Endless Horde: Through the Eyes of a Godking

Chapter 193: Service Conclusion


"...thank you. No, seriously. Thank you. You have no idea how much trouble you saved us from." Silverwing patted Cedric's back as they exited the private area where Banestar and Hermit were resting.

Since the two old men were cured, they only needed a few hours of rest and sleep before they could return to their duties.

"You're welcome. I just did what I could. In truth, I only assisted with the process. If they didn't manage to hold on, even I wouldn't be able to do anything." Cedric replied.

And that's the truth. The reason behind this success was still due to those old men being stubborn and having strong willpower. All Cedric did was to weaken the curse a bit, they did the rest.

"Don't underestimate yourself. You've seen their state before you arrived. Your presence and abilities were of immense help. Our 101st Battalion will never forget this. I'm sure Lord Commander Banestar wouldn't be stingy. As I said, we have plenty of resources.

Is there anything you have in mind though?"

"...I'll leave that up for you to decide. I'll be fine with anything, really." Cedric scratched his cheek, feeling a bit hesitant about being rewarded.

Truthfully, he wasn't expecting anything. The experience he gathered from participating in this mission was more than enough. Through the challenges he faced here, he was able to elevate his comprehension to a point where he could now study Concept Laws.

He reached the Sword Heart Realm at the young age of 21, making him the youngest Sword Master of this era. Additionally, he also received insights about Fire Laws and could now comprehend the Aspect of the Sun.

More importantly, he became the true owner of these eyes.

These were more than enough for Cedric. He couldn't ask for more. These will keep him busy for a really good time.

"Ah, that reminds me. I have a question to ask." Cedric was suddenly reminded of something.

"What is it?"

"May I know what that brown cloud with purple lightning was? Or is that classified?" He asked.

Silverwing's expression turned solemn for a bit. He then said: "Normally, it would be classified. But you're a special case so..."

"That's the follow-up attack of Demon King Sloth." Silverwing continued. "We call it the Cloud of Stagnation. It causes everything to slow down to a halt. And by everything, I meant everything...time, space, thoughts...the longer one is exposed to it, the more it affects them."

"It was sent for Lord Commander Banestar and Ex-Commander Hermit. Most likely to finish the job. However, we stopped it just outside of the walls."


"I know." Silverwing cut him off, "The cloud could cause everything to stagnate, yes. But don't underestimate our walls. It might not look impressive at first glance and not as tall as one would expect but it is made of quality materials."

"Each brick used to build those walls is soaked in a solution of concentrated Concept Laws. It was made to withstand extreme harassment and punishment from all types of sources. The Great Wall has more secrets too but you're not qualified just yet to learn about those."

Cedric could tell that much, and from a certain standpoint, he should've known. After all, his vision was unparalleled now. Still, looks can certainly be deceiving sometimes and he supposes that it also applies to that wall.

...or maybe that's the point all along? That wouldn't be far-fetched either.

Either way, Cedric was unqualified to know just yet so he stopped asking. Silverwing returned him to Erica and Chrissy before leaving himself. The girls fussed about him but seeing that he was fine, they relaxed shortly after.

Cedric continued taking it easy after returning. These past few days had been hectic and a little bit of relaxing would help.


Later that day, everybody was gathered at the entrance of the Eastern Military Camp, the very same spot where their bus landed on the first day of their arrival.

Orion, whose presence had been extremely minimal during these two weeks, stood in front of them flanked by the Knight Captains of the 101st Battalion. He stepped forward with a smile and said:

"The past two weeks had been a rollercoaster for you all. You arrived here like abandoned and terrified chicks, shivering like a leaf whenever you feel a cold breeze."

"Your eyes were forcefully pried open to the real image of the world. You've been beaten and battered to obedience and were reminded of your real place in front of the real world."

"Regrettably, from 200 students, half of you fell in the process. The army and the academy will compensate the families of the bereaved family. Know that this loss pains us just as much it pains them."

"For those of you who remained, you are no longer the same person as you were before your arrival here. These changes might vary depending on how you handled the events that transpired here but if there's a change that applies to all of that remained, it'd be the fact that you're stronger."

"...way stronger than the you two weeks ago." Orion continued. "This much is obvious. You've bravely faced horrors that not many people would even dare to look in the eye and you survived. For that simple fact alone, you can be proud."

It truly felt simple. Compared to the sheer amount of horrors they were forced to face, simply getting stronger in exchange felt unfair. But that's just how the world works, isn't it?

They have learned a painful lesson and they survived. They lived to tell the tale. Living is the ultimate reward they could get from all of this. It is simply unfair but to these students turned cadets? They couldn't possibly think of a better reward for all their effort.

A Knight Captain stepped forward and said: "You're suffering isn't for naught and we of the Eastern Army Camp, and most importantly of the 101st Battalion, aren't stingy."

"All of you will receive the formal rank of Army Cadets. This rank will give you multiple privileges back at the civilization. You will receive a small handbook containing all the information you need to know to enjoy these benefits."

The cadets were stunned upon hearing this news, though their discipline kept them mum. Inwardly though, the majority of them wondered just how much privilege they were talking about here.

#5 - Ulfric Hawkeye, was astonished upon receiving the news. The Army Cadet rank is equivalent to a Level 4 System Authority, almost as high as his father's! This isn't just limited to social status and potential wealth, this title can also bring prosperity to their descendants!

"And for the one person who stood at the very forefront of the storm, facing the numerous responsibilities and coming through with sheer grit and willpower...Cedric Stormrider, step forward." Silverwing announced.

Cedric was stunned, he blinked and stepped forward to receive whatever it was they had in mind.

"To you, who braved the fiercest storm that no ordinary cadets would've survived, we bestow you the title of a 1st Class Army Officer."

Students who came from a military background were stunned to their core after hearing the honors Cedric received.

"Regardless of whether you take office or not, you shall enjoy all the privilege this title comes with. And whatever you do, remember that the doors of the Eastern Army Camp will always be open to you." Silverwing pinned the badge to Cedric's uniform and patted his shoulders with a smile.

Cedric felt warm inside, he then stepped backward and shouted: "Cadets, Attention!"


It's still surprising how they instinctually follow his orders before they can even think. Male, Female, or something in between. Under Cedric's authority, everybody's the same.

"Salute to the Battalion!" Cedric roared.

"HOO! HOO! HOO!" The cadets cheered loudly, shaking the entrance to the camp.

The Knight Captains watched this with a smile and thought; 'Yeah, these kids will be fine.'

"Thank you for having us." Cedric bowed.

"THANK YOU FOR HAVING US!!!" His batchmates followed suit.

"You're welcome, Cadets. And at ease." Silverwing smiled and patted Cedric's shoulders again. "I, Knight Captain Silverwing of the 101st Battalion, declare that your two-week military service concludes here. Good work, Cadets."

"Back to the civilization you go, do well in your studies and never be complacent."


The cadets finally relaxed and dropped their disciplined act. Now, they are just children (adults really but meh, semantics) who are just happy that their suffering is finally over.

Cedric who's watching this just smiled slightly. He took a deep breath and admitted to himself that he did indeed miss home.

He panned his attention elsewhere and saw that the Academy's flying bus finally arrived. It's only been two weeks but he felt like it has been forever since he last saw that thing.

The Knight Captains already left to return to their duties so Orion was the only one left to handle all of them.

"Alright, Students! The bus is here! Gather up and get in!" Orion announced, causing the freshmen to buzz in excitement.

"Let's go home."

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