Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–

14 Episode 12: The Truth About The Tower Of Trials! (1St And 2Nd Layers)

Our party proceeded to the first level of the Tower of Trials.

My father crouching at the head.

"There's a trap here.... This is a falling system trick from the ceiling."

My father takes the tools out of his bag of hips.

I say on that back.

"Strong acid seems to come down when you step on its right side and in the middle of the back, and then on the left-wall bedrock"

"... don't find me sooner than I am in office. You're going to lose confidence."

With that said, my father smiles and goes to disarm.

Celica filled her blue eyes with surprises and said:

"Wow, Kaika. I can't believe you even figured it out."

My father says as he removes the bedrock.

"I can be a good bandit. Why? Do you want to train?

"I'm gonna stop."

I answered with a bitter smile.

It went on after that. While steadily untying the trap.

After a while I bent down the aisle and went out into a slightly larger room. There's just one wooden box. There's nothing left.

There's just a blue human bone rolling on the ground.

I stare. The status came to mind.



Name: Recovery Bone

Properties: [Land] [Water]

Attack: 1200

Defense: 500

Vitality: 700

Mental Strength: 0


Slash: A blow to the horizontal.

Double Sting: Binary Strike.

RAISTING: Defense value ignored thrust attack.

Recovery: Autoplay after twelve hours even if destroyed.


"You're an enemy. Recovery Bourne."

"What!? Such a powerful enemy!?

Out in front of my amazing father.

The bones that were scattered with rattling noises come together.

One blue skeleton swordsman rises. He has a pointed double-edged sword with a tip in his hand.

Celica lowers her shapely brow and makes a worrying voice.


"I'm fine. You can watch Celica."

When I put the backpack I was carrying down on the floor, I pulled out the machete with my right hand and set it up unwrought.

The hem of Japanese clothing flows, and karan and waste ring.

He came running over with his xixixi and bones stirred.

The sword moves sideways - like a clatter -.


I take a big step and swing my machete across the side as my enemies move -!


and made it sound like I hit a rock, slashing the wrist off the skeleton.

A ragged noise and bones and swords rolled down the floor.

Shake the machete down on the defenseless skeleton.


Stronger than the defense value is conveyed to the hand.

The skeleton split straight from the skull to the spine to the lumbar bone.

Then it turned blue sand and instantly collapsed.

Put away the machete and look back.

"You're weak. Let's go next."

Celica and her father had their eyes round.

"Hmm? What's up?

"Oh, you! That's so awesome!

"Yes, Kaika! How dare you cut off the blue skeleton under one knife!

"Really? You weren't that strong."

I still have a broadcast, so I was going to fight like a human being.

"It's amazing. I've never seen a swordsman kill a blue skeleton before."

"Me too. Kaika always surprises me."

I put my head on it.

"Well, I was lucky. Next."

"Right. Let's go."

When Celica wears her hand disturbed blonde hair, she pushes the big man and walks out.

- and.

My father approached the wooden box.

Unexpectedly stare.

[Item Box].

"Is that like a chest?"

"That's right. I've got a lead on going upstairs."

"I see."

Inside the crate were paper with symbols, keys and stones.

[Equation of truth] Undo method 1.

[Key Parts] Parts of the triangle cone. I need three things to get to the truth.

[Dummy Key] When used for hierarchical doors, the door explodes. The user dies.

Die, dude.

Hey, isn't this maze number three itself, originally a lot of instant death traps?

To get paid to kill legally.

I kind of felt that way.

I said.

"Apparently the keys are fake. They need that paper and stone."

"Can you tell just by looking, Kaika!?

"Is that true!?

Celica and her father were surprised.

"Well, somehow."

"Wow... that's what makes you a brave man"

Celica's voice seeped a smudging emotion.

I said I'd take the bag back.

Let's move on.


"Yes, Kaika."

He crossed several traps, defeated his enemies and proceeded through labyrinthine passages.

Sometimes, items were collected in the room.

That's all I collected.

[Equation of Truth] 1.2.4

[Key Parts] Triangular cone, cylinder, cone

[Dummy Key] Explosion, Ice Pickling, Thermal Oil

Again, it seems to be a labyrinth to ensure the killer of the challenger. All dummy key effects were user instant death.

I fought with the monster several times, but I knocked him down lightly.

Let the two of you say, they have very strong enemies for the Tower of Trials.

Walking down the aisle, my father says Boso.

"There are twice as many traps, the enemy is strong, and this is just... is that it"

"You know something?

"Kaika is unlucky, too. This could be a dungeon to entertain the dead."

"Oh, I see. Is that why?"

I nodded.

Celica whispers a thin brow and asks in a much blushed voice.

"What would it be to build a passage like that...?

"Bye. It's a service or performance for the audience."

"What do you mean?

Celica rocked her blonde hair and tilted her little neck. It seemed like a strangely cute trick, out of place for a bright labyrinth.

I'll take over the words.

"The customers who are watching want one party or so to fail without fail. It's one entertainment for the challengers to become a blood festival."

"Oh, that's terrible! All challengers are desperate to defeat the Demon King."

"I know how Celica feels, but that's what it is."

I stroked her head angry and comforted her. She bit her red lips with regret and trembled.

Then, taking the two strands of road to the left, he went out into the hall with the high ceiling.

There are many round stone columns lined up.

Behind the room is an altar.

Beyond the altar, there was a large double-open door.

"Enemies don't look good."

"You want to check it out?

"No, it's dangerous to go in. Let's take a break at this entrance."

I don't know just looking at it, but God's eyes don't deceive me.

There were countless small holes in the walls, floors and stone columns.

"Now let's take a break."

Celica lowered her hips, took out a lowered water bottle to her hips and put her mouth on. The thin throat goes up and down.

"How many hours have we been in now?

When I ask, my father says looking at something like a compass.

"Two hours."

"That took quite a while. Eight more hours..."

I stared at the altar and the door with the Eye of Truth.

The altar was made of white marble, with holes in triangles, circles and squares above.

There was also a shudder to light the candle.

[Altar] Where to place key parts to go to the next hierarchy.

Put down a different key part and you will go to needle hell.

This is another instant death system.

See both open doors in the back. Some of them were lattice-shaped and I could see a staircase leading up behind the door.

[Pseudo-Hierarchical Door] A door to ensure the killing of challengers thinking about proceeding to the upper floors.

I accidentally laughed with my nose.

"How fucking gay is that?"

"Huh? Did you say something, Kaika? more water please."

Celica said as she offered the water bottle.

I sigh.

"Death when you try to head up, death when you plug in the key. Trying to get to the next tier, huh?


Leaving the celica I offered the water bottle intact, I held my mouth and thought.

- Why, the false hierarchical doors and altar descriptions are different?

Trying to get up there, death for sure?

Can we go to the next hierarchy?

I took a lot of breath and looked up.

"That means the next hierarchy isn't up there!

I glanced at the back of the room with a kick and sharp eye.

- The ascending stairs you see across the door are a trap in themselves!

It's normal to think about going up the tower because the rooftop is the goal.

Especially if you saw the ascent stairs behind the heavy doors, you must be trying to open them somehow.

I laugh out of the blue.

"Haha. The designer of this maze, he has a bad character to die for. It's like..."

Fool, back to the face.

I realized for sure the real reason for killing the challenger.

It's not a service for the audience.

Not even to get paid to assassinate him.

To absolutely kill a good brave candidate who could defeat the Demon King while he is weak...

- Is the designer the Demon King? - Huh!

I distorted the edge of my mouth and smiled miserably.

"Enough. If you go ahead and solve it properly, you'll just see the idiot - lend it to me!

Take away Celica's water bottle with a little hand.

"Yes? Kaika...?

My sudden, she trembled frightened.

- Sorry, Celica. This frustration is unlikely to subside for a while.

I wouldn't hesitate if they were demon kings.

"Pack your bags! Let's go!"


"Yes, Kaika."

Celica and her father rush to pack their bags.

I saw it on the edge of my eyes, and I pulled out a machete.

Sprinkle the water from the water bottle all over you!

Waving blade print glows blue!

"Follow the name of the Fluorescent River compared to ancient life, cross the valley and breeze more than in the Divine Age, gather in a bunch to form a fierce wind -" Blast Storm Blade Slash "!


A giant wind blade is released from the shaken down machete!

Go to the altar in a straight line as you sharpen the bedrock.

True two Zugan and white marble altars!

Countless more wind blades storm and blow around the altar!

Shh! Shh!

and countless needles are released from walls and floors. Thin light like silver thread fills the room.

But the storm roars up and knocks all the needles off to the ground.

- And.

The storm will subside.

The floor was filled with sparkling silver needles.

The altar was shattered and the staircase descending beneath it was open.

Gaze with the truth eye.

[True Staircase] Staircase leading to the next tier.

"Still down there..."

I shrugged and delivered my machete.

Celica was opening her blue eyes.

"Shh, wow, Kaika... I can't believe there's a staircase there..."

"You can do anything like Kaika..."

Well, that's because it's God.

When I carry my baggage, I take a step between the altars.

"Let's go."

Celica, her father, and the big man rush to follow behind.

I peered in as I came to the big staircase with my puckered mouth open.

Dim underground. I feel signs that something is awkward on purpose.

The dry wind blew up and rocked my hair.

"Be careful, man."


Celica put her hand on her big chest and nodded with serious eyes. Blonde shakes vigorously.

Oh, I'll take care of it.

My father answered filling his square face with an invincible grin.

While my heart was healed by the mixed voices of trust and respect between them, I took the lead and went down the stairs.

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