Forced Bride Of The Vampire Lord

Chapter 157 [Bonus chapter] Getting Kidnapped!

The dark beast stared at the girl that looked just like his master trying to assure him and felt amused. Shouldn’t it be he who assure that he would not kill her.

Why was she the one who was trying to make amends?

Her master was never like that. She was a strong woman that never showed kindness to strangers.

Wounded by her family and those whom she loved, she was a woman with a cold look who never let her guards down.

While looking at her, she was a kind soul. He could see an innocent girl who still believed in the goodness of the world and had a lot of hopes for her future.

Her eyes that were still alive were too different from his master yet he felt so familiar and that strange feeling that was making him emotional.

Rafael had told him again and again. No! Told was a wrong word. He had threatened him again and again to not visit Hazel. He had threatened to kill him even knowing that nothing in the world could kill him..

He had told her that she was not Bella. Yet his soul did not believe in it.

He is not a human that could be deceived. He was part of her soul, her familiar that could find her no matter how many forms she would change.

If only he could explain that to Rafael.

“Oh, so, I was right. You can not talk since you have no mouth.” he looked back at the girl who was nodding her head in understanding and he shook his head.

“Gerefindsgining?” He tried to talk but only gibberish came out since he was not strong enough to take the form of a human and explain to her that he was her part.

She looked at him with three deep lines on her forehead. The figure that looked no less than a ghost was trying to talk to her yet she did not understand a word. Or could it be called as a word?

It was sounding more like a gurgling sound that came when we cleaned our mouth or the grumbling sound of empty stomach.

She knew that she should have felt scared and ran away from there but she didn’t know why she was feeling emotional after looking at it.

As if it was not my first time meeting them. As rubbish as the thought was, she could not decline the happy feeling of meeting a long lost family member.

“Gereinsiodnafwefiue” she sighed when the figure started to speak again and shook her head.

“I.. I can not understand you. And I have to go and find my room. It’s late at night and I am lost. So, I had to look for a knight that was patrolling nearby and show him my authority so that he could guide me to the palace.

It was nice meeting you. Maybe we’ll meet again someday.” she replied in a polite voice to explain that she was not leaving because she was afraid but she did not know how to talk to him.

Just as she took a step away, she halted and turned back to look at him.

“One more thing, if you come to my room next time, do not enter without permission.

If you knock properly I will let you enter sometimes.

But it is bad manners if you just barge in. Even if you are not a human, I expect good behavior from you.“ She spoke each word slowly as she was not sure if the figure could understand her.

She could not see a proper body or figure. It is more like a wisp or spirit. What if they have a different language!

But when it did not grumble again, she nodded back and turned to leave.,

“Aahhh, what are you doing? Let me go.” she had hardly taken a few steps when she felt like she was floating into the air.

Her eyes widened and a shriek escaped her lips when her feet were not able to touch the ground.

“Grukfingind” damn! Those strange words. How was she supposed to know what it means.

“Look i do not know what you are saying but if others saw me flying in the air, they would declare me as a witch.

So let me go, I want to walk, not float!” especially when the one who was holding me was a ghost.

But you are a witch! He wanted to shout but feeling her annoyance and struggles, he relented and let her walk but held her hands and changed the path.

“Where are you taking me?” glad that she was able to walk back, she took a breath of relief as he had really scared her for a second but holding hands and dragging her back towards the other side was not the result she was expecting.

“Grlingingdsg ” her deep brows furrowed but she let go of the struggle after trying for a few more times since she knew that he would only mumble something she would not be able to understand.

She looked around to make sure that she would remember the path. Once she would be able to distract him, she would run away.

Laughing at the thought that the wisp did not want to hurt her, she was trying to befriend him, now look at the result!!

Could it be that she was his food? Nah! He did not have the mouth to eat her. What a comforting thought, she must say!

Or had he taken her friendly attitude and was taking her home because he was bored.

No matter what the reason is, she had to get rid of him.

“Hey, if you are thinking that I am alone, then you are wrong. If I were to go missing, my husband would look for me.

He would hurt if you would not let me go. Have you heard of the lord name, Rafael? I am his wife!”

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