Fated love: the unwanted bride

Chapter 485: Only Know Deep Love After Leaving

Chapter 485: Chapter 485: Only Know Deep Love After Leaving

In this world, there is a saying, “Nothing is more sorrowful than a heart that has died.”

Many people who came to see him wore these words on their faces.

Before Jasmine Yale could continue speaking, Haynes Seasons interjected: “Miss Yale, I have been in Landon these past few days. You can think it over tonight.”

“Miss Yale, did that person… ever love you?” Haynes Seasons asked.

Jasmine Yale shook her head: “Never.”

“How many years have you loved him?”

“How many years?” Jasmine Yale raised her head in confusion.

How many years indeed?

She couldn’t calculate the years because she didn’t know which year she started to love him.

All she knew was that it had been a long time.

Haynes Seasons understood. It was a case of unrequited love.

“I heard on my way to Landon that Mr. Cheney is engaged?” Haynes Seasons asked.

“Hmm.” Jasmine Yale nodded woodenly. “They’ve been friends since childhood. It’s about time they got engaged.”

“Then there is no need to erase his memory. After all, you two may not interact much in the future?”

Jasmine Yale shook her head again: “Then let’s forget it all, Mr. Seasons, don’t you think?”

“Miss Yale, have you considered that perhaps starting a new relationship would be better?”

“Mr. Seasons, are you so unwilling to take my case?” Jasmine Yale laughed.

Haynes Seasons laughed helplessly: “Then I won’t discourage you.”

“Hmm.” Jasmine Yale nodded, “Let’s drink coffee.”


Haynes Seasons graciously cut a piece of cake for her.

The girl in front of him seemed simple, without too many thoughts.

But the simpler the girl, the more vulnerable she is, and each hurt can be fatal.

He could understand why she insisted on erasing the person deep in her memory.

“Mr. Seasons, please be good to Muse Sutton.”

“I will.”

“Mr. Seasons, you’re so impressive, have you ever researched how to retrieve the memories after hypnosis?”

Haynes Seasons shook his head: “I have, but to no avail.”

Jasmine Yale saw regret and guilt on his face.

Some people only appreciate what they have after they’ve lost it.

Haynes Seasons thought, he and Muse Sutton were like that.

Back then, Muse Sutton was persistently pursuing Haynes Seasons, but he was indifferent and even annoyed.

Later, when Haynes Seasons couldn’t stand her annoying behavior and since he had a girlfriend—

While Muse Sutton was sleeping, he hypnotized her, erasing everything about him from her mind.

From then on, the girl forgot him forever.

She would no longer cling to him calling “Brother Jett”, no longer cook for him, no longer revolve around him.

His side suddenly became empty and quiet.

He wanted this peace, but why did his heart feel so empty.

Even when she woke up and saw him, the first words were “Who are you”.

Haynes Seasons pulled back from his memories, quietly drinking a cup of coffee.

Jasmine Yale stared at him.

She knew that his heart must be bleeding.

You tend to realize the depth of your love when you lose it.

Fortunately, it’s not a final goodbye.

Perhaps, this is the only bit of luck.

“Mr. Seasons, would you like my company while in Landon over the next few days? I’m familiar with this city,” Jasmine Yale said.

“Thank you, there’s no need. I’m here for some work, I probably won’t have the leisure time to play.”

“Well, if you need any help, feel free to call me.”


Jasmine Yale chatted with Haynes Seasons for a long time.

She listened to him tell many stories and was entranced as she listened.

This man was calm and quiet, with an enchanting charm that drew girls in.

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