Floating Island - Triple S Talent

Chapter 34: Buying skill books at Tou Pavilion

Tou Pavilion, 5th Floor

Unlike before, when they were served by a regular attendant who hadn't even reached foundation cultivation, this time Lein and Nita were attended by an elder at the nascent soul level.

The elder before them was the branch head of the Tou Pavilion in Heaven News city.

Both of them were currently examining hundreds of books laid out before them.

Each book contained skills that could be used to fill the sub-skill slots on their status panel.

After reaching Tier-2, each skill book now displayed more detailed information.

"Brother, this one looks good, doesn't it?"

Nita handed Lein a thin, brown book for him to inspect.

(Fatal Shot) Attack the enemy's weak point, dealing additional damage.

- Level: 1 (0/10,000)

- Base Damage: 1,200

- Rarity: Rare

- Cooldown: 1 minute

- Requirement: Level 20, Archer

"Yes, it's quite good for sneak attacks."

"But don't focus solely on attack skills. Pay attention to speed and defense skills as well," Lein advised.

"Alright, brother."


"Excuse me, Mr. Su, how much is this book?" Nita asked the branch head, whose name was Su Gohu.

"A rare-level book is 1,000,000 energy crystals, an elite-level book is 250,000 crystals, and a common-level book is 50,000 energy crystals," Su Gohu replied.

Nita nodded and then learned the skill (Fatal Shot).

[Learning skill (Fatal Shot). Are you sure?]


There was no unusual effect; the skill book simply disappeared into thin air after being used.

The skill name (Fatal Shot) also appeared on Nita's status panel.

"Amazing... But brother, how do we level up the skills?"

Lein was also puzzled by Nita's question.

Suddenly, the branch head in front of them spoke up.

"Mr. Lein, Princess Nita... You can level up skills using skill stones."

The branch head pulled out a cube-shaped black stone.

[Insight Stone] Contains universal insights and can be absorbed.

- Insight Points: 100

- Insight Level: Low

- Type: Universal

The branch head then explained how to obtain insight stones and their effects.

Insight stones are obtained by killing certain creatures, whether monsters or beings with power cores. Most insight stones are "untradeable," meaning they cannot be used by others.

However, universal-type insight stones can also appear, though they are very rare. Due to their rarity, their prices are extremely high.

The price of a low-level universal insight stone is 10 high-level energy crystals.

"High-level energy crystals?" Lein asked, confused.

"Yes, Mr. Lein. One low-level energy crystal is equivalent to 1,000 medium-level energy crystals. And one medium-level energy crystal is equivalent to 1,000 high-level energy crystals," the branch head explained in detail. He also mentioned that this is just a general conversion rate, and in reality, no one would exchange one medium crystal for 1,000 low-level crystals.

Essentially, crystals have certain purity levels at each tier. While the conversion is generally 1 to 1,000 based on quantity, it does not reflect the quality.

"Alright... Can I exchange for high-level energy crystals?" Lein asked.

"Of course, since you are our platinum customer, Mr. Lein. However, please note that the exchange is limited to 100,000 high-level crystals," the branch head explained the last part nervously, fearing he might offend the platinum customer before him.

"Hahaha, of course not... I just want to exchange for 10 high-level crystals and 100 medium-level crystals."

Lein pulled out a bag containing 11,000,000 energy crystals.

"The rest is for you."

Lein deliberately overpaid by 400,000 pure crystals out of pride. He thought of being extravagant this time.

Seeing the extra crystals, the branch head was surprised and stood still for a moment. But he tried to act as normal as possible.

"Thank you, Mr. Lein."

For the branch head, as someone at the Nascent Soul level, a million crystals might not mean much. But earning a million crystals in a single transaction still made him somewhat pleased.

It was very rare for someone to tip that much in a single transaction.

Lein didn't really care about how many high-level crystals he bought. As long as he had one high-level crystal, he could obtain 10,000 more within the next hour when the cooldown of the Infinity Duplicate talent was finished.

And if he duplicated 1 high crystal 10 times a day for 10 days, he would get 1,000,000 high-level crystals, 10 times more than the maximum amount he could exchange at Tou Pavilion.

Lein continued to look for skill books suitable for the swordsman class.

(Double Slash) Quickly slashes twice, dealing double damage if it hits the same target.

- Level: 1 (0/10,000)

- Base Damage: 2,700

- Rarity: Rare

- Cooldown: 2.5 minutes

- Requirement: Level 20, Swordsman

(Sword Aura) Activates a sword aura for 1 minute, increasing damage and attack speed by 20%.

- Level: 1 (0/10,000)

- Base Damage: 1,000

- Rarity: Rare

- Cooldown: 10 minutes

- Requirement: Level 20, Swordsman

Not limited to the swordsman class, he also bought as many rare-level books as he could. With this many skill books, he was confident they would greatly aid the development of the people on his island.

Moreover, it could potentially help some individuals with low-level core crystals to acquire more powerful primary skills.

(Light Barrier) Forms a transparent barrier for 5 seconds, reducing incoming damage by 10%.

- Level: 1 (0/10,000)

- Base Defense: 5,400

- Rarity: Rare

- Cooldown: 2 minutes

- Requirement: Level 20, Universal

(Fast Jump) Quickly performs a high and far jump within a 100-meter radius of the user.

- Level: 1 (0/10,000)

- Base Speed: 1,500

- Rarity: Rare

- Cooldown: 1 minute

- Requirement: Level 20, Universal

They spent 20 minutes selecting 10 sub-skills to use and also bought dozens of other books to duplicate.

The branch head handed them a bag containing dozens of skill books, while Lein handed over a small bag containing 128 million energy crystals.

"Thank you, Mr. Lein. Don't hesitate to come back anytime," the branch head said with a warm smile.

"No problem, Mr. Su. We will come again," Lein replied.

Lein and Nita then left the pavilion and tried to complete the patrol mission they had taken earlier.

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