Fallen Monarch

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

151. Allies (11)

Climb the ladder!

Hurry up! Youll be riddled with holes if you dont push it!

The slaves placed the ladders against the exterior wall and started climbing. The defending soldiers atop the walls aimed their muskets at the slaves. With a slight squeeze of their fingers, the dark muzzles spouted flames, riddling the attackers bodies with bullets. An instant later, the walls were painted a gloomy red.

Pour the oil!

Were out of mana. Rotate!

Large pots of sizzling hot oil were brought out and poured down the walls. At the same time, the drained mages retreated to take a break and recuperate, fresh mages taking their place on the wall.

Its a catapult!

Defensive magic!

The mages gathered around and chanted spells to form a joint defense against the incoming attack. A transparent layer formed above the wall and blocked the lump of rock. The invading slaves became the unfortunate ones and turned into minced meat instead since the rock had stopped in the air and dropped.

D, damn it! I dont want to die!

Oh, my! Theyre coming up! Give me a spear!

An Aylans soldier gripped his spear and aimed it at a slave who was climbing up. But

S-save me! D-dont kill me. Im a slave. Ill surrender! 

The soldier was startled. But he didnt lower his spear, watching the slave waving his hands in the air.

Oy! What are you doing? Kill him!

He was forced to become a slave! We might be able to save h

The Aylans soldier hesitantly stretched out his hand. He wanted to save the slave soldier, but midway, the soldiers face hardened. A tattoo of a bible verse could be seen under the slaves clothes, something engraved on heresy interrogators.

Stupid bastard. 

The person he considered a slave sneered and stabbed the soldiers shoulder with a sickle.

What the hell!?

Its heresy interrogators!

Its the black priests! Theyre hiding among the slave soldiers!

We cant tell them apart! It cant be helped! Kill them all!

The Aylans soldiers stabbed the people climbing the exterior door with their spears. At this moment, the outer wall was already on fire, with rocks dropping like rain. Every so often, the slaves would be hit and fall to their deaths. 

The battlefield was a cacophony of cries and screamsand then there was a change on the hillside in the Aylans Kingdoms capital.

Silver armor glittering under sunlight and a flag with a sword drawn on it suddenly appeared. It was a group of men wearing full-body metal armor, huge lances and bardings, sharp swords and spears, and heavy maces and shields. The Aylans Kingdom soldiers eyes grew wide. 


Its our reinforcements! Its the Lome Kingdom! 

The Aylans Kingdom soldiers shouted with joy. On the contrary, the slave soldiers trying to capture the exterior wall became dispirited.

What the hell!?

Enemies are in the back too!

Pygni was surrounded by his vanguard knights, and 50,000 soldiers assembled behind them. Everyone stopped in unison, their hands resting on their weapons so that they could fight any time while paying attention to their Lord.

When the Holy Kingdoms soldiers saw the Lome Kingdoms soldiers appearing on the hill, they shut their mouths and retreated.

The Lome Kingdom!?

What are the scouts doing!? They came all the way here, yet nobody noticed!?

Salem also noticed his battle array falling into chaos, so he shifted his gaze. 

Who is that trash? 

Helpharon glanced at Salem, who snapped out as if he was dissatisfied. 

The Lome Kingdom.

The Lome Kingdom? Ahhthe traitors? Why did they show up? To swear allegiance to me again?

Thats Helpharon looked at Salem. They must be aiming for Your Highnesss neck.

Whos attacking who? Salem waved his hand as if he had just heard a boring joke. Thats funny. No matter how violent they get, arent they just trash? Those people are after my neck? No, before that, whats with their numbers? Theyre trying to attack us with only those men? Thats funny! Haha!

War isnt just a battle of numbers. Its dangerous for us with the enemy at our backs. Shall we turn our army back?

Salem frowned. 

Turn back what? I can see her soon now. Are you telling me to delay it more? Cut the crap!

He then tapped on his thrones armrest and said, Why cant we capture them before that? What are the slaves doing? Send more troops. We have to capture them quickly so that I can save her with my hands!

More like throwing her into despair instead of saving her.

Isnt it the same thing? Everyone I touch shall receive salvation. Haha! Salem burst out laughing.

Seeing his words falling on stone, Helpharon sighed and mumbled quietly. Wheres Egil?

It seems like you really cherish my son. For someone who tried to kill me, you care about my son quite a lot. Salem smiled while glaring at Helpharon. Dont worry. My son Egil He tilted his head back.

As if waiting on cue, the Iblis Holy Knights dragged in a prison wagon. A young boy was imprisoned there, his wrists and ankles shackled and chained. There was no wound visible, but his eyeswere red with a bandage on, as if they were hurt somewhere. He was groaning.

Helpharons eyes widened. He mumbled with a low voice, then said in a loud emotion-suppressing voice, What did you do to Lord Egil?! 

Salem smiled. 

That stare, I hate it. Those clear and clean eyes, suggesting that I am a hypocrite, I really hate it. So Salem made a gesture of taking out eyes with his fingers. I plucked them out. Anyway, isnt he my son? Its up to me no matter what I do with my lineage!

You bastard-!

The raging emotions took control of Helpharon, and he took his sword out. But at the same moment, dozens of weapons were aimed at his neck.

Hes your son! But

My son? So what if he is? I dont recognize someone trained to kill me as my son. Whats so nice about leaving him alone to his devices? I wanted to take out his tongue and cut his ears like I did to Hero Thoma, butSalem beamed at HelpharonI only did it to his eyes, in case youll be sad.

Ill kill you.

Then youre putting me in a difficult situation.

The Evilesse Holy Knights smiled sadistically. 

Commander, put down your sword.

Dont you have to be loyal to His Holiness if you want to live?

If you harm His Holiness, that kid will die too.

Helpharon put down his sword with trembling hands.

Cooperate with me if you want to live. Kill King Paulie and bring Akareal to me. And also the Fragment of God, Salem said while smiling. 

Helpharon glared at Salem as if his stare alone could bore a hole through him. 

When this war ends I wont stay here anymore.

Im sorry to hear that Well, Ill let you live on an island like I promised. 

Salem smacked his lips.

The Evilesse Holy Knights pointed their swords and looked at the faraway Lome Kingdoms soldiers. 

Are you really not turning back the army?

You scared?

Not at all. But Oskal is pretty annoying.

Salem shrugged at the Holy Knight. 

He already has one foot in his grave, merely a powerful old man at best. Besides, our allied forces, our loyal servant countries, will assemble in the Aylans Kingdom soon. 

When they invaded the Aylans Kingdom, the vassal states and allies, sensing the Holy Kingdom armys movement, ordered their troops to focus on the Aylans Kingdoms capital to support the Holy Kingdom. Perhaps it was because of Helpharons trick to stop the allied nations from working together with the Demon Kingdom that the Lome and Aylans troops appeared stronger than they thought.

If they arrive in time, it would be the end of the Lome Kingdoms army too. And were entering the Aylans capital.

Well, if they stay obedient until then, that is. 

The Evilesse Holy Knights looked at Lome Kingdoms battle array. 


Ooh, it seems like they have some internal conflict? And why are they ignoring us? They keep attacking the capital without minding us? Is an army of 50,000 nothing to them? They dare look down on us, the country of knights? 

Pygni frowned while looking at Salems battle array from the hill. He didnt like how the other party treated them like air. 

Im pissed off because it reminds me of the past? Didnt that bastard also look down on me back then? I even bowed my head to that bastard. Aah, I want to put him on a guillotine so much. 

A vein popped up on Pygnis forehead.

Oskal shook his head. 

Please keep your dignity as a king.

Its because Im enraged, you know? No, dont you know better?

A long time ago, Pygni and Oskal used to bow their heads to Pope Salem. And now, the time had come for the opposite to happen. The chance to be free from the shame and humiliation was ripe for the plucking.

Oskal, youve been enduring it for so long I think you can do it now.

Oskal turned his arms around and warmed up after hearing Pygni. 

My body was itchy anyway. Can I beat that bastard up?

Pygni curled up the corner of his mouth. 

So that it would be dusty on a rainy day No, you can beat him up till hes black and blue.

Isnt public execution the formal way?

Well do that when the Demon Kingdom is here. Until then, beat him up, but keep him alive. You can save some priests and make them heal him. Then beat him up and heal him again, beat up and heal, and so on. Thats also how that bastard tortured people.

Can you bear the consequences? Its against the Continental Law to torture a Royal.

Why does it matter now? The Continental Law and religion are already in a wreck We shall bring change once the Holy Kingdom collapses. Lets not be so bound by the norms, Oskal.

Haha! ThatOskal clenched his fists and took out his short swordI like that. As expected of my master!

Pygni planted the flag he was holding on the hill and kept it fixed. Then he turned around and looked at the Lome army. 

Did you see that? They are treating us as air. What is it that makes them look down on us? Because were incompetent? 

Pygni shook his head. 

No. Were the most powerful knight country in the continent, the Kingdom of Lome. Will they underestimate us? Then what is it? Strategy? Pygni said while touching his forehead. 

Hmm, that doesnt make much sense either. Arent we the kingdom of wisdom? Then what is it? Religion? Is God protecting them? Pygni frowned.

I dont think so. They themselves abandoned God. Then Pygni stealthily looked at the Holy Kingdoms battle array. Aha! Numbers. Theyre fighting in numbers! Isnt it funny?

Pygni wryly smiled before shouting at his army, I cant believe bastards who depended on their numbers were the rulers of this continent! Well, 200,000 versus 50,000, its obvious. But I cant pretend I didnt see people, previously honoring themselves as knights, put the weak in trouble, and I cant ignore an allys request of help.

Pygni mounted the horse brought by a knight while holding up the flag that was planted in the ground.

They have caused chaos in the continent. Theyre the corrupted ones who have gone against their oaths as knights and noble priests!

Pygni waved the flag.

Lets make a judgment-! Knights! Its your Kings order! Cut down every corrupted bastard you see!  Make them repent for their sins!

Obey Kings order-!

The Lome Kingdoms army took out their weapons and held them up in unison.

We will cut down all the corrupted!


Oskal lowered his body at Pygnis shout.

Hear your Kings order! Bring the Pope to me!

I shall obey Kings order!

Then Oscals body bounced off.

Follow Mr. Oscal!


Oscal and the Lome Kingdoms cavalry unit lead the charge as vanguards. The army behind them started to run with all their might. The hooves of the cavalrys mounts struck the ground, and steel boots left behind their marks.

The ground echoed as the Holy Kingdoms soldiers fell into chaos upon witnessing the flood of the Lome Kingdoms army raging down the hill.

B-block them!

Shieldbearers, step forward!

Spearmen, pikes!

The Holy Kingdoms regular army held up their shields and aimed their sharp spears forward.

Priests, assist!

The priests held up their staffs and chanted, casting light on the shieldbearers and pikemen. As the best regular army in the continent, and adding the buff from the priests, their sturdiness and firmness was like a castle wall. However, there was someone who could crush even that castle wall.

Stop me if you can! Oscal sprinted and leaped before striking down his short sword. The Holy Kingdom armys spear blades hit him, as if they were going to turn him into a pincushion. But let alone piercing his skin, the spear blades broke instead. An instant later, the Holy Kingdoms soldiers were thrown into the air. Oscals short sword had hit the center of the line they were forming.


Just as the Holy Kingdom soldiers eyes widened while retreating, Oscal swung his fist and short sword at them. The buffed soldiers tried to block him by holding up their shields, but their shields broke and their bodies exploded from Oscals punches. Whenever Oscal swung his sword, everything around him would be torn to shreds.

Full speed-! Charge!

Then appeared the Lome Kingdoms cavalry at their backs. They ran and jumped before cutting through the collapsed formation. The horseshoes turned the Holy Kingdoms soldiers into meat patties, sharp lances cut the soldiers and threw them into the air, sword blades cut their helmets, and maces hit their bodies.

Keep the line! The line! The Holy Knights yelled at the top of their lungs, but the disorganized soldiers didnt pay them any heed. Their yells were lost amid the Lome Kingdom soldiers shouts and Oscals explosion.

O-Oscal! I just need to kill that bastard! A Holy Knight looked at Oscals back.

He injected Holy Power into his swords and slashed them at Oscals back, but his target swung around and grabbed the sword.


The sword blade wrapped in Holy Power penetrated Oscals fingers, yet it only caused a wound on his skin and couldnt cut his muscles and bones.

Oscals eyes widened at the sight. What? A wound? These bastards, theyre not just mere decorations? They might be unexpectedly competent?


The monster isnt me but you guys! Oscal squashed the Holy Knights head.

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