Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–

48 Episode 46: The End Of The Feast (Chapter Ii Epilogue)

I saved my sacrifice and defeated the Four Heavens, blessed by the people of the city.

The town said the festival had just come to an end, but today and tomorrow a festival was held to honor my work.

I paraded in a carriage with no roof only once.

Blessed are the people who fill both sides of the road.

"That's brave!" "Thanks for knocking me down!" "Master Kaika, Banzai!

Besides, some of them watched the end of the battle.

The awesomeness of the brave Kaika had become a narrative grass for protecting the princess from squid tentacles.

- The information manipulation that made Celica work.

Although the focus was more on protecting the princess than on the battle.

"I can't believe I even helped a bad girl like that." "I'd abandon her." "She trashed our people." "I'm a saint, Kaika." "That's brave."

Actually, it's subtly different.

Then Etoile, which became strangely moist, greeted the townspeople with an apology.

It was accepted with great applause even as it surprised me.

It was rumored that it must be because I was struck by the integrity of the brave.

That's right.

From the looks of it, it just looks like he desperately protected the princess until the enemy attack subsided, poking a gap and helping her out.

Valiant Kaika's rating goes up the eel.

Though what I did may be the opposite of honesty.

Well, this is not how people appreciate it.

The night after the parade or ceremony.

I met Frank at the mayor's mansion.

Frank greets him with a crying smile.

"Thank you, brave man, for this merciful judgment"

"Has it been a good punishment for Jean?

"... what do you think? I just want to work for the mayor. I started studying..."

"You look worried"

"Yeah, because he said he wanted to build a city where he could live with God."

Are you talking about the Naga people?

... No way, dude.

"Is Lionel here?

"Yes, I'm in my room. Shall I call you?

"No, I'll go see him myself. Then I'll take the blame, okay?

"Of course, brave man."

"A fragment of the monocle that Evil Squid was equipped with by the time we left later. It's small, just pick it up and deliver it."

"Okay. I've already cleaned the bay, even soon."

Frank bowed deeply.

I left the room.

Knock and enter the children's room.

The room was clean.

Lionel is shaking Sarah's blonde hair and stuffing her backpack with clothes and food.

"Ah, brave man, good evening. Just fine."

"Good? Or what's up? Pack up or something."

Lionel says in embarrassment.

"Brave man, do me a favor, okay?


"Do you know any shops or merchants in another town somewhere?

"What's up, suddenly?

"I'm going to leave town because I think I'm dead. Because I'm not free here. I'm gonna be like your brother one of these days."

- Did you give your own answer before I said anything?

You're seriously smart, this kid.

"Right. There is a small inn in Wang capital that I know. Probably in trouble with the manpower."

"Inn, that's good. Seems like fun to meet all kinds of travelers"

"It's gonna be harder than you can imagine, huh?

"Hmmm...... do you have that too?

That's what I said. Lionel narrowed her brown eyes and laughed. He had an age-appropriate, Rin and cute smile.

"Then let's go together. I'll let you know when it's your departure date."

Thank you, brave man.

I left the room after a mild laugh.

Fall had been brought to the ground floor.

Shake your monastic clothes and come to the side.

"Thank you for your help, brave man"

"As much as this, nothing. We're going to defeat the demon."

- It was really to sell thanks to Fall.

Fall gets depressed with a sad face.

"But what can I do... I blamed him, and I have nowhere to go."

"Then you'll come to the village where I'm based?

"Are you sure? Thank you."

"So when I become a god of valor, will you change my purpose?

"I'm sorry. Even if I'm to blame, my God is Lily."

"Right. You just have to believe in the God you want to believe in."

"Yes. So when do you leave?

Tomorrow or the day after.

"Okay. Let us know again. Until then, they'll let us live in the mayor's house."


I broke up and headed into the river.

The moon falls into the cove at night.

A wave rises on the quiet surface of the sea.

There was Yeturia on the beach.

Sitting with a white snake twirling around.

I sat next to him.

"What's up, Yetulia? Call me at night or something. You mean work?

"Work is going well, don't worry"

"Well, that's good"

"I also get along with merchants and cargo husbands. We're getting a place. I really appreciate it."

"So, what's up?

Then Yeturia made her red eyes seem lonely.

"Kaika, will you be gone?

"Oh, my next adventure."

When I answered, Yeturia lay her hands on the beach. Cold, slippery hands.

"Then I have a favor to ask you"

"What? I'll do whatever I can."

"... just for a moment now. I want to be people."


When I looked at her thinking it was a joke, my eyes were serious.

He leans on me so that I can get a hold of him.

And whisper with an uncut voice in your ear. I smelled the sea from my silver hair.

"I want to be a person and have an unforgettable night with Kaika... wouldn't God be able to?

"Are you serious?

"I feel like I can't see you anymore. That's why I want you to carve my memories."

I saw my palm with a true eye.

[Number of believers] 127

- Less. It still seemed difficult to do God's miracles.

"I don't know if I can, but do you want to try?


"Then lie down"


Yeturia lay down in a silver bikini.

White skin illuminates the moonlight. Beautiful shaped chest facing up.

I laid my hands on her lying down.

Rewriting of [race].

Unlike messing with numbers and professions that change acquired, it is very difficult to change the essence and immutable elements of birth.

Artemis, for example, turns people into bears, or Zeus into constellations of them.

We will need the power of the Lord God class.

If you don't have enough power, the notation on the status will just change and the reality will remain the same.

For example, before I became a brave man, I turned Celica into a water attribute, but as a light attribute virgin, it continued to add to my talent.

Can I do it now?

Crawl your hands from chest to hips to explore your status. The burning skin is soft on your fingertips.


Yetulia suffers with thin frowns.

The other hand slides gently from the back of the ear to the neck, back and sides, whilst tightening the white skin.

I'm going to rewrite the race values.


and she leaked a sweet exhale. The snake's lower body twists and waves on the sand.

And when I turned my arm around her luxurious shoulder and held her up, I put my lips on her forehead, confused.

"Hmm - Kaika. Well...!

Yeturia, along with her sweet voice, emitted a white light.



Name: Yetulia

Gender: Female

Race: Human


Wrapped in strong light, her body begins to shrink.

- But that's it.

The snake's body goes back to its original length.

And the light went out.

I dropped my shoulder disappointingly.

Complete lack of strength. Insufficient believers.

- Is it another hundred because I've worked so hard?

Even with all this hard work, are there still a hundred people?

... Oh! I wish I could be a god with more than 10,000 companies across the country and more than 2 million visitors to the main mountain every year......

I said.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't do it right now. You can't say god...... haha"

"Dear Kaika... I'm sorry I couldn't. Don't look so sad."

He reached out white and thin and gently pinched my cheek.

- Well, you're grieving, I am.

Yeturia turned her arm around my neck when she woke up her upper body. Sober skin touches like water.

And then I close my red eyes and lay my lips on top.

Smooth tongue comes in. Each other's body temperatures cross.

One hand embraces a soft limb, while holding hands in silver hair for stronger lip alignment.


She gasps her throat and twists her body in her arms. A well-shaped chest was pressed hard.

In response to Yetulia trying so desperately to comfort me, I thought.

He said this might be one memory in the long run.

- You shouldn't be dented. We have to work hard.

Come to think of it, I've been in this world for a month. I've been a brave man for about ten days.

It's not time to rush.

Gather more believers and one day become a god in public...... ru!?

I took a lot of breath. I noticed a mistake.

Before I just tried to say it, I was blocked by Yetulia's poor lips.

An intertwined tongue makes a slightly damp noise.

She uplifts her white cheeks like hot water, in my arms. Ah... or leaks a thin exhale.

Comfortable fingertips like water stroke my skin from the gap in Japanese clothes.

Feeling her comfort all over her body, I thought.

Yes, it is.

There were still not a hundred, or just a hundred.

I couldn't care less about the believers today, and there was no way thousands or tens of thousands of believers would admire me.

Good luck with this one.

Hear the troubles of the believers who are here now, and help them if they have any trouble.

I'll have to figure out a way to do that.

So determined, he accepted the consolation of Yeturia. I appreciated the act of sobriety.

The sound of the waves hitting and collapsing was quietly repeated all the time.

Late at night.

I went back to the inn.

Megna and Lapisia were already asleep.

Celica was still awake and reading books in her bedroom.

The light on the lamp beside the bed illuminates the curvature of the limb wrapped in the gown.

When she looks up, she smiles softly loose her white cheek.

Welcome home, Kaika.

"I'm home. Are you reading fairy tales again? Talk about princesses and princes just flirting"

"No, this is a book written about princess knights. It's got all sorts of moves and minds."

"Wow. Wouldn't you be a princess knight if the princess became a knight?"

Celica shook her head. Blonde sparkles with the light of the lamp.

"It seems very different. Then you'll be a normal knight."

"That too - no, you did"

It was then.

The sound of a strong knock on the door of the room sounded.

Continuously slapped with the concoction concoction. He looks pretty in a hurry.

"Who the hell is that? At this hour."

Celica floats her hips.

"Let me come out."

Weaving a white jacket over his gown, he shook his tiny ass and left the bedroom.

I will recite Thousand Eyes and Heard Many Ears just in case.

See who's here.

Then the red hair and white dress standing in front of the door entered my eyes.

It was the princess Etoile. My beautiful face was frightened because of nervousness.

- Is something wrong?

I got out of bed and left my bedroom, too.

Celica crosses the large room and goes to the entrance.

And as soon as I opened the door, Etoile's eyes circled with surprise.

Celica whines in a bewildered voice.

"Mr. Etoile..."

Etoile sitting down on the spot.

"Shh, Selica, I'm sorry!

A smile returns to Celica's face.

"Please raise your face. Now that we're done, let's get along."

"Yu, will you forgive me?

"Of course you do... you're good, aren't you, Kaika?

I say as I line up next to Celica.

"Wouldn't it be nice if Celica said so? But I just apologized and made up, and I still don't love you"


Amazing Celica.

Etoile almost cries and clings to my leg.

"I love you, Kaika and Selika, please..."

"No. There's no way I can love someone who forgot they loved me"

I know that best.

"No! Duh, how do I... Huh!?

I say as I put her in the room.

"Hmm, can a princess be raised by a nanny even in this country?

"Yes, is it?

"Have you ever thanked that nanny?

Etoile is about to cry over my question.

"Ugh... no, sir."

"I guess. You first go and say thank you to your nanny. And then think for yourself. Now I can still take it back."

"Yes, I understand...... I swear to go around each and every one of you who loved me. - Then, Kaika, do me a favor."

Etoile has bowed his head and begged.

"That's why you're here so late at night."

"Yes, an ambassador has arrived from Wang Du."

"Urgent? What do you mean?

I asked as I turned my hand over my thin jaw.

Then Etoile grabs his Japanese clothes and makes him cry.

"It's a call from your father. The king's capital was attacked by a herd of demons, so he wants Kaika back."


"The crisis is overwhelming, so it seems to be okay, but I don't know the details...... it's not something Ataxi can ask Kaika for, please. Please help me."

I moistened my shiny eyes and said in a crying voice.

It leads me to push luxurious limbs.

I stroked my red hair and said.

"I get it. Let's go back first thing tomorrow. Tell Dride to send out a special flight."

"Thank you, Kaika. Well...!

Power fell out of Etoile's body. Get on your knees and push your face against my belly. The red hair smelled like flowers.

I stroked my head to comfort him. Wavy hanging soft hair.

Then put the status back.

Selica says.

"We have to contact the person responsible."

"And you're the mayor's son, Lionel. Because we decided to go to Wangdu together."

Etoile looks up. My tiny eyes were moist.

"Ataxi will go and tell you"

"Right, please. Go now and come."

"Yes! Just say it! - Excuse me."

Etoile stood up, picked the hem of the dress and bowed.

And when I left the room early, I took my escort away.

I roar in arms.

"The king's capital is in a herd of demons..."

"It's horrible."

"I guess you shouldn't tell Mea."

"Ah... right. You'll be worried."

I exhale all the time.

"It's going to be kind of tough"

"... good job, Kaika"

Celica has been quiet about herself.

That just made me feel a little easier. And I also want to make it easier.

"Let's get some sleep today. Tomorrow must be early."

"Yes, it's crazy."

Celica leans in to push her big breasts.

I didn't leave when I went back to my bedroom.

Sleep in bed with nature.

Her neat face comes in front of me. He was smiling embarrassingly.

"I don't know... it's been a while since I've done this"

"Is this what you're gonna do?

I slipped my hand inside her gown. Embrace white, soft skin. Moves like a big chest flowing.

"Heh... heh, kaika. Well..."

Drop loose neck with shaped eyebrows.

"It's okay, I just want to feel more beside you - it calms my heart"

My heart is at ease just because Celica is here for me. Starting tomorrow, I think I'll try harder.

Celica smiles shyly, but turns her thin arm and hugs her.

He tells me to whisper in my ear.

"Thank you, Kaika... we made up"

He shared his memories with Pompous and Etoile.

When I first visited the Kingdom of Daphnes, I was seven years old.

They played dolls friendly. I held hands and toured everywhere.

I spoke with such pleasure of the memories.

- I'm glad you made Celica smile.

I didn't think so, I was holding him tight.


Surprised, she fainted and relaxed in her arms, too embarrassed.

Think as you look at your pretty sleeping face with a little regret.

- We need to take more measures than the Demon King knows we exist.

But as you pretend to be a brave man, gather your followers to defeat the Demon King and become the god of this world!

To help cute celicas and those who believe in me!

- Then, when I was about to sleep, Megna snuck into bed, but fell asleep.

Chapter II/End



Name: Fluorescent River Bicumin

Gender: Male


Race: 8 million gods

Occupation: God

Class: Brave Kenhao Divine Mage

Attributes: [Pure Wind] [Fresh Flow] [Light]


Muscle Strength: 143,750 (+70,000 + 11,700 + 10,000 + 2050)

Agility: 130,000 650 (+40,000 +8600 +10,000 +2050)

Magic Power: 247,750 (+140,000 + 5700 + 10,000 + 2050)

Knowledge: 97850 (+60,000 +5800 +10,000 +2050)

Number of believers: 127 (La 1 + se 1 + na 10 + place 10 + pu 105)

Vitality: 1,372,000.

Mental Strength: 17,280,000

Attack: 287,500

Defense: 161,300

Magic Attack: 495,000

Magic Defense: 195,700

[Skills] (omit Kaika's magic and moves)

Heal (Cure): Heals allies.

Illusion (Brad): Blurs your body to make it harder to hit the attack.

Thunderflame Break (Thunderflame): Mixed magic of thunder and fire. Small range.

Demon Consumer (Silent): Seal the magic.

[Brave Skills]

Disabled Flash Magnuswave: Fly light fluctuations to counteract effects. When used against enemies, it counteracts the ability increase effect. When used on allies, this toon has a reduced ability effect.

[Passive skills]

Fairy Protection: Immediate Death Invalid Condition Abnormal Invalid Luck + 30% Fairy Realm Travel Permit


Note: The divine personality is 1000 per person, and the other attribute virgin and ordinary believer figures add up. Meigna is other attribute virgin.

The figures of divinity may change after looking at the later balance.

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