Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 294: The trial-4

" Then I am going to ask you my second question now... "

The prophet said and then continued:

" You probably have already heard that the third prince was murdered, he was found dead in his own room and there was a big hole in his chest, also he was only seen alive in your sect after going back from here no one saw him and then one day he was suddenly dead. "

The prophet tried to apply pressure on her, after hearing this a loud commotion broke out among the crowd as they discussed among themselves, no one could believe that one of the prince was murdered, and by the looks of it, everyone was suspecting Wang Jia.

" So, the third prince is really dead? Damn, I was doubtful earlier, if even such a person isn't safe in the Kingdom then how could we live without worrying for our lives. "

One man said, a fearful expression on his face.

" But who could do such a thing, although Wang Jia has the strength to do this, I don't think she will do anything like this, there is no way a beauty like her could do it. "

Another person added, defending the Goddess of everyone's heart.

Wang Jia narrowed her eyes at the prophet and spoke:

" Speak clearly what you want to ask, don't play word games. "

" Fine, then tell me do you have anything to do with the death of the third prince, directly or indirectly? " The prophet asked, a serious expression on his old face.

" No, I have nothing to do with the third prince's death, this news is as shocking to me as it is to others, after he left the sect I haven't seen him, neither have I asked anyone to kill him. "

Jia said and as proof, the sphere emitted a bright blue light.

" See, I told you she could never do such a thing. " Someone in the crowd said, as if proud of this fact.

" Yeah, there is no need for such a high position person to kill the prince. He might have been the prince but he was nothing in front of Wang Jia. " Another person added.

" Good, so you really have nothing to do with the death of the prince, that's good to hear I wouldn't want to see you get captured either. " The prophet said, as he looked at her with lust filled eyes.

' Haa, see if I do not pop both of his eyes by the end of today. ' Jayden thought, as he looked at the prophet.

" Then here is my final question, have you killed Chang Ho? If you did, tell us the reason. Do you think you did the right thing? " The Godly Prophet said, as he asked his last question.

Jia shook her head and spoke: " I have never done such a thing, even though I had captured Chang Ho for the crimes he had committed, and after he confessed to them I just sent him back to his home with my person guards, so I don't have any idea who might have killed him. "


Just as she finished speaking, the sphere began to vibrate and emitted a red light, showing that Wang Jia was lying, everyone around them looked in shock.

" W- Wait, how could this be true? She would never have done that, right? " The same person in the crowd muttered.

Everyone had their different views on this, and as they shared them with the others, the prophet looked at Wang Jia with a big grin as if he has finally caught his prey.

While Xie stared at her with plain hatred, if she wasn't so strong he would have rushed forward and struck her to death.

" My my, it seems you are lying, ms matriarch, so what do you have to say about this? " The prophet said, showing all of his teeth to everyone.

" Just as I had said, I have nothing to do with Chang Ho's death, after finding out about all the heinous crimes he has committed I was going to bring this matter to that pig- to that King, to get him punished, but later did I found that he was killed, though he deserves every bit of it, still he should have faced the proper judgment before his death. "


And again, the sphere vibrated and a red light was emitted from it, now everyone looked at her strangely they wondered why she was speaking everything so confidently despite being found out immediately.

The more Xie listened the angrier he became, even the prophet was looking annoyed:

" What are you saying, everyone can tell now that you are lying, so tell us what's your excuse for killing one of your own disciples? No matter what crime he committed, you have no right to kill a disciple. "

As he spoke, several people agree with him in the crowd, and Rong Fu observed everything with delight, now it is just a matter of time before she was dragged out of the sect and become a slave to the king and also Wang Jin will be killed after this, then Xiao Rong would have to follow him whether she wants to or not.


Just as Jia opened her mouth to speak something, she felt a hand tapping on her shoulder turning around she saw Jayden looking at her with a smile, and then he spoke:

" You did great mom, now it's my turn, just observe it I'll put on a good show for you. "

Wang Jia looked back at him for a few seconds then showing a beautiful smile on her lips she nodded and stood up.

" Be careful Jin, let me know if you have any difficulty, I'm right here with you." She said encouragingly.

Then she stood up and stood behind the chair as if she had become a protector of Jayden, ready to kill anyone who dares to try to do anything to him.

Jayden just smiled at her and then he sat on the seat, and looked at the prophet who was watching everything in disbelief, then Jayden waited for him to speak.

" I didn't tell you to take the seat, her trial hasn't ended yet, so stand up and only come when you are asked to. Don't you even know that much? " The prophet said in an angry tone.

" Stop the useless chat and start asking, you have already asked everything you wanted from Mom, now it is my turn so shoot your questions, there is no use asking the same questions again and again when she has already refused it, I'm going to show everyone whether or not we are innocent. " Jayden said in a non chalant tone.

" How dare you, good good, I have seen countless fools like you, just wait I'm going to make you regret saying that. " The prophet said, a wide smirk appeared on his face.

" Then tell me do you know anything about the energy crystal? Did you steal it? Or do you know who had stolen it? "

The prophet knew Jayden wouldn't have stolen it, but he just asked this question since the king had asked him to do so, purely for obligations.


Thanks for reading and have a great day adios 😴

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