn't particularly strong. I threw him against a wall easily, and he wasn't able to free himself even though I didn't reinforce too much the ice magic that was keeping him stuck in the wall.

He was a boy. His age seemed to be around 12 years old at most, and aside from his arm, he also had scars and spots all over his body.

As I said, not that different from the other slaves on this floor.

However, what truly interested me was something else.

Miwen: "He's a Snow White Wolf, right?"

Isabella: "Yeah? There was a trend some time ago when their tribe was defeated... quite a few noble families bought one or two of them as slaves."

...I wanted to believe in the small chance that this guy found his way here from another world through a Dungeon.

But Isabella's words shattered that hope completely.

They confirmed that this world was well-known to me.

Not only because it was the world in Claire's game. But because it was the same world as my first Event.

Miwen: "You're talking about their war with Hamperlon right? How long ago was that?"

Knowing this was Mia's world, I wanted to know how much time had passed since the war.

Isabella: "...How do you know about-"

Miwen: "Answer me."

I ended up being a little more cold than normal to her. She was clearly surprised by how harsh I was, but she still answered me.

Isabella: "I don't like your tone. But... You're right. I think It was... around eight years ago."

...There were too many coincidences happening in this world.

This made it more clear than ever before that I was playing someone's game.

I was glad that I had not made any promises to the First Daughter.

Because I definitely wanted to have a few words with whoever was behind this.

Licia: "...I think we should call Mia..."

Miwen: "We'll tell her, but not now. First... Isabella. Is slavery legal in this world?"

Mia was definitely going to know about this, but I had my own promise with her.

I knew we were going to need to have a long talk, and I would have to think of a way to progress and reconcile both this Event's objectives as well as Mia's revenge.

I wanted to keep my promise to both Isabella and Mia.

In any case, this presented me with a good opportunity to correct a mistake from the past.

Isabella: "I don't know about the world. But it is legal in most countries, including Terith. But kidnapping and such is not allowed. Only criminals and those to be executed can choose to become slaves to avoid their sentences..."

While it was still possible to sell another person, like what happened with Chloe who was sold to Isabella's family, this system existed with the unique intention of providing an alternative punishment that allowed criminals to still contribute to society while reducing their ability to act against it.

Whatever the intention though, it was easily exploited by shady people.

It was too hard to keep track of which slaves were "legal" or not, and controlling the trade was too difficult, especially since the kingdoms relied on auction houses or direct buyers, which often ended up being other traders and merchants looking for a profit.

Thus they ended up with this broken system where selling or possessing slaves is not illegal as long as the slaves are registered. However, they also can't check or know if a slave is illegal or not.

Miwen: "...Then what will happen with this boy?"

Isabella: "Since he's from a defeated tribe, he's probably a legal slave, so... If we are still in Evretis, I doubt Lenard or Albert will have a use for him... I don't think Pam- Stepmother... would use him either... He'll likely be auctioned or sold to someone else directly."

Miwen: "I see. Tell Lenard I'll buy him and any other Snow White Wolf in this place."

The boy was shocked and afraid listening to our interaction, but there was still a hint of defiance in his eyes.

Miwen: "You don't have to worry. I plan on getting revenge against those who put you in this situation, so... Do you want to be free?"

Boy: "...I...Yes..."

Miwen: "Great. Then accept the invitation."

It was not like he had a choice as he already knew that fighting me was useless.

The most he could was trust I wouldn't hurt him.

And while I could use this to hide from Lenard and not pay a dime, I felt like being honest was the best course of action.

Especially since I planned on relying on Isabella and her family a little more from now on.

Thus, the boy became a citizen and immediately entered the Kingdom.

Miwen: "Before Lenard arrives, have you decided what to do with those two?"

I had sent Apollo to Mei as soon as we arrived here. With her guiding the way it shouldn't take long for Lenard to reach this place.

He was capable enough of taking care of everything, but I wanted to use this situation to better understand Isabella's nature and how she thinks.

And so, it was time to carve the fate of the two who betrayed her.

Isabella: "...Why do you insist on making me decide?"

Miwen: "I want to fulfill your desires. I'll support your decisions, however, I shall not decide for you. You're the only one who can find your happiness. Choose your path, and I'll help you get there."

Isabella: "...But then... what if I make a mistake? Will you remain my ally?"

Miwen: "...? Of course. Failure is not the end. It is just an opportunity to do better next time. You can come crying to me, and I'll help you every time."

It was not the first time she made me swear or reinforce my pledge. She is used to people giving up on her, and she actually expects them to do so.

There's a lot of fear in her heart. So much so that it hinders her.

Whenever she's not confident that she's able to do something, she tends to give up without even trying.

Many times I've seen her have the right response, but choose to remain silent due to the fear of being wrong and suffering for it.

But the way she acts with me made me realize that this is not her true self.

When she's not considering such things she acts with way more brilliance. She's more than capable of deciding her own fate.

And I believe that to be crucial.

I am a cautious man myself, but I think she goes past the limit. She needs to take more risks, and even if she fails, it'll be alright.

A lesson learned might be as valuable as a successful venture.

Especially since the stakes will probably get much higher in the future. Testing the waters now was for the best.

Isabella: "In that case... Chloe and Kyle... how much do you value your lives?"

Her words echoed through the corridor.

Those two knew that I was going to abide by whatever she decided to do.

So, they only had one real choice.

As predicted, after just a few minutes, Lenard showed up with a few other knights and started to clean up the mess.

This place had three floors, plus the underground we were in. On the first floor where the expensive "merchandise" was shown, there were two other Snow White Wolves.

They were in a much better condition than the boy from the underground floor.

I kept my word and bought them from Lenard on the spot.

He asked me 200 silver coins in total for the three slaves. Or two gold coins. I thought this was hefty, but Isabella said that the two on the first floor were really valuable.

Not only was their condition way better, but one of them was also a female, which drove the price up.

Once Isabella was secure, Lenard and I went ahead and checked the documents on the desk together.

True to his dying words, there were a few documents and letters detailing the plan and some exchanges between the slave trader and a certain Count Brisco.

The idea seemed to be to capture Isabella, change her appearance, and turn her into a slave.

The Count seemed a little happy about taking her.

A depraved idea from a man who's apparently known for similar things.

It seems that he had never gone as far as doing something like this to a noble though, but... who knows? It may very well be that this isn't his first rodeo and no one knew about it.

Whatever the case may be, this infuriated Lenard. It was an honest reaction, and he planned on taking the man to court for this. Seeking an execution.

But since the guy is quite rich, the results of a trial, even if in favor of Isabella, might not be so great.

However, I heard that bad things tend to happen to those who cross the darkest star's path, so even if he gets out with a fine, maybe destiny will have other plans for him.

One can never know.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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