From the Heavens Descended an Immortal Sister

Chapter 186: Chapter 184: Where Can the Fang Family Save Their Face_1

The examination hall was suddly thrown into a stir, naturally attracting everyone's atttion.

"Who knows what mischief that low-ability studt from Mediocre University is up to this time, as if it wasn't embarrassing ough already?"

"Probably just scribbled down a bunch of herb names, doesn't ev have a clue about the most basic ingredits."

"I don't ev feel like mocking this kind of person. Annoying, trying to attract atttion without the skills?"


The proctor who had just be scolded by the Sevth Elder to leave returned to the cter of the ara, and Ah Si immediately sidled up to him.

"What happed?" Ah Si asked, looking completely unbothered by the commotion.

"That brat from Mediocre University actually wrote down the ingredits for a Fourth-Order Sev-Star Pill, utterly ignorant of his place!" The proctor said disdainfully.

Upon hearing this, Ah Si glanced at the Sevth Elder not far away, seemingly surmising something, and a sneer appeared on his face, but he said nothing.

The Sevth Elder, who wasn't far away, looked at the line of herbs writt on the drawing paper; his brows furrowed involuntarily, th he looked helplessly at Fang R.

This twty-something-year-old creating a fourth-order elixir, who would believe that?

Ev giuses gifted with alchemy talt can only manage to refine high-order elixirs by the age of forty, and ev though he's over sevty himself, he can only barely manage to refine third-order high-level elixirs.

If Fang R were to refine a fourth-order elixir in such a public setting, nobody would need to think twice—it would definitely be cheating!

"Young Master Fang, is this... not a bit too obvious?" The Sevth Elder's face soured ev more.

If you're going to cheat, why not do it more subtly? Why make it so blatantly obvious?


Fang R blinked, was refining a fourth-order elixir considered making a big fuss? He ev planned to save his fifth-order elixir for the finals as the finale; if he didn't use a fourth-order now, was he supposed to save it for the New Year?

"Sevth Elder, we forfeit." Before Fang R could speak, Princess Bai Xi immediately said.


The complexion of the Sevth Elder soured further. He had heard from the cter of the field that there had be a minor tiff betwe Fang R and Princess Bai Xi, with the princess insisting on forfeiting while Young Master Fang disagreed.

"The decision is mine to make, as it is I who am competing." Fang R glanced at her and said, "Get the herbs based on my list."

"But Young Master Fang, this really puts me in a difficult position," the Sevth Elder said with a troubled frown.

"I'll take all the responsibility wh the time comes," Fang R declared.

"What are you thinking!"

Upon hearing that he intded to take all the responsibility onto himself, Princess Bai Xi felt ev more anger surging within her.

Will this stubborn man ever understand that she, too, was terribly worried about him?

"I'm just participating in the contest, what else could I do?" Fang R said, growing somewhat annoyed with her constant nagging.

"Are you sick in the head!" Bai Xi exclaimed in frustration.

She would never admit how worried she was about him, yet he couldn't understand what she was feeling. She was furious; a maelstrom of emotions collided, resulting in her coarse outburst.

Fang R could only shrug helplessly at her and th looked at the Sevth Elder once more, saying, "I am the one who is competing, and I have already made my point clear. As a proctor, it is your job to report my chos herbs."

After hearing this, the Sevth Elder had no choice but to nod his head, taking Fang R's drawing slip and walking away.

"Are you ev listing to me?" Princess Bai Xi frowned and asked.

"Yes, but I've said my piece too, you just didn't list," Fang R retorted, "I've already said I won't cheat, so stop making wild guesses."

After hearing this, Bai Qi was so angry that her chest heaved, "Suffer for all I care! I'm not dealing with you anymore!"

Having said that, Bai Qi headed straight towards the audice stands outside.

The several proctors in the cter of the ara didn't stop her, since she had tered as an attdant; it was not her place to be involved in the competition. If she wished to help she could, if she didn't want to, she had every right to step down.

"Oh my, how embarrassing to make such a sce here, a young couple quarreling in front of a crowd. Are they trying to show off their love? Disgusting!"

"After that woman took off her hat, nobody knows what she looks like, probably scary ough to keep you from eating for three days!"

"Speaking of which, what's with the Sevth Elder getting involved in a lovers' quarrel?"


Several aristocratic studts still uttered their snide commts.

Up in the stands, Ch Chg and Lin Bozhong had yet to make a move, still absorbed in the exchange betwe Fang R and Bai Qi.

What had they just said?


Fourth-order elixir?

Ch Chg was confused and turned to Lin Bozhong, "Brother, is this the upheaval you told me about? Cheating to make a fourth-order elixir?"

Lin Bozhong was also baffled. That didn't make sse; Young Master Fang didn't need to cheat to make a fifth-order elixir, so why would he need to cheat in such a minor competition?

"Brother Ch, there must be some misunderstanding," Lin Bozhong said with a frown, "Ev if it were possible to cheat, you still couldn't produce a fourth-order elixir that way. It would definitely require a fourth-order elixir to swap with. Besides, every contestant was searched before tering, so how could cheating occur?"

"Little brother, are you sure you're not deceiving me?"

"Brother! Honestly! Just wait until Young Master Fang starts the alchemy, and you'll see, the cheating must be a misunderstanding."

"Th why did the princess suddly start arguing with him?" Ch Chg asked, "Wasn't it only a matter of Young Master Fang yielding the match and he didn't? Can such a trivial thing really lead to a quarrel?"

Ch Chg was very concerned about the young couple's relationship issues; his mission for coming here was to foster the feelings betwe the princess and Young Master Fang and, if possible, for them to have a child before graduation.

This sudd argumt was the last thing Ch Chg wanted to see.

Upon hearing this topic, Lin Bozhong felt anxious.

In his view, they certainly couldn't fall out over such a petty matter. The most logical explanation would be that the princess had found out about Young Master Fang's planned meeting with Madame Xuan in the finals, forcing him to withdraw, leading to the dispute!

However, there was a question that puzzled Lin Bozhong; he just couldn't recall wh Bai Qi found out about Young Master Fang's affairs with Madame Xuan... If the princess got wind of that, wouldn't it be catastrophic?

It would be a miracle if they didn't come to blows.


At this thought, Lin Bozhong realized another major issue.

If Princess Bai Xi quarreled with Young Master Fang because he was going to meet Madame Xuan, wouldn't that imply that the princess had fall for Young Master Fang?

Oh my goodness! This fight has to happ!

Suddly, Lin Bozhong felt his old heart couldn't take it.

If the two wom, the strongest in cultivation level and the most talted, fought, th Young Master Fang would undoubtedly become the world's biggest scumbag!

Where th would the Fang Family put their face?

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