Forsaken By The Gods, I Made A Contract With the Demon King

Chapter 77: Old Debt

"Holy—! A goblin!" Ian yelled instinctively, recoiling in shock at Dadua's grotesque features.

The insult struck a nerve.

"You punk!" Dadua's face twisted with rage as he lashed out, his open hand slapping Ian across the face with a force that rattled the boy's head. The impact sent stars dancing across Ian's vision, his cheek burning from the strike.

Dadua wasn't just some common thug. He had once made a contract with a god, gaining a slight boost in strength, though he hadn't improved much since then - he still had more strength than average humans nonetheless.

It took Ian a moment to regain his senses. His eyes flickered as the stars cleared from his vision, revealing Dadua grinning maliciously.

"Heh, back with us now, boy?" Dadua taunted, leaning in closer, his breath rancid. "You've got some fire in you. I like that. Makes things… fun."

Ian, despite the pounding in his skull and the fear racing through his veins, managed to shoot back, "You think you scare me, goblin-face? I've seen worse in the mirror."

Dadua's eyes darkened, his grin fading into a dangerous, thin line. "You've got a sharp tongue, boy. But let's see how long that lasts when I start breaking things."

With a cruel smile, Dadua bent down and grabbed a rusty iron pipe from the dusty floor, tapping it against his palm as if weighing it. He turned the pipe over thoughtfully before looking back at Ian.

"Maybe I'll start with your legs," he mused. "Or perhaps your fingers. I'm sure I can find something to keep me entertained."

A flicker of fear crossed Ian's eyes, but he gritted his teeth, refusing to show weakness. "You're all talk, goblin. I bet you couldn't hurt a fly."

Dadua let out a harsh, guttural laugh, the sound bouncing off the crumbling walls of the abandoned building. "Is that so? Let's see how long you hold that smart mouth when I start breaking bones."

He raised the pipe, preparing to strike. But just as he was about to swing, Ian's heart lurched as he noticed Dadua's attention shift. The man's gaze flickered toward the girl tied beside him, and Ian's blood ran cold.

Dadua's hand moved toward the young girl, his cruel eyes gleaming with sadistic delight. "Or maybe," he purred, "I'll start with her instead."

"Leave her alone!" Ian roared, the primal surge of anger and panic making his voice crack. He thrashed against the ropes holding him to the chair, desperation overtaking his previous facade of bravery. "Don't you dare touch her!"

Dadua's lips stretched into an unsettling smile, his yellowed teeth bared in a sickening grin. "Ah, so this is where it hurts, is it? I knew this little princess was special. Now I know your weakness, boy."

He approached the girl slowly, savoring the fear in Ian's eyes. The girl, though silent, looked at Dadua with wide, terrified eyes, too frightened to speak. Ian struggled violently in his chair, but the ropes held firm, cutting into his skin.

Above them, perched on a crumbling ledge, a raven watched silently. Its black eyes gleamed in the dim light, fixed on the scene unfolding below.


It didn't take long for the phantom flock to find Ian.

The phantom ravens with their sharp eyes unwavering, scoured the city. One by one, they probed narrow alleyways, abandoned buildings, and filthy corners. Their forms flickered in and out of existence as they darted through shadows, relentlessly searching for their target.

This was another thing Levi had learned - the Umbral Perch skill of Noir could be used by the phantom flock as well, which was an incredible advantage.

Noir could now summon twelve phantoms, albeit at the dormant rank. But that didn't matter. Levi only needed them as scouts, and for that purpose, they were more than enough.

One of the ravens soon reached a derelict building, gliding silently through shattered windows and crumbling walls. Watching through their shared vision, Levi felt a surge of relief.

Managing twelve different viewpoints was exhausting, even for him, so he rotated his focus between them. Even then, the strain pushed his concentration to its limits, draining his mental energy.

Yet the sight of Ian alive, though bound and helpless, was overwhelming.

Ian didn't appear to have been harmed—yet.

But the relief was short-lived. The sight of his friend in such a vulnerable state, at the mercy of a cruel man, sparked a burning rage deep within Levi.

And standing before Ian, jeering and gloating, was a figure Levi recognized all too well - Dadua!

Seeing that smirking face brought back memories Levi had tried to bury.

Dark alleyways.

Clenched fists.



Dadua wasn't just any thug—he was the ruler of the slum, a sadistic bully who had turned Levi's life into a living nightmare. He had stolen Levi's hard-earned money, beaten him mercilessly, and humiliated him time and again.

That long-buried rage flared to life as Levi saw Dadua's hand reaching for a young girl tied to a chair beside Ian.

The D-Company's reputation was notorious, and Levi knew interfering with them would bring trouble. But as Dadua's sneering face taunted him, Levi could no longer contain his fury.

Levi's jaw clenched. His eyes locked on Dadua's outstretched hand. The rage he had tried to suppress surged like a tidal wave.

"How dare he…" Levi growled, his voice low and venomous.

He quickened his pace, each step heavy with purpose. The thought of Dadua laying a hand on anyone—especially his sister—was intolerable.

Caution be damned.

Levi had had enough of running, enough of hiding.

He was done being the helpless boy from the slums.

It was time to face his old enemy.

Dadua would pay for everything. Not just for what he had done to Ian, but for every wound, and every humiliation he had inflicted on Levi over the years.

As Levi approached the abandoned building, a steely resolve settled over him. The debt was long overdue.

Now, it was time to collect it - with interest.


Thank you allcat_gaming for the Magic Castle.

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