End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 136: The Iron Lair

At the outskirts of Moonlight City's industrial district, four individuals were concealed behind the ruins of a collapsed wall, keenly observing the activity within the district.

These four were none other than Jeremy, Bonnie, Emma, and Claire.

After meticulous preparation, the four set out at dawn, heading directly to the outskirts of Moonlight City's industrial district. The most perilous new instance in Moonlight City had emerged right within this very industrial zone.

At that moment, Jeremy could discern several indistinct shadows moving back and forth among the abandoned factories at the district's edge.

In the past, Jeremy could have used his skills to identify the nature of these nebulous figures. However, with his abilities now sealed, he had to rely on his experience to gauge the threat level of these shadows.

"We are merely at the periphery of the instance now. According to the intelligence I have gathered, other Awakened Ones have dubbed this instance 'The Iron Lair.' The entrance to the instance should be located within the steel mill at the very heart of the industrial district." Jeremy explained.

As Benjamin's daughter, Bonnie naturally had access to more detailed information.

Moreover, Bonnie harbored hopes that this mission would proceed seamlessly.

To that end, she divulged every piece of information she had before they ventured into the industrial district.

Jeremy nodded in agreement, acknowledging the validity of her insights.

"Based on my assessment, the shadows we can see pose a relatively low threat level. I'll handle them first. Once I've secured the area, you can follow." Jeremy instructed.

With that, Jeremy leaped over the collapsed wall, sprinting at full speed toward the nearby abandoned factories.

The shadows lurking within the factories sensed Jeremy's presence and began converging in his direction.

In that moment, Jeremy finally gleaned information about these shadows, courtesy of the Eye of Omniscience.

Name: [Shadow of Machinery]

Level: [36]

Rank: [Silver]

[Tip: Eliminating more than three Shadows of Machinery simultaneously grants bonus experience points.]

"Perfect, these Shadows of Machinery are already gathering together, saving me the trouble of rounding them up."

Jeremy thought, noting how the characteristics of the Shadows aligned perfectly with the Eye of Omniscience's hint.

Jeremy stood his ground, patiently waiting for a sufficient number of Shadows of Machinery to converge around him.

When the gathered Shadows of Machinery exceeded six in number, Jeremy launched his attack without a moment's hesitation.

Despite his abilities being sealed and the majority of his equipment lost during previous battles in the instance.

He was confident that his superior level would suffice to annihilate these Shadows of Machinery.

With nothing but his bare hands, Jeremy dispatched all six Shadows of Machinery simultaneously. Immediately afterward, he heard an additional notification.

[Shadow of Machinery eliminated, experience points gained: 14,106]

[Shadow of Machinery eliminated, experience points gained: 14,105]

[Shadow of Machinery eliminated, experience points gained: 14,103]


[Eliminated more than three Shadows of Machinery, bonus experience points gained: 113,463]

Remarkably, the bonus experience points Jeremy earned surpassed the total experience points from the six Shadows of Machinery combined.

This significant influx of experience points propelled Jeremy to nearly one-third of the way to level 41. If he could navigate through the Iron Lair instance smoothly, he might even reach level 42.

After eliminating all the Shadows of Machinery in the abandoned factory, Jeremy scanned his surroundings once more. Only after confirming there were no remaining threats did he wave towards the other three.

"Jeremy must have taken out all the enemies. Let's head over there quickly and not waste any more time." Bonnie declared as she leaped from behind the half-collapsed wall. Emma and Claire promptly followed suit, trailing closely behind her.

Once the trio regrouped with Jeremy, they continued to advance through the abandoned factory towards the industrial district.

As they approached the heart of the industrial district, the environment around them began to undergo a gradual and noticeable transformation.

The abandoned factories on the periphery of the industrial district, though somewhat dilapidated, were relatively unremarkable. However, the closer they ventured towards the core of the industrial district, the stranger the structures of the factories became.

In the heart of the industrial district, the derelict machinery seemed to come to life at certain moments, as if animated by an unseen force. These pieces of equipment had fused seamlessly with the architecture of the factories, creating an eerie and unsettling atmosphere.

Both the mechanical equipment and the factory structures appeared to have taken on a life of their own. Moreover, amidst the iron staircases of the factories, they could discern vein-like formations.

"What on earth is this? Why do I have the unsettling sensation that something is flowing beneath these dark crimson floors?" Claire wondered aloud.

Claire, a psychologist by profession and someone who had awakened a remarkable psychic ability, was particularly sensitive to the nuances of her surroundings.

Although she saw no living beings, Claire couldn't shake the feeling that something sentient was present around them.

Claire's question cast a shadow of concern over the faces of the other three.

Bonnie furrowed her brow, fully aware that Claire's perceptions were rarely, if ever, mistaken. In the industrial district, it was an unsettling but accepted fact that certain pieces of equipment had indeed come to life.

Although the reasons behind this bizarre phenomenon remained a mystery, there was a significant likelihood that these animated machines could pose a threat to their safety.

"Let's not concern ourselves with this for now. We need to keep moving forward. Our primary objective is to reach the entrance of the instance as quickly as possible." Bonnie urged, her voice tinged with urgency.

Bonnie instructed, though she hadn't yet shared her intel. Jeremy interjected before she could continue, urging Claire to disregard the unsettling surroundings.

Given Jeremy's insistence, Claire chose not to press the issue further.

Despite the lingering worry etched on her face. She quickened her pace, falling in step with the group.

Standing beside Claire, Emma had remained silent, yet she too experienced sensations remarkably similar to Claire's.

Her awakened ability was intrinsically linked to life itself, granting her the acute awareness that their surroundings were populated by hybrids of machinery and organic life forms.

While Emma felt an urge to alert Jeremy, the expression on his face ultimately convinced her to hold her tongue.

The group weaved through the labyrinth of abandoned factories. After about half an hour, they arrived at a magnificent steel mill.

The steel mill was expansive, with a towering chimney at its center continuously belching black smoke.

"This is the entrance to The Iron Lair instance." Bonnie announced. "Before we enter the steel mill, we need to make all necessary preparations."

At this point, Bonnie retrieved four protective masks from her backpack.

"According to my intel, the steel mill contains toxic gases that can poison humans. To prevent immediate poisoning upon entry, you must wear these masks." She instructed, donning one herself. Without hesitation, Jeremy followed suit, securing a mask over his face.

Emma and Claire, seeing the others, promptly put on their masks as well.

Once adequately protected, the four of them stepped into the steel mill.

The moment the steel mill's massive gates swung open, a dense cloud of black smoke surged forward, enveloping the four individuals in its acrid embrace.

Despite wearing protective masks, they could distinctly perceive the metallic tang of rust and the pungent odor of charred coal permeating the air.

"Is the steel mill still operational?" Emma asked, her voice tinged with surprise.

To her, the notion seemed inconceivable. Even if the entrance to The Iron Lair instance posed dangers, the idea of it still actively functioning was startling. Could the monsters spawned by the apocalypse game actually be manipulating the mill's machinery?

No one answered Emma's question. Claire had no insights to offer, and Jeremy and Bonnie considered the query unworthy of a response.

"How are you all holding up? Can you handle this environment? If so, let's proceed further into the steel mill."

Jeremy communicated with the group.

Receiving affirmative responses, Jeremy led the way into the steel mill.

The entire facility was shrouded in dense black smoke, but once inside, their visibility remained surprisingly unaffected.

It seemed the smoke did not obstruct light.

The four noticed that the interior of the steel mill was meticulously organized. At the far end of their field of vision, they could see molten steel emitting a reddish-yellow glow.

Being continuously forged into metal through molds.

"The steel mill is indeed still operational, and it's likely producing the very enemies we've encountered around the industrial district."

Jeremy mused aloud, recalling the adversaries they had faced. Aside from a few mechanical anomalies, most of their foes were metallic constructs.

Despite their vast numbers, these metal enemies were individually weak and appeared to lack any form of intelligence.

As Jeremy and the others observed the relentless operation of the smelting furnaces, a grating sound of mechanical friction emanated from the depths of the steel mill.

[Note: Defeating the Furnace King before entering the instance will yield greater instance rewards.]

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