Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

Chapter 274 - 182: An Incident That Ruined the Meal_2

Chapter 274: Chapter 182: An Incident That Ruined the Meal_2

Translator: 549690339

At first, Negris didn’t understand why he should use silk immune to lighting for underwear. After some explanation, he got it – it’s moisture absorbing, breathable, and anti-static. Wearing it felt as if you’re not wearing anything at all.

It was even better than being naked because while it absorbed water, it didn’t stick to the skin, nor did it become sticky due to moisture. It was a godsend.

As Anna put it, the clothes we wear are the next longest thing that wraps our bodies apart from our skin in a lifetime. Even the smallest discomfort can be amplified over time to an unbearable degree. Therefore, bed linen and underwear should be of the best quality.

Indeed, just as Anna had said, silk underwear became the best-selling product in the Goddess of Beauty City, primarily due to its affordability. The only thing limiting its sales was its production capacity.

Clay’s mom didn’t weave much, which couldn’t keep up with the consumption of facial masks and underwear. Eventually, Clay came up with a solution – stimulate the silkworm baby to spit silk, spin this silk into thread, and weave the cloth by hand.

This way, production increased, but quality decreased. It was no longer a did not possess the delicate integration of Clay’s mom’s weaving. But it didn’t matter; the underwear didn’t need to be so good, and the facial mask needed even less.

As a result, silk cloth was divided into three grades. The highest grade was naturally woven by Clay’s mom, mainly used for making clothes for little angels and for scrolls.

Nobody knew whether it was the facial masks or the underwear that she liked, but gradually, she stopped hiding when receiving things. Sometimes she even revealed herself openly, taking what she needed before the deliverer even left and then indicating that it was useful and to send more next time.

Occasionally, she would leave behind a black holy crystal. To date, she had already left three black holy crystals.

Unclear of the function of the black holy crystals, Negris had been storing them temporarily until Ange woke up to deal with them.

Thus, an ambiguous relationship was formed between Shamara and Ange. They were not quite enemies or friends, they each had their needs, and they didn’t infringe upon each other.

“So, if we hire her to kill someone, as long as the thing we offer satisfies her needs, she probably won’t refuse. Given her status, she wouldn’t have trouble even if she killed a duke or even the Pope,” Negris analyzed.

Ange cocked his head as if he was contemplating, and after a long time, he asked, “Can’t I chop?”

Negris hastily gestured, “No, no, we can’t. Our status is too sensitive. We are abyss wanderers, strictly speaking, abyss invaders. At the inter-plane conference, the dragons, elves, and Anthony spoke for us, so that we weren’t targeted. But if we kill a human duke, we would provoke public anger. Shamara can kill, but we can’t because Shamara is indigenous.”

After saying that, Negris spread his hands, “Of course, if you’re not afraid of losing land, just chop. In the worst case, we can go back to the Resting Abyss; we don’t need these fields. You are the Undead God. So what if we’re invaders? Who would dare challenge us?”

Not even the Prime Material Plane could produce a deity at present, and Ange, as the Undead God, even inherited the soul network from the Undead King. What about the invasion? Come beat me if you dare!

But how could Ange give up so many farmland just for a human duke? Upon hearing this, he immediately shook his head like a bobblehead, “No chop.”

“Okay, let’s go find Shamara,” Negris said.

Perhaps due to mutual trust, two days later, Ange and his group arranged a meeting with Shamara in the Dark City.

But upon seeing Ange, Sharara’s expression immediately changed, “It’s you?!”

A black sacred flame emerged from Shamara’s body, forming a pair of black, glossy wings. A figure of a holy spirit angel appeared behind her before shrinking rapidly and armorizing onto her body.

In an instant, a woman in coarse clothes transformed into a mighty battle angel.

Leaning forward, she charged forth like a lightning bolt. With a swing of her hands, a black holy flame sword manifested and cut across.

Negris went blank. It suddenly dawned on him that he’d never told Shamara about Ange, even though Shamara and Ange had met before when Ange was still ‘Monk An Ge’.”

“Don’t fight, we’re impostors, impostors…” It’s too late. Negris had just opened his mouth when Shamara was already in front of Ange, swinging her black holy flame sword.

Ange hunched his body, letting out a soul-piercing scream – Soul Impact. Ange always had a deep impression of the Soul Impact. He remembered how the Bone Priests in the dungeon used Soul Impact like a chant.

Of course, he didn’t have the skill. All he could do was dump everything out at once.

Like an invisible hammer hitting Shamara’s face, her head jerked backward, and everything before her turned dark.

Ange stepped forward, throwing a punch that landed on her chest. Her holy armor cracked with a “kacha”, and she was sent flying backward.

She flew backward for tens of meters, sliding on the ground leaving two trails. The Holy Flame Sword stabbed into the ground stopping her momentum.

But as she lifted her head, what she was greeted with were two rows of Flying Bombs, fully evolved Level 4 flying bombs at that.

After toughing out two flying bombs, Shamara rolled forward in a most ungraceful manner.

Ange’s gaze was locked onto her, the flying bombs he fired curved and smashed into her and the ground.

It was as if the ground had been filled with Magic Crystal Bombs, Shamara rolled along and where she passed, explosions followed. Her Holy Armor was left with cracks all over due to the blasts.

She quickly rolled to a rocky area, frantically jumping to hide behind a rock. The terrain of the Dark City was rather unique, within ten steps, there would always be some form of obstacle. This was extremely beneficial to those trying to escape.

But just as she was about to hide behind the earthen wall, a column of light shone on her body.

Nearly at the same time that the light column flickered, an apparition of a Holy Spirit emerged from within her and stood in front of the light column. At the same time, two light wings from her back wrapped around her.

After the Holy Light flash, the Holy Spirit apparition and the light wings disappeared without a trace. Only the holy armor remained on Shamara.

A shadow rushed across, Little Zombie collided with Shamara’s body, and after she fell down, the two hoes in its hands pecked down like raindrops, making a series of crisp ringing sounds on Shamara’s body.

Little Zombie’s combo was remarkably effective, toppling opponents and then rapidly striking them down. Many hadn’t been able to react before they were left with a row of bloody holes. Shamara’s holy armor also had been cracked by the series of hoe strikes, from her thighs all the way to her helmet.

The last hoe strike was aimed at Shamara’s neck but was blocked by her elbow. At the same time, her eyes emitted a black holy light that focused on Little Zombie’s face, as if energy was about to shoot out at any moment.

However, a pair of small white hands wrapped in a holy glow was already prepared in front of her face, ready to block her attack. At the same time, the tip of a large scythe was pointed at her nose.

Slowly, very slowly, Shamara withdrew the black holy light from her eyes. The holy armor on her body also gradually disappeared. Her body relaxed completely, giving up all resistance. Finally, she moved her gaze onto the owner of the scythe.

“Your holy light is so pure, so you’re not from the Church of Light. But… the Scythe of Death, are you an undead?” Shamara looked pure and curious, it seemed that she didn’t care about her own life or death, but was more curious about Ange’s identity.

Ange nodded in response, “Please, kill someone, Duke Leite.”

Shamara was surprised, “You mean, you’re not going to kill me, but want me to kill someone, Duke Leite. Why?”

“He burnt my fields,” said Ange.

Shamara’s eyes were filled with question marks. What was the connection between burning fields and murder?

But the good thing about pure individuals is that they are simple. She quickly dismissed that thought, and asked, “What is the commission?”

Negris poked his head out, cautiously asking, “Demon Crystals?”

He originally thought he would need to do some convincing to get Shamara to help, who would have thought that a fight would suffice?

“It’s not necessary,” Shamara shook her head.

“Then what do you need?” Negris asked.

“There’s something that has been preventing me from enjoying my meals. If you guys can solve it for me, I will accept your commission,” said Shamara. She curiously looked at Ange, and then at Little Angel, and suddenly stated, “It’s not a real Holy Spirit.”

PS: I messed up with the timezone, I’ll make it up tomorrow.

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