Faraway Wanderers

Chapter 35

Zhou Zishu raised his head and looked at the beauty. The expression on his face was quite soft, and he whispered, "Miss, does this humble one knows you?"

The beauty smiled: "are you unwilling to buy me a drink just because you don't recognize me ?"

Zhou Zishu smiled and said, "Why not? never mind a flask of wine. With such a character like yourself, Miss, even if you want to consume my flesh, and drink my blood, this humble one won't even bat an eyewaiter, serve us a flask of wine. "

Then he paused, glanced at Wen Kexing and his unfriendly main, and pointed him to the waiter: "put it on his tab."

This was the first time Gu Xiang has seen such vibrant reds and purples blooming on her master's face, and she felt that this meal was so worth it.

The beautiful woman titters, her laughter was like a shivering branch of flowers, and the charm of Qin Song's song was nothing compared to her voice. The wine was quickly delivered and Zhou Zishu said, "please sit, Miss."

The beauty leaned softly on his shoulder and said softly, "it's alright, I am leaving right after I am done drinking ."

Zhou Zishu uttered "Ah", showing a slight disappointment, but Wen Kexing snorted and said, "Yeah, the table is a bit crowded."

The beauty glanced at Wen Kexing and knocked back the glass of wine. Even how she had drunk looked better than anyone else. Not a single flaw in her graceful action of picking up the cup and drinking it. Zhou Zishu's eyes were reluctant to leave her face even for a second. the beauty put down the empty wine glass, stretched out her finger and stroked Zhou Zishu's face, and asked, "I'm leaving, are you coming with me?"

Zhou Zishu said nothing, stood up, and followed her, without even returning one. Just listening to the "snap", the chopsticks in Wen Kexing's hands were broken into two pieces. Gu Xiang and Zhang Chengling immediately bowed their heads, pretending that they saw nothing. Cao Weining, one the other hand, was enraged, pointing at the direction where the despicable couple had head to, fuming: " this injustice, Brother Wen, you have a deep affection for him, how could he be like this, in the face of a beauty.....a beauty ..."

Abandoning brotherhood in the face of beauty? It doesn't seem right either, Cao Weining bit down on his tongue.

Wen Kexing turned his head to look at him. For the first time, the silly boy with the surname Cao felt so pleasing to his eyes, so he looked sobbing for comfort-this time Gu Xiang was the one who bit down on her tongue.

However, Cao Weining pondered for a moment, and then told Wen Kexing with a straight face "This matter ... I don't think it's as simple as it looks, hey, Brother Wen, I was over-hasty in making my comment earlier, don't take them to heart, Brother Zhou is not like that kind of person, he must have some kind of unlamented woe to resort to such undesirable solution, don't misunderstand him. "

Gu Xiang immediately echoed: "Yes, master, don't get him wrong. See, Zhou Xu's heel is pointing toward youYou can tell he is leaving unwillingly"

This time, even Cao Weining could tell that Gu Xiang's words were getting ridiculous, and he could only look at her resignedly and with some embarrassment

Zhang Chengling said: "Sister Gu Xiang, you better stop saying anything."

Wen Kexing suddenly stood up without a word, turned around, and left, chasing after Zhou Zishu, leaving three people facing each other. Gu Xiang swallowed and whispered, "My master is desperate, now."

Cao Weining shook his head and sighed: it's truly "When the wind and rain come in the night who knows how many tears are shed"... " love" is a word that has hurt the most people since ancient times. But What can we do about it ?"

Zhang Chengling thought, what else can I say? So he said nothing in silence and lowered his head down to eat.

That beauty has taken Zhou Zishu to a small alley, turned left and right around corners, entering a small courtyard, in which a few plums trees, out of flowering season, were planted. the beautiful woman opened the door of the house, and then a faint perfume scent wafted out, Raising the bead curtain, she leaned half her weight on the door frame, and asked dedicatedly: "Why, aren't you go to Inter?"

Following her gaze, Zhou Zishu surveyed the inside the room. From the open door, he can see the vague outline of a folding screen and a bed, the dresser slanted in a corner, and a woman's long dress hanging by the bronze mirror, and the rouge box uncapped, her makeup box was a mess. So the legendary tender, enticing land of women was no more than this.

Zhou Zishu smiled and shook her head: "This humble one is a sleazy man, how can I enter a maiden 's boudoir so easily?"

The beauty smiled: "You have become a gentleman all of a sudden. I invite you to come in, will you not come in?"

Zhou Zishu smiled again, looked down at the tip of his shoe, and said: "May this Miss forgive me. Even if this humble one the additional courage of a man's, I dare not enter this house that has "Rouge's Grave incense burning; if I enter standing, I'll have to be carried out as a corpse. "

The smile on the corner of the beauty's mouth froze slightly, and then she smiled again, "You men, doesn't the saying go " Die under the peony, and even your ghost will be a womanizing one ?"Why is it that you have already followed me here, but failed at this juncture?"

Zhou Zishu said: "This is indeed how the Saying, but it is better to live when you have the opportunity to. The longer you live, the more time you can pass under the peony. Don't you agree? Besides, I don't have the charm for you to pick me out from the crowd of thousand and insist on marrying me and only me. This humble one is still has a bit of self-awareness, and This Miss thinks too highly of me. Why not make this more satisfying for both of us by cutting straight to the point of what it is that you are after? say it, and maybe ... we can still have a good discussion "

The beauty looked at him, and sighed quietly, and said, "if I haven't gone for you, who else would I have gone for? Among that group of yours, if It's not a girl, it's a naive child or a silly boy who is head-over-heels for the silly girl, and the other one ... "

She paused slightly: "The other one is even odder. He hasn't looked at me since I went in. But looking only at you a 'sleazy man'. Don't you think it's weird? Hey, looking around, you are the only normal man; if I didn't go for you, who else can I go for? "

Zhou Zishu coughed, and immediately regretted asking the question, so he said directly: "If this Miss is after the Lapis Armour, You can go back. I don't have the Zhang family's piece, but I heard yesterday that hero Gao and hero Shen each took out a piece yesterday. If you are coveting it, you might as well visit them and ask about them. "

The beauty narrowed her eyes slightly and letting go of the bead curtain in her hand, and said softly: "I will eventually get my hand on the full Lapis Armour, no matter who owns it, you say you don't have it, but on what basis should I believe your words? Don't you men like to tell lies the most? "

Zhou Zishu just leaned under the plum tree. He neither nodded nor shook his head. He stared calmly at the beauty's face for a while and before he suddenly mused: "this Miss's demeanor and movement are outstanding, among those of the many women I've met"

This sentence was originally a compliment, yet for some unknown reason, once the beautiful woman heard it, she couldn't maintain the smile on her face any longer, and screeched indecorously, "What did you say?"

Zhou Zishu shook his head and whispered: "I just said that this Miss's personality is already beautiful. Even if the facial features are ordinary, it is another kind of beauty that is difficult to hide. Why should you be obsessed with skin, and end up with something inferior? I have a friend who once said that a person's looks are cast by heaven, one looks exactly as she should, and once there's a slight change to them, others can spot it, and that gives her away. From what I see, I think this Miss's techniques are considerably skilled, yet how do you not know of those doctrines?

The beauty's face chilled: "Was your intend in following me is to humiliate me?"

Zhou Zishu just shook his head and said softly: " This humble one did not have that intention." outsiders to the craft of disguise couldn't discern anything off the mask, but craftsmen of the trade knew plenty of tricks. Zhou Zishu was used to observing people, at first glance, he knows that although this woman is pretty in appearance, she is certainly not young, but the color of her face and the skin on her hands is very natural. It is as natural as possible, without any flaws. Of the techniques in the world, the only one that can achieve this sort of standard ... was the unparalleled, signature sets of skills imparted by The Four Season Manor in the past -although It was unknown where she had learned it from.

I saw the beauty suddenly sneer and said, "Okay, then I'll let you know. then"

She took a silk handkerchief and a small bottle of ointment out of her robes, poured the liquid on the handkerchief, and began to wipe her face. The beautiful picture-like face peeled off little by little with her action, and the skin faded. The color and facial features changed shape, and then from the left half of the face, peeled off a cicada-like human skin mask, just like the legendary painted skin.

Zhou Zishu held her breath. The woman was not ugly. Although not as shocking as her paintings, she was a beautyif it wasn't for the weird and scary burn scar on the left half of her face.

At that moment, he knew who the woman was, so he blurted and asked, "Are you ... the green vixen Liu Qianqiao?"

The green vixen Liu Qianqiao is not a good thing. It is said that she has thousands of painted skins and is proficient in charm. She loves to transform herself into a beauty to seduce young men and absorb their spiritual essence until they die. She has been the cause of many countless cases, but she was so changeable that no one could catch her.

Liu Qianqiao sneered: "This time, do you understand why I must get the Lapis Armour, don't you?"

Zhou Zishu was silent for a moment: "You are not after the Fengshan Sword Manual, you are after the Manual of Yin and Yang."

She has many changes, but her face can't shine under the broad daylight in her lifetime .it was the natural law of the universe for a woman to be vain about her appearance. An ordinary woman could perform many appalling acts for a good-looking face, much less her

If a person well-versed in the art of disguise did not guard their own heart well and became obsessed with their physical appearanceswapping out thousands of masks until they couldn't remember their name most of the time or, whether they were originally beautiful or ugly. Isn't that close to insanity?

Zhou Zishu shook his head and said, "The Lapis Armour of the Zhang family is not with any of us."

Liu Qianqiao sneered, showing a short sword in his hand, and without warning .she stuck toward Zhou Zishu. Zhou Zishu dodged the strike, curling his fingers to catch her wrist, but unexpectedly, A circle of needles like those of porcupine shot out around her wrist, all glowing blue light, and then a cloud of fog emerged from her sleeve. Zhou Zi quickly drew back three steps and closed his breath. Liu Qianqiao's figure flickered and was gone.

Only one sentence was left: " wait and see!"

Zhou Zishu sighed, suddenly worried about the road ahead, there is a green vixen today, who will come tomorrow? Zhang Chengling is the biggest trouble in the world. No wonder that the two old foxes ( Goe Chong and Zhao Jing ) had let him take this nuisance away so freely that day.

He turned to leave around and had just to push the courtyard door open when Suddenly a hand extended out from one side. His movements clasped his shoulders electrically. Zhou Zishu reflexively retracted his shoulders and narrowed his elbows; missing the hit. He smashed it, and the man took the hit, made a sound of pain, and lacked into him, moaning and shouted, "Murder a husband ..."

Zhou Zishu kicked him open, folded his arms over his chest, and frowned, " Valley Master Wen, have you forgotten to take the medication for your madness today?"

Wen Kexing gritted his teeth and pressed his hand on his ribs as if they were going to break, but insisted, "You went away with another woman in front of me! How dare you meet her clandestinely in this sort of place? A single bachelor and an unmarried woman alone together in broad daylight ... "

Zhou Zishu blurted out the sentence: "Isn't it time for you to go to mess around in the brothel for the whole day?"

Once those words left his mouth, Zhou Zi's nearly swallowed his mouth in regret, thinking that he must have been too muddled by anger, to even say this sort of thing.

Wen Kexing first froze, and then posted it with a smile on his face, "Since I decided to entangle you, I have never touched anyone else."

Zhou Zishu said with an insincere smile: "Thank you Master Gu for your love, I'm sorry, but I didn't decide to get involved with you."

Wen Kexing thought for a while and seemed to think it made sense, so he nodded: "That's true- although while you can meet people clandestinely as you like, I can listen to your liaison in the bedroom anytime I like."

Zhou Zishu asked: " Valley Master Wen, do you know how to write the word" shameless "?"

Wen Ke said loudly: "When it is time to be shameless, you must be shameless."

Zhou Zishu lowered his head and used all of his might to uncurl his fingers from a fist. Yet his five-finger seemed to be heartsick for one another and kept gathering, tremoring with the desire to have a go at the face of the person in front of him.

He then forced himself not to look at Wen Kexing's face and turned around to leave. He even forgets to ask for his money bag.

Zhou Zishu raised his head and looked at the beauty. The expression on his face was quite soft, and he whispered, "Miss, does this humble one knows you?"

The beauty smiled: "are you unwilling to buy me a drink just because you don't recognize me ?"

Zhou Zishu smiled and said, "Why not? never mind a flask of wine. With such a character like yourself, Miss, even if you want to consume my flesh, and drink my blood, this humble one won't even bat an eyewaiter, serve us a flask of wine. "

Then he paused, glanced at Wen Kexing and his unfriendly main, and pointed him to the waiter: "put it on his tab."

This was the first time Gu Xiang has seen such vibrant reds and purples blooming on her master's face, and she felt that this meal was so worth it.

The beautiful woman titters, her laughter was like a shivering branch of flowers, and the charm of Qin Song's song was nothing compared to her voice. The wine was quickly delivered and Zhou Zishu said, "please sit, Miss."

The beauty leaned softly on his shoulder and said softly, "it's alright, I am leaving right after I am done drinking ."

Zhou Zishu uttered "Ah", showing a slight disappointment, but Wen Kexing snorted and said, "Yeah, the table is a bit crowded."

The beauty glanced at Wen Kexing and knocked back the glass of wine. Even how she had drunk looked better than anyone else. Not a single flaw in her graceful action of picking up the cup and drinking it. Zhou Zishu's eyes were reluctant to leave her face even for a second. the beauty put down the empty wine glass, stretched out her finger and stroked Zhou Zishu's face, and asked, "I'm leaving, are you coming with me?"

Zhou Zishu said nothing, stood up, and followed her, without even returning one. Just listening to the "snap", the chopsticks in Wen Kexing's hands were broken into two pieces. Gu Xiang and Zhang Chengling immediately bowed their heads, pretending that they saw nothing. Cao Weining, one the other hand, was enraged, pointing at the direction where the despicable couple had head to, fuming: " this injustice, Brother Wen, you have a deep affection for him, how could he be like this, in the face of a beauty.....a beauty ..."

Abandoning brotherhood in the face of beauty? It doesn't seem right either, Cao Weining bit down on his tongue.

Wen Kexing turned his head to look at him. For the first time, the silly boy with the surname Cao felt so pleasing to his eyes, so he looked sobbing for comfort-this time Gu Xiang was the one who bit down on her tongue.

However, Cao Weining pondered for a moment, and then told Wen Kexing with a straight face "This matter ... I don't think it's as simple as it looks, hey, Brother Wen, I was over-hasty in making my comment earlier, don't take them to heart, Brother Zhou is not like that kind of person, he must have some kind of unlamented woe to resort to such undesirable solution, don't misunderstand him. "

Gu Xiang immediately echoed: "Yes, master, don't get him wrong. See, Zhou Xu's heel is pointing toward youYou can tell he is leaving unwillingly"

This time, even Cao Weining could tell that Gu Xiang's words were getting ridiculous, and he could only look at her resignedly and with some embarrassment

Zhang Chengling said: "Sister Gu Xiang, you better stop saying anything."

Wen Kexing suddenly stood up without a word, turned around, and left, chasing after Zhou Zishu, leaving three people facing each other. Gu Xiang swallowed and whispered, "My master is desperate, now."

Cao Weining shook his head and sighed: it's truly "When the wind and rain come in the night who knows how many tears are shed"... " love" is a word that has hurt the most people since ancient times. But What can we do about it ?"

Zhang Chengling thought, what else can I say? So he said nothing in silence and lowered his head down to eat.

That beauty has taken Zhou Zishu to a small alley, turned left and right around corners, entering a small courtyard, in which a few plums trees, out of flowering season, were planted. the beautiful woman opened the door of the house, and then a faint perfume scent wafted out, Raising the bead curtain, she leaned half her weight on the door frame, and asked dedicatedly: "Why, aren't you go to Inter?"

Following her gaze, Zhou Zishu surveyed the inside the room. From the open door, he can see the vague outline of a folding screen and a bed, the dresser slanted in a corner, and a woman's long dress hanging by the bronze mirror, and the rouge box uncapped, her makeup box was a mess. So the legendary tender, enticing land of women was no more than this.

Zhou Zishu smiled and shook her head: "This humble one is a sleazy man, how can I enter a maiden 's boudoir so easily?"

The beauty smiled: "You have become a gentleman all of a sudden. I invite you to come in, will you not come in?"

Zhou Zishu smiled again, looked down at the tip of his shoe, and said: "May this Miss forgive me. Even if this humble one the additional courage of a man's, I dare not enter this house that has "Rouge's Grave incense burning; if I enter standing, I'll have to be carried out as a corpse. "

The smile on the corner of the beauty's mouth froze slightly, and then she smiled again, "You men, doesn't the saying go " Die under the peony, and even your ghost will be a womanizing one ?"Why is it that you have already followed me here, but failed at this juncture?"

Zhou Zishu said: "This is indeed how the Saying, but it is better to live when you have the opportunity to. The longer you live, the more time you can pass under the peony. Don't you agree? Besides, I don't have the charm for you to pick me out from the crowd of thousand and insist on marrying me and only me. This humble one is still has a bit of self-awareness, and This Miss thinks too highly of me. Why not make this more satisfying for both of us by cutting straight to the point of what it is that you are after? say it, and maybe ... we can still have a good discussion "

The beauty looked at him, and sighed quietly, and said, "if I haven't gone for you, who else would I have gone for? Among that group of yours, if It's not a girl, it's a naive child or a silly boy who is head-over-heels for the silly girl, and the other one ... "

She paused slightly: "The other one is even odder. He hasn't looked at me since I went in. But looking only at you a 'sleazy man'. Don't you think it's weird? Hey, looking around, you are the only normal man; if I didn't go for you, who else can I go for? "

Zhou Zishu coughed, and immediately regretted asking the question, so he said directly: "If this Miss is after the Lapis Armour, You can go back. I don't have the Zhang family's piece, but I heard yesterday that hero Gao and hero Shen each took out a piece yesterday. If you are coveting it, you might as well visit them and ask about them. "

The beauty narrowed her eyes slightly and letting go of the bead curtain in her hand, and said softly: "I will eventually get my hand on the full Lapis Armour, no matter who owns it, you say you don't have it, but on what basis should I believe your words? Don't you men like to tell lies the most? "

Zhou Zishu just leaned under the plum tree. He neither nodded nor shook his head. He stared calmly at the beauty's face for a while and before he suddenly mused: "this Miss's demeanor and movement are outstanding, among those of the many women I've met"

This sentence was originally a compliment, yet for some unknown reason, once the beautiful woman heard it, she couldn't maintain the smile on her face any longer, and screeched indecorously, "What did you say?"

Zhou Zishu shook his head and whispered: "I just said that this Miss's personality is already beautiful. Even if the facial features are ordinary, it is another kind of beauty that is difficult to hide. Why should you be obsessed with skin, and end up with something inferior? I have a friend who once said that a person's looks are cast by heaven, one looks exactly as she should, and once there's a slight change to them, others can spot it, and that gives her away. From what I see, I think this Miss's techniques are considerably skilled, yet how do you not know of those doctrines?

The beauty's face chilled: "Was your intend in following me is to humiliate me?"

Zhou Zishu just shook his head and said softly: " This humble one did not have that intention." outsiders to the craft of disguise couldn't discern anything off the mask, but craftsmen of the trade knew plenty of tricks. Zhou Zishu was used to observing people, at first glance, he knows that although this woman is pretty in appearance, she is certainly not young, but the color of her face and the skin on her hands is very natural. It is as natural as possible, without any flaws. Of the techniques in the world, the only one that can achieve this sort of standard ... was the unparalleled, signature sets of skills imparted by The Four Season Manor in the past -although It was unknown where she had learned it from.

I saw the beauty suddenly sneer and said, "Okay, then I'll let you know. then"

She took a silk handkerchief and a small bottle of ointment out of her robes, poured the liquid on the handkerchief, and began to wipe her face. The beautiful picture-like face peeled off little by little with her action, and the skin faded. The color and facial features changed shape, and then from the left half of the face, peeled off a cicada-like human skin mask, just like the legendary painted skin.

Zhou Zishu held her breath. The woman was not ugly. Although not as shocking as her paintings, she was a beautyif it wasn't for the weird and scary burn scar on the left half of her face.

At that moment, he knew who the woman was, so he blurted and asked, "Are you ... the green vixen Liu Qianqiao?"

The green vixen Liu Qianqiao is not a good thing. It is said that she has thousands of painted skins and is proficient in charm. She loves to transform herself into a beauty to seduce young men and absorb their spiritual essence until they die. She has been the cause of many countless cases, but she was so changeable that no one could catch her.

Liu Qianqiao sneered: "This time, do you understand why I must get the Lapis Armour, don't you?"

Zhou Zishu was silent for a moment: "You are not after the Fengshan Sword Manual, you are after the Manual of Yin and Yang."

She has many changes, but her face can't shine under the broad daylight in her lifetime .it was the natural law of the universe for a woman to be vain about her appearance. An ordinary woman could perform many appalling acts for a good-looking face, much less her

If a person well-versed in the art of disguise did not guard their own heart well and became obsessed with their physical appearanceswapping out thousands of masks until they couldn't remember their name most of the time or, whether they were originally beautiful or ugly. Isn't that close to insanity?

Zhou Zishu shook his head and said, "The Lapis Armour of the Zhang family is not with any of us."

Liu Qianqiao sneered, showing a short sword in his hand, and without warning .she stuck toward Zhou Zishu. Zhou Zishu dodged the strike, curling his fingers to catch her wrist, but unexpectedly, A circle of needles like those of porcupine shot out around her wrist, all glowing blue light, and then a cloud of fog emerged from her sleeve. Zhou Zi quickly drew back three steps and closed his breath. Liu Qianqiao's figure flickered and was gone.

Only one sentence was left: " wait and see!"

Zhou Zishu sighed, suddenly worried about the road ahead, there is a green vixen today, who will come tomorrow? Zhang Chengling is the biggest trouble in the world. No wonder that the two old foxes ( Goe Chong and Zhao Jing ) had let him take this nuisance away so freely that day.

He turned to leave around and had just to push the courtyard door open when Suddenly a hand extended out from one side. His movements clasped his shoulders electrically. Zhou Zishu reflexively retracted his shoulders and narrowed his elbows; missing the hit. He smashed it, and the man took the hit, made a sound of pain, and lacked into him, moaning and shouted, "Murder a husband ..."

Zhou Zishu kicked him open, folded his arms over his chest, and frowned, " Valley Master Wen, have you forgotten to take the medication for your madness today?"

Wen Kexing gritted his teeth and pressed his hand on his ribs as if they were going to break, but insisted, "You went away with another woman in front of me! How dare you meet her clandestinely in this sort of place? A single bachelor and an unmarried woman alone together in broad daylight ... "

Zhou Zishu blurted out the sentence: "Isn't it time for you to go to mess around in the brothel for the whole day?"

Once those words left his mouth, Zhou Zi's nearly swallowed his mouth in regret, thinking that he must have been too muddled by anger, to even say this sort of thing.

Wen Kexing first froze, and then posted it with a smile on his face, "Since I decided to entangle you, I have never touched anyone else."

Zhou Zishu said with an insincere smile: "Thank you Master Gu for your love, I'm sorry, but I didn't decide to get involved with you."

Wen Kexing thought for a while and seemed to think it made sense, so he nodded: "That's true- although while you can meet people clandestinely as you like, I can listen to your liaison in the bedroom anytime I like."

Zhou Zishu asked: " Valley Master Wen, do you know how to write the word" shameless "?"

Wen Ke said loudly: "When it is time to be shameless, you must be shameless."

Zhou Zishu lowered his head and used all of his might to uncurl his fingers from a fist. Yet his five-finger seemed to be heartsick for one another and kept gathering, tremoring with the desire to have a go at the face of the person in front of him.

He then forced himself not to look at Wen Kexing's face and turned around to leave. He even forgets to ask for his money bag.

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