Festering Desire

Chapter 46: From One Trap to Another

Several sharp screams from a distant room woke up Jean from her short rest. It was barely an hour in, but after laying on the boy's chest, the female agent felt she had a full day's sleep. She could clearly feel the exhausted Anima in her body had been fully recharged; and there was also the wet feeling in her crotch, which was conveniently ignored in the light of the situation.

"They must be from the girls!" The female agent remembered the three young ladies that were dragged along into this nightmare.

"There are others? Oh, by the way, there was a strange lady with me when the elevator crashed, but she ran off on her own." Leo still remembered the plump feeling of those round hips on his chest.

"She is suspicious, we will look for her later. But now we have to save those girls!" The female agent understood that they were baits to lure her into this realm; hence, she felt partially responsible for their lives.

The cries for help slowly dwindled and then stopped completely while they rushed towards the sound. They had to deal with several mutated creatures roaming the perimeter and voodoo hexes placed as traps. By the time they arrived at the broken door at the end of the hallway, there was only steady humping and gouging noises coming from inside. The room was a small caf for faculties.

Barging through the broken door, the two saw a similar creature that attacked Leo raping a young lady with its appendages. The monster's grotesque organs were violating her mouth and aggressively squirming into her two bottom holes. A thick tentacle swirled around her feeble assets and lifted her tender thighs into the air.

The young lady appeared to be unconscious; blood was spilling from her overstretched gaps and gruesome swelling following the curl of her intestine could be seen on her belly beneath the school uniform. There was a withered corpse of another victim on the ground. It seemed like the poor girl had her body sucked dry from the inside.

With two high tier Anima users present, the monster was quickly taken care of. Unfortunately, it was too little too late, the young lady had stopped breathing long before they got here. With a solemn mood, there was only silence in the cafe. Until... a faint rattling sound was heard from under a sink.

Pointing his light towards the sound, Leo surveyed the row of cabinets further into the caf. He noticed one of them had a strange leakage of fluid from the bottom seam. Upon a closer look, the liquid was yellowish and it emitted an odd odor. Any horror film will teach you to not be intrigued; but folding to his curiosity, the boy bravely slid open the cabinet.

To his surprise, there was another young lady hiding inside. She was hugging her knees to fit through the cramped space within the cabinet. The drenched panties under her skirt was vulgarly exposed due to her unladylike posture; it pasted soakingly over her skin and revealed the erotic shape of her plump budding.

"Rena!?" The boy immediately recognized the middle school girl; she was Timmy's little sister and a well-acquainted friend.

"L-Leo!? Is that really you?!" The young lady was in disbelief.

Her teary and frightened expression gave away plenty of clues to the identity of the strange liquid leaking out. At last, the culprit of the unsanitary conduct was found.


Rena spent ten full minutes crying within the boy's embrace. The horror of the dark and witnessing the brutal death of her friends had brought her mind to a brink of collapse. The appearance of Leo was like a beacon of hope within the sea of despair. Currently, the fabric in front of his chest was tainted with unknown nectars from the suspicious woman, drools from the sleeping female agent, and now, tears from a youthful middle school girl.

"Are you done crying now? Being a crybaby isn't like you." Leo gently scrubbed her hair.

"Hic...You are so mean, but you're right, thank you for saving me." The young lady wiped her tears and gave the boy a wide lively smile. Considering she had been hiding in terror for hours, she was rather courageus and had a strong heart.

The female agent silently watched from the side, remembering that she was also embraced within his chest for almost an hour. Her face subtly reddened. Jean was a woman after all, a certain feeling was growing for a boy much younger than herself; but she let out a deep sigh after the thoughts of her obligations.

"So, boy. We need to find a way out of this place. Any suggestions?" Jean asked in reminder.

"Hmm... maybe if we can find that suspicious lady who ran off, she might know something we don't." As the boy mentioned the woman, loud erotic moans of a particular female resonated from a nearby area. The three awkwardly stared at each other for a moment to savor the alluring melodies.

Following the moans, the group conveniently found their target inside a restroom. The woman was uncontrollably masturbating on top of a toilet; her fingers were aggressively gouging her bare flower within the short summer dress. A pool of clear nectar gathered on the floor from a sprinkling waterfall above, providing the stale air of the rotted ambient a fresh flowery fragrance.

"Kid! What did you do to my body?!? Why does it feel so hot? Why does it feel so itchy inside?!" The woman recognized Leo immediately and was the first to hastily call out.

Having been too close of contact with the boy's enormous male asset, she inevitably took in a couple whiff of his dense pheromone. The drawback was apparent as demonstrated by the woman. Leo can easily incite a female's lust if he willed, though it was something he could not easily control. Jean gave the boy a discerning look; knowing the stud long enough, there was no doubt that he was the culprit.

"I swear I didn't do anything to her." Leo shrugged; though he admitted in his mind that the state of the woman was probably his fault.

Question marks populated over Rena's head, the young lady had yet to understand the incredible manly prowess of the stud. She curiously looked back and forth between the boy and the masturbating woman to figure out how the two things were related.

Another burst of waterwork was put on display, the group side stepped away from the toilet cubicle and watched the array of sprinkles scattering the ground.

"Well, Ma'am, are you done? Perhaps we can..."

"JEEEEAAAAAN!" Before the female agent could question the suspicious fellow, another cry of horrifying love proposals reverberated from outside the restroom.

Ignoring the lady in heat, Leo and Jean assumed a combat stance and waited for the creature to come in. Hiding did not seem possible with their numbers and they were unsuccessful with stopping the woman from making loud vulgar sounds; perhaps it was her alluring moans that attracted the foe.

A hideous creature resembling a young man appeared after smacking open the entrance. Its stature was large and it certainly had a loud voice; but fortunately, other than its regenerative ability, the creature had no other redeeming quality.

"This thing is not that hard to put down, but it always comes back and drains your stamina. We must escape after we incapacitate it." Jean explained.

"Same old tactic then, I will take the front and you aim for that stupidly large head." Leo proposed.

And thus, within a few minutes, the creature was easily subdued with their impeccable teamwork. It will be a while before that pile of mosaic biomass can regenerate in full. However, in the heat of the moment, they seemed to have neglected an actual threat.

"Don't move, or I will end her life."

With a knife pointed to her throat, Rena was held hostage by the lady that just finished masturbating; but the reddish taints on her face and her heavy breathing indicated the lady was still holding back her primal urge while the flood continued to erupt around her crotch. The woman placed one of her hands behind her and the wall began to glow, revealing a hidden path from an illusory facade.

"Just what do you want, woman? Put her down." Leo was very concerned about his friend's sister. Many gentlemen around the world would be concerned too if they had a friend with a sister that looked as cute as Rena.

Carrying the young lady and without uttering a word, she ran into the hidden path with a trail of dripping nectars behind her track. And unhesitantly, Leo and Jean chased after her into the unknown. Even without the hostage, the woman was a major clue for getting out of this place.

"Why does it feel like she is leading us somewhere?" Leo questioned.

"Take out the question mark, she IS leading us somewhere." The female agent corrected the boy.

At the same time, howling cries of the regenerative monster echoed through the corridor. It had already recovered from the fatal wounds on its body and was now following behind the trail of tears as well. The creature was constantly shouting out its intense passion for Jean.

"That thing is really obsessed with you, huh." Leo commented on the stubbornness of Jean's former colleague.

"Don't mention it, he was already looking at me with weird looks before he turned." Jean, as a female, was naturally sensitive to his fervent stares; she shivered as she heard those howls.

The two arrived at a large chamber at the end of the path. Rena was bound to a pillar through some spells. There was something odd within the room, but now was not the time to turn back.

"I sensed a lot of runic spells hidden in this chamber." Jean warned.

"Whatever trap there is, I think we can handle it." Leo was confident.

Just as they freed Rena from the binding, the monster chasing behind them also arrived. It was then, the voice of the woman came from above.

"It is not the time yet, but I guess she will get an early meal. Welcome to the feeding ground, Piglets"

The embedded runes in the chamber began to glow, forming a bright flash of light engulfing everyone within the room. It was a teleportation circle sending them into a deeper dimension within the realm, where they hid one of the organization's biggest secrets.

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