Gacha Kingdom Building

Chapter 155: Date And Encounter (03) (R18)

-This chapter contains descriptive sexual contt, please, be advised and proceed with caution-

Ev though Claire promised something, our day together ded up being quite special, in a bunch of ways.

Our first stop was a cafe near our home.

A place I had never visited before, nor paid any notice to. It wasn't particularly popular or well-known for anything.

It also wasn't big or fancy, in fact, it was pretty modest.

Yet, there was a pleasant feeling derived from its modesty.

A comfortable, cozy place where there wer't any scres, repeating or loud sounds. Neither vibrant colors nor grey concrete, the most common color to be found was the dark brown of the wood furniture.

Its silt atmosphere which would normally feel cold, felt warm instead. To the point where it felt like a shame to break it by placing an order.

Although I do like coffee, I wouldn't normally come to a place like this.

Simply because it's both cheaper and quicker to brew my own at home.

However, this place had me defeated.

A new scery, a relaxing atmosphere... I thought it was fine to pay a little extra for such things every once in a while.

Claire: "Do you like it?"

She seemed slightly anxious and insecure about her pick, looking for my approval.

It might've be my fault for not having any big reactions, but...

Miw: "Yeah. It's nice. Places like this are becoming a bit more rare, so... good find."

Although people like me are probably to blame considering this place wasn't ev far from home and I never ev bothered tering it once.

However, while the place was nice, its main selling point felt lacking as my atttion was stol by the relieved smile of the girl sitting in front of me.

The supposed warmth of both the establishmt and the coffee had no way to compete with that.

It wasn't their fault though, and if anything, wh I got to taste the coffee, it was guinely good.

We joyed our coffee and a piece of cake each while chatting, but once we were done, it was time to move to the next place.

To me, our short, but sweet time there would've already counted as a small date, but the girls seemed to have a differt definition.

After the cafe came the cinema.

Now... I do joy movies. Almost every gre too.

But it's that type of joymt where I don't really take much from it.

I just turn off my brain and have a good time.

Wh Claire was making her plans, this became a problem.

She was clearly giving a lot of importance to our first date. She wanted our memories to be tied to something special.

So, her first thought was to look through my collection to see what I liked the most.

However, she quickly figured out that most of what I really like is stuff from years ago.

Basically, she lost from the premise. Ev if she found one from the gres I td to like the most, odds are that I wasn't going to be particularly interested since I rarely like new releases.

I couldn't believe it wh Licia explained this to me.

First of all, I was probably going to joy whatever was playing. Second... to me at least, the movie was obviously going to be secondary to them. It would've be fine, or rather, I would've be glad if they decided on something they liked.

Licia: "I told her~"

Claire: "And did I not list? Here. This is the one!"

..."Dawn too late".

For the poster, it looked like a romance.

And from the title... a tearjerker.

I liked that choice quite a lot. I obviously don't want the girls to ever be sad but... seeing them crying over a movie was totally fine by me...

...It was quite a good story.

The characters were well-writt and believable, especially as a couple. You could not root for them.

The writers did a good job with the "will they, won't they" at the beginning. Ev though it was obvious they would d up together, it felt more playful than annoying since they didn't put too much time into it either.

However, once the couple was established, I already knew the only point left was to break them up and either have them come together again or d on a sour note...

Claire: "Idiot. Why? Why didn't she go after him?"

I knew it was going to d like this... and yet...

Miw: "...Fuck, man... This stings... fuck... I get why he'd do it, but... they could've done something..."

Licia: "Yeah..."

Miw: "...How come you are fine? Wh she finally realized what he was doing all this time, did you not feel anything?"

Licia: "Hn... That was pretty sad..."

I was barely able to contain my tears, and yet, there she was, acting as if nothing had happed.

A cool girl. Hard to impress. Looking at her like this, one could ev doubt she had any feelings at all.

Yeah, no.

I knew her better than that.

This girl was faking it with all her strgth.

And I didn't let this pass. As a family, if we were going to suffer, it had to be together.

So it was only with fairness, and not a single shred of pride, that I started discussing in excruciating detail the evts of the movies with Claire.

Licia: "...You wouldn't do something like that, right? You won't leave us behind..."

It was quite effective.

Now I had the two of them crying rivers by my side, and as the good boyfrid I am, this had me in a much better mood.

Miw: "I dunno. I feel like going to the bathroom."

Licia: "...Promise. Seriously."

Miw: "Pfft. As if I could be that selfless."

I wouldn't be accomplishing anything by leaving them anyway.

I'm stronger wh we are together. I'm happier wh I have them with me.

I couldn't imagine a situation that would take me away from them... nor did I want to think about it.

So, after they were a bit more calm, we wt to the next and final stop.

A little clothing shopping.

Everything that had happed, including Erik's visit, didn't come close to being as hard as this.

I felt completely trapped.

There wasn't anything I could do.

Miw: "Cute."

Claire: "That's all you say!"

It was all that I could say!

I wanted to poke fun or make a smart commt. But it was impossible.

My brain simply wasn't able to keep up with them. Every time they changed into a new outfit, I readied myself... only to get dumbfounded.

I was completely and utterly defeated. I didn't have a single chance to fight back.

Although it wasn't ough to blindside me...

Miw: "...Where you've be?"

Licia: "...Bathroom?"

While spding time with Licia might've made me a better person, the reverse could be said for her.

Thankfully, her newly acquired lying ability is not that good.

And since I knew that she only does that whever she has planned something for me, I could totally let it pass.

Miw: "Uh-huh. And they were handing bags in there?"

But probing a little bit was more fun.

Licia: "...Look, doesn't Claire look good in that?"

Miw: "...Cute."

Claire: "Again!?"

I got blindsided in the d. But she cheated so it didn't count.

Whatever she had in there, she didn't want me looking at all, so she took those bags home herself.

Although I did have a pretty good idea of what she might be up to, I decided not to say anything at the time.

We th headed home, where we had a pretty nice dinner together, again, reminisct of the time wh it was just the three of us.

Once we were done, they asked me to wait in the bedroom while they'd change. This confirmed my suspicions about the bags, as well as who was the sponsor for the girls all this time.

Since I had something to check on the Kingdom, I made a quick trip thinking that the timing would work out perfectly, but once I got back, I got the coldest stare ever from Licia, as well as a look of rejection from Claire.

Licia: "You were away again. Rectly, you've be spding a lot of time away from home. Do I need to remind you of your responsibilities every time?"

Claire: "Rather than that, I think a punishmt is in order."

Wh we were out shopping, I saw them in a bunch of differt outfits.

But the maid uniforms... they wt out of their way to prepare it in secret.

And as I thought, they were quite mad at me.

It wasn't just because I took a quick trip to the Kingdom. They could certainly understand that.

The real problem was I had looked a bit excessively at a girl earlier.

But it wasn't totally my fault, while she was pretty, that wasn't the reason either.

I just found it odd that she was all dressed in , from head to toe.

It caught my atttion, was all.

The only thing I thought about was how much it looked like she was shining, but once I noticed I was staring, I quickly turned away.

However, a woman's intuition is quite strong, and they didn't fail to notice what I had done, ev if it was just for a momt.

And now... I had two my two wives dressed as maids, jealous and angry, but still horny.

As I was processing how nice they looked in the frilly uniforms, thinking about a joke to make toward Claire, who is as far from a maid as possible, both due to her pride, but also due to her laziness, I ded up being pushed to the bed.

Claire was definitely serious. She applied ough force for me to not be able to resist, and she quickly started to take off my clothes, starting with the shoes.

Miw: "Oh? Are my devoted servants going to help me change?"

Claire: "Hmph! It's more than you deserve, master... But! It's our job."

While she was working down there, Licia wt behind me to deal with my shirt.

However, once she was done, she grabbed my hands and-

Miw: "What are you doing?"

Licia: "You've be very naughty. It's time for some education, master."

She spoke without emotion and looked at me as if I was a bug that had crawled my way there.

That was ough to sd shivers down my spine.

At the same time, Claire didn't waste any time. I thought she was going for a blowjob at first, but she only wanted to wet my pis before inserting it in.

She was rather quick about it, but the fact she didn't take her panties off told me that she wasn't wearing any.

If I had to guess, probably Cassandra's advice. She had a whole monologue about how important it was to be "easy to access at all times" wh we were fucking yesterday, and of course, neither she nor Anna were wearing any either.

The same was true for Bea and Ellie, although their costumes made it harder for that too.

But my suspicion was that I was dealing with a cabal.

The forces of lewdness had increased for some reason... ough to become a group all on their own, ev stronger than Mia's anti-playboy faction, and more of a threat than Gabriella and Lana.

Although a new group, to be able to keep themselves hidd from me was an accomplishmt in and by itself.

However, this paled in comparison to their biggest achievemt.

In just two nights, they had almost managed to make me surrder.

I was determined to fight back tonight, both for the sake of my people, as well as my own life.

But it was in vain. Licia was lying by my side, holding my arms and kissing my lips while Claire kept riding me.

They were both too good at it. We spt so much time together that we had a deep understanding of each other's bodies.

The max I could do was try to move my legs but, with my dick still inside her, Claire turned a and locked them in place too, only to continue slamming against me in a reverse cowgirl position.

This was hard... The way her hips were moving... her ass was bouncing so much and I could feel the weight every time it hit me. I wanted to grab and slap her but... my hands were tied.

Being died like this was a first, and I had mixed feelings about the fact that I was joying it so much.

Thankfully, while Claire is aggressive, it doesn't take long for her to come, and while she can go for a few more s nowadays, it doesn't amount to much.

...But they had a clever strategy for that too.

Licia: "Dou you want to be released, master?"

Miw: "Shouldn't a maid obey her master?"

Licia: "Oh. You are learning so quickly. Th, I'll teach you all about discipline next."

...That scared me.

The evil smile paired with her cold attitude... A look that didn't fit her at all...

Every muscle of my body tsed up, only to relax shortly after as she took my atttion from Claire, and I was unable to hold back from coming.

I felt utterly defeated for not accompanying her until she had reached climax herself, but... they quickly exchanged places.

If it was a one-on-one I could overpower them and surprise them, but... the two of them together was too much for me.

I had no choice but to helplessly watch as Licia's handjob got me hard again, and with her already wet pussy, she took a normal cowgirl position, staring down at me while faking a look that said "It doesn't ev feel good."

She was holding back her moans, and whever it looked like she was going to show me a face-melting in pleasure, Claire would hide her from my field of vision, either by stealing a kiss, giving me her breasts to suck on, or evtually, once she was feeling good ough, sitting on my face, almost suffocating me.

With no other choice, I was forced to lick and suck everything down there as my maid-wives taught me a long lesson about responsibility and discipline.

Miw: "So... why maids?"

Claire: "Hnr... I looked it up... it's pretty common... ahn... but also..."

Licia: "Haah... because Mei is troubling you..."


Ev though the Kingdom's population is so low that calling me a king seems like a joke at times, I do already have my own personal maid, Mei.

But she's a strange girl.

She seems ke on servicing me, with loyalty on pair with Claire and Licia if not ev more.

As a test, I once asked her what she would do if I asked her to give away her life, and she promptly answered that she would do it.

She didn't ev blink, as if the answer to the question was obvious.

And sure ough, it was. But any normal person would give a completely differt answer.

Ev girls like Claire or Elizabeth who are tremdously loyal and act my every command would hesitate, just because the stake is that high.

But Mei did not. And ev though I'm not a lie detector... I couldn't help but shake off the feeling that she was telling the truth.

That girl... she doesn't feel human at all.

Which bothers me.

I don't like that I don't understand her.

And I don't feel comfortable embracing her until I at least figure her out. Call it cowardice or intuition, but something tells me I'd regret it if I accepted her the way things stand.

However... she is hot.

That is simply undiable.

Her face doesn't show discontt or joy, she keeps composed as she does her job spldidly well, and yet, her body is almost perfect. Big breasts and perfect curves, a slim waist that has no right to give way to such a nice ass...

As a man, ev though I have plty of girls, knowing I wouldn't lose anything if I decided to take her for myself makes it extremely hard to hold back.

So, wh Licia says that Mei is troubling me, this is what she means.

It's not particularly malicious of her, and yet... it is a small problem.

Miw: "I see, my maids really take good care of me, huh?"

Claire: "Y-yeah... Ahng... that's why... master has to... Nnh... show some gratitude..."

Miw: "Sure. I'll give you plty of my gratitude. All inside you."

After a few s, I had giv up completely.

I joined their little roleplay and started doing Claire doggy style while Licia kissed her.

Miw: "How does it feel?"

Claire: "Warm... master... Hn... thank you..."

Although we had gone at it a few more times, I knew I had to do her in this position at least once. It was the best to joy the ripples on her butt as I smacked her.

Once I was done coming inside her, I released her hands, and she fell face-first onto the bed, completely defeated.

Licia: "Well done. Have you learned your lesson now? You see, master. You have the responsibility of loving your wives every-"

Miw: "Get on top of her."

Licia: "Eh? B-but... We have be going for a while. Claire's had ough and I think I'm already good too so-"

Miw: "Is a lowly servant talking back? I hav't had ough. After she's done resting, I'll play with her ass, yours too. But until th, I'll be using your pussy. Get on top, I want to compare you two."

Licia: "...Hah... Nghn... No... Hn..."

Ev though she was tak aback by my words, as the good girl she is, she complied with my wishes.

Usually, we would be done a this time. Both the girls and I would've be satisfied, as seems to be the case for them already.

However, they ticed me a little too much. I understood my feelings once I started to turn the tables on them.

It wasn't that I particularly had a taste for being so restricted and dominated... The challge of overwhelming the situation became a sweeter, and as my desires grew, unable to do as I liked, their play became fuel for my revge as I kept thinking about what I'd do once I took charge again.

It was a big mistake on their part to provoke me.

It only led to a pleasure hell with no escape.

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