Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 283: A twisted reality-3

Jayden was panting as he walked with wobbly legs, his body was shaking violently, even though the body was moving on its own, he could still feel everything.

It has only been a few minutes since he had walked out of the village and then all of a sudden he couldn't hear the screams from the village anymore and Jayden knew what it meant, his body moved a little faster, using the stick as support.

After some more minutes, Jayden saw something that made him confused and shocked at the same time.

In front of him stood the same stone tree that he had seen during his test of breaking through to the Spirit Creation realm, but at that time the tree had shrunk and turned into the small golden seed which Jayden used to complete the test, but right now that same stone like tree was present in front of him, but there were no fruits on its branches.

Also Jayden finally recognised the forest, and it was making a little sense as to why he was feeling that it looked so familiar but now he became even more confused, the village he had gone to while he was in his KIR monster form wasn't the same village he had just run away from moments ago.

Jayden was confused, the more he tried to make sense of things the more tangled everything became, as he observed the stone tree and the surrounding forest, his body kept moving forward then he got closer to the stone tree and fell near it.

He dragged his body up a little and rested his back against the stone tree, he couldn't move any further, because of the wounds on his feet, he had already lost so much blood, several spikes had pierced his feet but he didn't feel much pain at that time because of the fear and adrenaline rush.


He panted heavily, and his eye lids felt very heavy, only the pain in his lungs and leg was keeping him awake now, Jayden's mind raced with possibilities while his body rested under the stone tree.

Suddenly finding himself in such a strange place, then seeing a cannibalistic man who ate his own wife and slaughtered the entire village, Jayden being in the body of someone, he couldn't understand anything and to add more confusion to all the mysteries the stone tree appeared in front of him.


Just then he heard the sound of something heavy hitting the ground, and Jayden knew that it must be that Caleb guy, but his body was just too tired to move even a little.

He could not do anything and just stared into the darkness waiting for the gruesome monster to appear in front of him.

And soon, Jayden could barely make the silhouette of a figure in the distance, it was approaching at an incredible speed even though he was walking on two feet, but his movements seemed like that of a beast.


The sound of growling filled the silent forest, as even the insects became silent under the intense killing intent.

Jayden could see that this killing intent was many times stronger than his own.


Jayden's body coughed violently and then threw out a mouthful of blood, since the pressure from the killing intent had made his body's condition even worse.

Then finally, Jayden saw the 9 feet long monster, Caleb's height had increased even further, he had lost all of his resemblance to a human and looked like a devil, his entire body covered in blood and flesh of humans.

His face now looked even more horrifying, as now one side of his face was completely exposing his bones, his skin and flesh were still hanging off his face, and his left arm looked the same, there were several places where the flesh was missing, maybe because he bit off a chunk of his own meat.

Caleb's speed decreased as he got closer to Jayden, and his steps finally halted when he stood in front of him.

Jayden turned his head up with difficulty and looked at him, one of his eyes was missing but Jayden could barely see different kinds of emotions in the eye that was still intact.

It seemed as if the real Caleb's emotions had taken control of the body for some time.

" B- Brother haa haa, W- why did you do a- all this has haa cough cough W- Why? Y- You even k- killed Tessa, t- the wife you l- loved haa haa so much, just w- why? cough cough Y- You killed e- everyone ughhhh haa haa everyone in the village, why d- did you change cough cough so much? "

Jayden spoke, he had no control over his body, but as he observed he saw the guilt and pain in Caleb's eyes intensifying, and Jayden knew that his thoughts were correct about Caleb taking control of the body momentarily.

In a hoarse voice, a sound that was enough to scare anyone, Caleb spoke:

" H- He turned me into this, he made me a monster, I don't deserve a- anyone's Grrrrrrr forgiveness, p- please go away before I ughhhh lost my c- control, I killed her?!! I killed her?!! I kille- ughhhhhh Grrrrrrrrrr "

he seemed to be losing control, but no matter how much Jayden tried to move, his body seemed to refuse.

Within seconds, Caleb's eyes turned completely white and he lost all the humane emotions, he growled like a wild beast and looked at Jayden.

" B- Brother, what HUFF HUFF h- happened to you? Haven't y- you HUFF HUFF gone to m- meet Bae- ughhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaah "

Just as Jayden began speaking, Caleb pounced towards him, and then pulled both his arms, until they were both torn away from his shoulders, Jayden could feel the pain but could only look as the beast in front of him ate the meat in his arms.

Jayden screams kept getting weaker as he was losing consciousness, after a few seconds, Caleb threw both the arms away and picked up Jayden's body before pinning him onto the tree using one thick tree branch.


Jayden coughed out blood, and as his vision began to turn dark the thick branch had penetrated his chest, before his suffering had ended, Caleb tore open his belly and pulled his organs out as he devoured them maniacally.


" Aaaaaaah " Jayden woke up with a startle, his entire body was drenched in sweat and on his arm Wang Jia's head was resting.

Hearing his voice, she opened her eyes and looked at him with concern, before asking:

" Jin, what's wrong? "

She touched his face and hugged him tightly as she tried to comfort him, when he woke up Jayden had unconsciously released a bit of his killing intent but for just an instant, even so, Wang Jia was able to sense it and she knew it was absolutely impossible for someone weak to possess such strong killing intent.

However, it didn't come to her as a surprise, since Jia had already guessed that Jayden is around as strong as her if not more.


Thanks for reading and have a great day, adios 😴

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