Even Though I’m a Former Noble and a Single Mother, My Daughters Are Too Cute and Working as an Adventurer Isn’t Too Much of a Hassle

Chapter 30

A few days after Grania had gifted Sophie and Tio a pair of magic resistant rings and returned to the Northwestern town she called home, Shirley was quite sullen.

If it really was an Imperial mage who had been targeting her daughters, the mastermind should be obvious.

Shirley doesnt fear him. But, if she just rushes into the vipers den, its possible that the snakes poison may threaten Sophie and Tios future.

She doesnt know the full details, but theres no reason for Imperial magi to target ordinary citizens of the Kingdom. Although she had originally thought the culprit might have been some pervert in the Kingdom who had eyes for her daughters, Shirley knew that the real answer was much worse.

(If an Imperial mage is trying to kidnap my girls despite me having been exiled as a criminal I hate the thought of it, but the only reason I can think of is that mans blood they have.)

The face of Albert Ragdoll, the current Emperor and ex-fiance who had betrayed her so terribly, flashed through her mind.

Word had already spread to the streets of the town Shirley lives in that relations between the Kingdom and the Empire are worse than ever, with very little by way of people travelling between the two nations.

Its difficult to imagine some lone deviant in the Empire trying something as audacious as kidnapping two girls across the border in this situation, but if it was an Emperor trying to abduct two members of his royal bloodline, maybe he would take the risk.

(I dont want to even imagine it, but if for some reason the magic succeeded but the plot was discovered, it would damage relations between the two countries even more. Why is he willing to go so far when he could just have a child by some other way?)

It should be obvious that the children of a noblewoman should be more valuable than the children of a disgraced exile like herself. Even if the Empress cant produce a child for some reason, why not just use a concubine?

(Apart from inheritance rights to the Empire Do my children have something else hes after?)

No, she cant say for sure. Shirley hadnt seen any change in her daughters using her sight, its rare but not impossible for people to suddenly tap into huge magical energy stored in the body, after all, it had happened to her.

If her daughters had indeed inherited her traits and also had the blood of the Emperor running through their veins, was that the true reason they were being targeted?

Even though it makes sense, she cant jump to conclusions.

(Its no use. What can I figure out for sure if all I have is speculation? If I dont know what their true goal is, how can I protect Sophie and Tio at all No, thats not true.)

If anything, protecting them is the easy part. Just cut down whatever or whoever seeks to do them harm. The real problem is just how to confess to her daughters the truth about their loathsome bloodline.

Whether they live in a common town or were brought up in a castle, that shadow of lineage will always hang over them.

Its only natural for claimants to strike down all threats to their throne when the time whoever ascends could seek to do them harm or even kill them.

Even if they didnt know about their bloodline, it wouldnt make any difference. Shirley thinks its stupid, but she cant deny that when things come to a head people will only see her daughters in a certain way.

Potential royal pawns.

If these fears of hers became fact, it would be hard even for her to protect the two of them. As painful as it is to say, the will of the powerful can move the very earth.

The only way to kill this adventurer would be to crush her physically over and over again until she cant recover. But even if this seems impossible, they only have to overwhelm the white-haired swordswoman for a brief moment to find the opportunity to steal Sophie and Tio away.

? Mum, you look pale, are you okay?

Ah, dont worry, Im fine. Im just a little tired since I have a lot on my mind.

Her anxiety was getting worse day by day, there was no way her daughters wouldnt notice.

She was constantly thinking of some way out of this situation, hoping for a convenient solution from the depths of her heart. But, it was impossible to shape the world to your desires without true power.

In the end, she couldnt reach an answer. After seeing her girls off to school, Shirley went to the Guilds training square.

She swung her sword, trying to distract herself for a while. Maybe things would change with time, or she might actually think of a way out?

The tree planted in the middle of the square sways in the wind, its leaves being swept off its branches. As the leaves swirled around her, Shirley created a new sword with alchemy and swung it around her at a speed the naked eye couldnt follow.

Somehow, the number of leaves floating around her seemed to double in that instant. She swung the sword four more times, each time the leaves around her were sliced thinner and thinner.

There is a magical tool where thick pieces of paper can be sliced into two thinner sheets, its exactly the same principle as what Shirley is doing now.

Even when placed on a desk using the tool requires a great degree of precision, so for Shirley to be doing the same thing to leaves that are dancing on the wind around her and with such speed defies common sense.

Im still distracted.

A clear mind is key to expert swordsmanship. As if to cut out the last distortion plaguing her thoughts, she swung the sword at the last leaf that fell with a diagonal stroke as the wind died down.

But, the leaf wasnt sliced like the rest. It may seem like the sword had become dull, but thats wrong. The sword had bisected the leaf so cleanly that both pieces had fallen to the ground in unison as if they were still part of one whole.

Fuu Thats good enough.

Dismissing the otherworldly skills she had just demonstrated as good enough, Shirley turned her attention towards the squares entrance.

Were you waiting for me to leave?

Y-you knew we were here?

Hiding behind the doorframe of the entrance which is connected to the building were three familiar young people; Leia, Cudd and Kyle.

I thought we were being quite stealthy Did you know we were here from the beginning? Did you sense us or something?

I knew from the beginning Staring at me like that, anyone would notice.

It seems like she knew the whole time. The three of them try to cover up the awkward atmosphere with forced laughs, then Shirley herself changed the subject.

Youre training again today? You three seem to be putting in a lot of effort lately.

Yeah, sorta. Were going to hunt giant bugs next, we were thinking of maybe asking for your help?

Ah I see.

Shirleys eyes seem a little distant. A giant bug is a novice monster, similar to smiles or goblins.

It doesnt have any magical power or real intelligence, their main defining characteristics are that theyre the size of a human being and have a tendency to swarm.

Without the strange properties of a slime or the intelligence of a goblin, its definitely an easy enemy to defeat, one that Shirley herself fought during her days as a new adventurer.

By the way Do you actually know what kind of monster a giant bug is?

Umm I havent seen it, but isnt it just a big bug? Like an Ogretarantula or something?

What kind of strange encounter rate do you have that youre encountering those near here?

Honestly, thats why we were hoping youd help out next time.

Kyle, who had survived the encounter with the earth dragon at the old fort in the woods and the battle against the goblin queen, was still at rank E even after fighting in the Dragon War. Although, for some reason, even when doing minor jobs like picking herbs, he kept running into monsters that are rank A or B in danger levels.

He seems to have a strange relationship with lady luck, having been both saved by Shirley and running into critically dangerous ogretarantulas that are known to even prey on lesser dragons.

Although it seems there really is some kind of strange story here, Shirley decides to not let the topic get derailed.

Putting that aside, the main thing to consider against giant bugs is that its a battle where you should be using brain over brawn.

? I dont really get it But we should be fine since were always serious when we go on adventures! Except for Cudd.

Thats right, I remember you telling me that a moments carelessness can mean death, right? Weve all matured a lot. Except for Leia.



The two grab the cuff of each others shirts and glare at one another, almost in perfect harmony.

Well, everythings a learning experience. If you ever get into a seriously dangerous situation, you should also be ready to run, so be prepared for that as well.

So, what kind of monster is a giant bug anyway?

Please find that out yourselves.

I was worried about it before, but whats with those distant eyes?

Shes thinking about her first encounter with those things ten years ago. To describe them briefly, a giant bug looks like a cockroach thats roughly the size of a man.

Its rubbery to the touch and its entire body is pitch black. As much as people hate the smaller sized species that creeps around the kitchen, the large version that scuttles around on six legs at high speed is enough to make even the most robust warrior or serene saint scream.

Because it tends to swarm in narrow caves or sewers, their numbers mixed with their grotesqueness can overwhelm adventurers.

But sometimes, its better for adventurers to face the unknown. A lot of people think its either goblins or slimes, but as far as Shirley knows these giant bugs are the easiest monsters to deal with so long as you keep your cool, so its best for these rookie adventurers to go into the fight expecting a tough opponent rather than going in overconfident.

Um Shirley-san.

What is it?

Is it possible that No, I might just be misunderstanding, but Is there something wrong?

At Kyles unexpected words, Shirleys heart jumped a little.

Why do you think that?

No, its just that somehow, when you were training before it seemed like It seemed like you couldnt concentrate properly until that last swing.

She never expected to be seen through by this boy half her age, so Shirley struggled for an answer.

Were here troubles so obviously reflected on her face? She found herself touching her cheeks with her fingers, but as soon as she realized that had as good as admitted it, she looked away from Kyle towards Cudd and Leia who were still fighting.

Thats right There have been a few troublesome things lately.

Is it about your daughters?

Yes If it was just about me, there wouldnt be a problem.

Shirley doesnt want to talk about it and Kyle isnt about to press her. Kyle might not know the full story, but even he can read the atmosphere and knows not to ask more.

(Honestly, it would be so easy if it was just about me.)

If it was just her, she wouldnt worry about what sort of wounds she might take. But, for her daughters, she cant allow that. And when it comes to this case, Shirley feels that if she intervenes dramatically, it could have serious consequences for her daughters.

(No matter what, I have to protect their futures Yes, no matter what.)

Thats what her life is for. It would be nice if what she feared never came to pass, but Shirley is not so nave anymore.

She had already hardened her resolve to protect her daughters future above all else. It was at that time, she heard a slightly embarrassed yet earnest voice from beside her.

I-if! If youre ever in trouble Thats right, a request! Put our a request for me!


N-no, I mean, Id help you even if you didnt put out a request I just thought you might be more comfortable with it that way Regardless, if you ever need my help, just ask! Ill help you any time!

The Empire Even though the shadow of her ex-fiance loomed over Shirleys thoughts, for just a moment she forgot all about it as she looked at Kyle, who was gesturing awkwardly with both his hands as he blushed furiously.

It was a little rude to say so, but she couldnt help but find his ridiculous figure a little funny and Shirley had a slight smile on her face.

Thats right Things are a little different from the old days.

Uh huh? Um, sorry For saying weird things so suddenly.

You dont need to apologize.

Theres nothing to be sorry for. It was thanks to him that she realized.

(After all, the past is the past. No one was there for me in the Empire, but its different now.)

Shes no longer the lonely young girl who, betrayed, believed she had no choice but to live in despair.

Her feelings were different now, not driven by money or strength, but she almost found herself believing in the romance of adventure when she looked at him.

It made her a little uncomfortable to think that this boy was the one to do it, but somehow, her mood had lifted and she began to see the looming conflict in a new light.

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