Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 170: night attack

"Li Jinhu, tell me clearly!"

Li Haitang stood up and slapped Li Jinhu on the head. This brat, what do you mean she is narcissistic? Narcissism also needs capital, she is low-key and humble enough.

"One more thing, just do it if you can't say it."

Li Jinhu covered his head and wailed, everyone roared with laughter, while Li Haitang blushed, and tried not to beep if he could do it, talking so much nonsense that he was confused by himself.

"Husband, do you miss me too?"

Li Haitang put her hips on her hips and forced her to question her savage husband.

"Nothing, you're fine."

Xiao Lingchuan saw the fire burning on his body, thought for a while, and answered six words, the former was against his will, and the latter was the key point.

No matter what she is, he pampers and spoils her, because he is just happy!

After eating happily, Li Haitang drank a lot of wine, washed up, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

There is no kang in the guest room, there is a charcoal basin in the room, and there is Tang Pozi under her feet, which is warm, and she sleeps very soundly. In a daze, Li Haitang heard the cries of the woman and the baby, and the sound of the wind, intertwined together, seemed to come from far away, but when she listened carefully, she felt that she was nearby. Thinking that he was having a nightmare, he subconsciously grasped Xiao Lingchuan's clothes with his hands, gathered himself together, and realized that

It is not an auditory hallucination.

"???? Ah, help, murder!"

A sharp cry pierced the night sky, before the last word was finished, it stopped abruptly, followed by waves of horseshoes trampling on the snow, from far to near, more and more clearly.

"?? Haitang, Haitang, are you awake?"

Outside the door of the house, Chunniang was wearing a dress, her voice was not loud, trembling, "There seems to be movement outside the door!"

When Li Haitang mentioned that the county was robbed by barbarians, Chunniang didn't care about it on the surface, but she was actually worried. By nature, barbarians are all desperadoes who kill without blinking an eye. If there is a disaster over there and there is no food, they must jump the wall in a hurry, and they have to make some preparations.

"Chun Niang, you are fit, don't panic, and wear as many thick clothes as possible."

Li Haitang jumped up and got up from the bed. She had only heard about it before, but she didn't expect that she would have to experience it for herself.

Xiao??? Lingchuan's face was gloomy, his brows were tightly knit together, the night was quiet, the sound could be heard far away, Chun Niang could hear the noise, it could be seen that the group of people were coming in this direction just a few streets away .

"?? Don't light the oil lamp, pay attention to wear more warm."

There was no time to say more about the sudden situation, Xiao Lingchuan was concise and to the point, but fortunately Chun Niang was not a soft-footed shrimp, she was clear-headed, she hurried back to the house to pack her things.

During the conversation, Li Haitang was already fully dressed, with a layer of warm rabbit fur cloak on her outside. She rubbed her hands, took a sip of hot tea, and said nervously, "Husband, are we in danger?"

The barbarian had no food, so she would rather die than **** it. She underestimated the tension of the situation before.


Xiao??? Lingchuan stroked his wife's smooth long hair, and comforted him in a deep voice. In the night, the sound of horseshoes became more and more clear, followed by heart-piercing shouts. He could vaguely hear someone scolding the beast. The words of retribution and the like were loud and loud.

Li Haitang's face was pale, she bit her lip, and felt a numb pain, which made her calmer and clearer.

"??? There is a cellar at the wellhead in the backyard, let's hide there."

Chun Niang pointed out the location of the hidden cellar at home, and her man led the way.

"Hide first.

Xiao Lingchuan is now the backbone, he made some calculations in his mind and made a quick decision. They were going to Lucheng with only simple clothes and two pieces of jewelry from home.

Li Haitang received a lot of good things from Zhang Ruyi, and Bai Na was very embarrassed, so he looked for two decent gifts in return at home.

"??? Lady, are you hungry? Take these pastries with you. Even though it's cold, you can barely eat them."

At the critical moment, Xiao Lingchuan still did not forget to care about the mood of the lady, so he patiently coaxed her.

Li Haitang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Husband, my brows are burning, how can I still think about eating!"

In order not to attract attention, the inner room is not lit with oil lamps and candles.

Li Haitang groped to the table. She opened her small package, thought for a while, picked up the teapot, and placed two tea bowls.

Xiao????Lingchuan saw the lady's movements of rolling things like flowing water, and her eyelids twitched. They all said that after a woman got married, she seemed to learn how to roll things without a teacher. It's really the case when I go back to my mother's house with a burden.

Chunniang and He Fang have already packed up. This kind of large-scale looting, the husband and wife met once about ten years ago, and they have experience in avoiding it.

"Haitang, are you ready?"

Gently knocking on the window, Chun Niang took a deep breath. In addition to money, her baggage was the steamed buns, pickles and stewed pork that had just been packed in the kitchen.

There was chaos outside, and I don't know when the trouble will last. Chunniang is pregnant, so she can't be hungry at all, and she panics when she is hungry.

There are two cellars in the backyard, one is more obvious, and the other is near the well, which was dug by the original owner himself.

The original owner often went out to deliver goods, and the warehouse at home was afraid of being patronized by thieves, so he built an underground warehouse in a secret place.

The dug cellar was made into several rooms, vents were placed, and blue bricks were inlaid around it to prevent the soil from falling. There were several boxes inside, all of which were wine.

The cellar was dark, with a fishy wind flowing, and there was a wooden plank on the ground covered with dry straw.

Chunniang was pregnant, and she couldn't smell the fishy smell. She covered her mouth with one hand and retched unceasingly.

"Chun Niang, hurry up and rest on the straw, I still have a pot of hot tea here, drink some first, and press down."

Li Haitang blinked, opened the bundle, used the fur skin as a rag, wiped off the floating dirt on the wooden board, and served tea.

She didn't care about being particular, she patted the dust off her hands, picked up a piece of red bean cake, and handed it to Chunniang.

After the red bean crisps are cold, the outer skin is a bit dry, but the red bean filling inside is delicate.

Chunniang was indeed hungry, her stomach was growling, she didn't pick anything to eat, she ate three yuan in a row, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to talk when she felt the ground trembling.

Dim oil lamps were lit in the cellar, barely able to see people's faces clearly. He Fang pointed up with his finger, his expression panicked, that group of people came to their house!


Xiao Lingchuan patted Li Jinhu's back. She saw that although her wife was also scared, she was much calmer. She pulled the straw with her hands, not knowing what she was thinking.

"I'm afraid, but it's useless to be afraid."

He can only hate himself for being young, unable to protect his family, and instead become the object of protection. If the barbarian rushes into the cellar, he can only become a hindrance. What makes Li Jinhu depressed is that his sister is calmer than him. In this regard, he is not as good as a weak girl.

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